Daily Spurgeon
DEVOTION for October 5th *A.D. 2024
Written and calendared by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
BC/AD versus BCE/CE Tap here to see why it matters.
*A.D. does NOT mean “After Death”. It is a Latin abbreviation for Anno Domini, a phrase adopted for use in English meaning “Year of the Lord”. The complete, original phrase is "anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi" means "in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ”. A.D. or B.C. [Before Christ] describes the division of all human history as either before or after the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Devotion for October 5th Written and calendared by Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892
ANECDOTE 65: Christ the Plant of Renown.
-And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.- Micah 5:7
MORNING: "He arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights— I Kings 19:8
EVENING: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." — Mark 16:16
PRAYER 11, Part 6 of 10
Oh! for salvation, work throughout these islands and across the sea and in every part of the world, especially in heathen lands. Bring many to Christ’s feet, we pray Thee everywhere, where men are ready to lay down their lives that they may impart [communicate] the heavenly life of Christ.
Work, Lord, work mightily! Thy Church cries to Thee . Oh, leave us not [don’t leave us] ! We can do nothing without Thee! Our strength is wholly Thine [Yours]! Come to us with great power, and let Thy Word have free course and be glorified.
[I pray this In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ] Amen.
(Complete Prayer: PRAYER 11.doc)
ANECDOTE 65: Christ, the Plant of Renown.
Did you ever hear the legend of a man whose garden produced nothing else but weeds, till at last he met with a strange foreign flower of singular vitality. The story is that he sowed a handful of this seed in his overgrown [full of weeds] garden, and left it to work its own sweet way. He slept and rose, and knew not how the seed was growing till on a day he opened the gate and saw a sight which much astounded him. He knew that the seed would produce a dainty flower and he looked for it; but he had little dreamed that the plant would cover the whole garden. So it was: the flower had exterminated every weed, till as he looked from one end to the other from wall to wall he could see nothing but the fair colors of that rare plant, and smell nothing but its delicious perfume.
Christ is that plant of renown. If he be sown in the soil of your soul, he will gradually eat out the roots of all ill weeds and poisonous plants, till over all your nature there shall be Christ in you.
-And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not [doesn’t delay] for man, nor waiteth [wait] for the sons of men.-
Micah 5:7
Mark 16:16
Y el remanente de Jacob será en medio de muchos pueblos, como el rocío de Jehová, como las lluvias sobre la hierba, las cuales no esperan a hombre, ni aguardan a los hijos de los hombres. Miqueas 5:7
If this be true of the literal Israel, much more is it true of the spiritual Israel, the believing people of God. When saints are what they should be, they are an incalculable blessing to those among whom they are scattered.
They are as the dew; for in a quiet, unobtrusive manner they refresh those around them. Silently but effectually, they minister to the life, growth, and joy of those who dwell with them. Coming fresh from Heaven, glistening like diamonds in the sun, gracious men and women attend to the feeble and insignificant till each blade of grass has its own drop of dew.
Little as individuals, they are, [but] when united, all-sufficient for the purposes of love which the Lord fulfills through them. Dewdrops accomplish the refreshing of broad acres. Lord, make us like the dew! Godly people are as showers which come at God’s bidding without man’s leave and license [permission and authorization].
They work for God whether men desire it or not; they no more ask human permission than the rain does. Lord, make us thus boldly prompt, and free in thy service wherever our lot is cast [wherever we are].
Prayer: Thank You dear Lord that Your chosen ones are like the dew and showers of blessings from you among many people and will not be held back by anyone. Thank You, Lord Jesus for dying in my place to save me. I pray this in your blessed name Lord Jesus, Amen.
The John Mark Publishing Company P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693
e-mail: dailyspurgeon@aol.com
Please send e-mail addresses of anyone you would like to receive DailySpurgeon each day.
… and pray for the saving of souls and strengthening of believers.
The Lord … is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Pray also that believers will rightly divide God’s eternal Word, The Bible, preserved by God, Himself.
Vis. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten [supernaturally fathered] Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but may be having eternal life.
John 3:16 vis. Textus Receptus [Received Text] (overwhelming majority of extant New Testament Greek texts notwithstanding codices Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, often in dispute with each another and with frequent new editions being required due to unsettled differences and the bolstering of certain sectarian traditions).
MORNING October 5
"He arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights.” — I Kings 19:8
—Se levantó, pues, y comió y bebió; y con la fortaleza de aquella comida caminó cuarenta días y cuarenta noches, hasta el monte de Dios, Horeb.— 1 Reyes 19:8
ALL the strength supplied to us by our gracious God is meant for service, not for wantonness [bragging, extravagance] or boasting. When the prophet Elijah found the cake baked on the coals and the cruse [jar] of water placed at his head as he lay under the juniper tree, he was no gentleman to be gratified with dainty fare [fancy food] that he might stretch himself at his ease; far otherwise, he was commissioned to go forty days and forty nights in the strength of it, journeying towards [Mt.] Horeb, the mount of God. When the Master invited the disciples to "Come and dine" with Him, after the feast was concluded He said to Peter, "Feed my sheep," further adding, "Follow me." Even thus it is with us; we eat the bread of heaven that we may expend our strength in the Master's service. We come to the Passover and eat of the paschal lamb [The lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world, Christ Jesus, The lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world] with loins girt [wearing action clothes] and staff in hand, so as to start off at once when we have satisfied our hunger. Some Christians are for living on Christ, but are not so anxious to live for Christ. Earth should be a preparation for heaven; and heaven is the place where saints feast most and work most. They sit down at the table of our Lord, and they serve Him day and night in His temple. They eat of heavenly food and render perfect service. Believer, in the strength you daily gain from Christ, labor for Him. Some of us have yet to learn much concerning the design of our Lord in giving us His grace. We are not to retain the precious grains of truth as the Egyptian mummy held the wheat for ages, without giving it an opportunity to grow: we must sow it and water it. Why does the Lord send down the rain on the thirsty earth and give the genial [life giving] sunshine? Is it not that these may all help the fruits of the earth to yield food for man? Even so the Lord feeds and refreshes our souls that we may after wards use our renewed strength in the promotion of His glory.
EVENING October 5
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved” — Mark 16:16
<El que creyere y fuere bautizado, será salvo; mas el que no creyere, será condenado.>
— Marcos 16:16
Mr. Macdonald asked the inhabitants of the island of St. Kilda how a man
must be saved. An old man replied, "We shall be saved if we repent, and forsake our sins, and turn to God." "Yes," said a middle-aged female, "and with a true heart too." "Ay," rejoined a third, "and with prayer." Added a fourth, "It must be the prayer of the heart." "And we must be diligent too," said a fifth, "in keeping the commandments."
Thus, each having contributed his mite [two cents worth], feeling that a very decent creed had been made up, they all looked and listened for the preacher's approbation [approval], but they had aroused his deepest pity. The carnal mind always maps out for itself a way in which self can work and become great, but the Lord's way is quite the reverse.
Believing and being baptized are no matters of merit to be gloried in—they are so simple that boasting is excluded, and free grace bears the palm. It may be that the reader is unsaved. What is the reason?
Do you think the way of salvation as laid down in the text to be dubious? How can that be when God has pledged His own word for its certainty?
Do you think it too easy? Why, then, do you not attend to it? Its ease leaves those without excuse who neglect it.
To believe is simply to trust, to depend, to rely on Christ Jesus. To be baptized is to submit to the ordinance which our Lord fulfilled at Jordan,
to which the converted ones submitted at Pentecost,
to which the jailer yielded obedience the very night of his conversion.
The outward sign [baptism] saves not [doesn’t save anyone], but it sets forth [depicts] to us our death, burial, and
resurrection with Jesus, and, like the Lord's Supper, is not to be neglected.
Reader, do you believe in Jesus? Then, dear friend, dismiss your fears; you will be saved.
Are you still an unbeliever? Then remember there is but one door, and if you will not enter by it you will perish in your sins.
Whosoever shall call on the name of the lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21
Pray and call on the name of the Lord Jesus, like this. Won’t you?
“Lord Jesus, I’m a sinner. I’m lost and hopeless to save myself. Without you and your blood that was shed for me and Your death on the cross I would spend eternity in Hell’s fire.
Thank you Lord Jesus that You love me and died for me before I was born and that You have always loved me and will never reject or turn your back on me. I know You are the Way, the Truth and the Life and that no one can come to the Father but by You.
Thank you, Father that You have caused for me to see myself as I am; a lost sinner. But, because of Your love and goodness, You have made a way and given me the desire to come to You, to turn away from my sin and to trust in You, Lord Jesus. You took my place on the cross and provided the way for me to be forgiven. Thank You.
Thank You that You prompted a desire in me to believe in You, the only begotten Son of God who died on the cross to be the sacrifice that would atone for my sins.
Thank You, Father for Your love that allowed Jesus to suffer and die in my place. Thank You that You raised Jesus from the dead. He is RISEN and is ALIVE and in Him we are victorious over sin, death and the grave and in Christ Jesus I am free.
You raised Jesus from the dead, gave Him a Glorified body and after he was seen by many witnesses on earth You took Him up to reign with You in heaven.
Thank you, Father, for saving me in the name, of Your only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Romans 6:11
Thank you, Holy Spirit, that you always give witness to and exalt the Lord Jesus Christ.
John 16:8-11
With all my heart, thank you Lord for saving me.
Live Your life in me, Lord Jesus, in Your name I pray, Amen.
Please allow us to share in the joy of your having received the new birth with you and the heavenly angels in Heaven as they rejoices over each redeemed sinner. Luke 15:7
The John Mark Publishing Company, P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693, U.S.A. or e-mail: michaelriley1008@gmail.com
The John Mark Publishing Company, P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693, U.S.A. Write us, won’t you?
Our solemn aim is to trust and obey the Lord Jesus in everything. This relies completely upon God to achieve His purpose for us through His means. We purpose, with God’s empowerment and help, to save the lost, comfort, strengthen and encourage believers, and rightly divide God’s Word to proclaim the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ to every creature.
The Holy Bible is God’s eternal, inerrant, infallible, immutable revealed and divinely preserved Word. It is His supernatural, complete scripture of all revealed truth. He brings guidance through it to us personally and to each local body of Christian believers. With God’s empowerment, we will read, study, meditate-on, trust-in and obey God’s Holy Bible and encourage others to do the same. We hold it to be the supreme authority and the preeminent and divinely established Stare Decisis [Latin: to stand by that which is decided, the legal principle of precedence, literally "to stand by decided matters"] in all things.
Therefore, the purpose of The John Mark Publishing Company is to publish the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature. And, to serve all, in love, especially those in the household of faith. This purpose compels us to follow, and rightly present, God’s Holy Word, the Bible as God’s divinely preserved truth; the foundation of this ministry.
Tabernacle History:
The inspired preaching, teaching, soul winning and writings of Charles Haddon Spurgeon were solely based, empowered and inspired by God’s Holy Word the Bible. His written sermons and devotional content continue to benefit today’s readers with authentic Gospel preaching and sound biblical teaching. His ministry continues to flourish from the original (Spurgeon’s) Metropolitan Tabernacle, a church fellowship began in 1650 with the present building constructed by members of the congregation in 1861 and rebuilt after the second world war..
Spurgeon's written materials are for the edification of the church body as well as a great benefit, blessing and challenge to all readers. Our desire is that the written Word of God will become the Living Word in each and every reader. To this end, a calendar is indexed (top, right) on the Home page of DailySpurgeon.com for daily study, meditation and prayer. An unabridged and strictly maintained fidelity to Spurgeon’s original calendar and unabridged text is carefully guarded.
*Charles Dumah Riley, Sr. (AKA: Daddy, "CD", and Paw Paw) 1897 – 1987
Note: JM witnessed the last few hours of his *Daddy’s life on earth coming to an end and heard him say “Amen” over and over, affirming his own life’s conclusion and giving testimony of God’s goodness to him and his agreement and surrender to his earthly departure to be eternally present with the Lord Jesus.
Amen... Amen… Amen!
Hear Harry Belafonte’s AMEN
My Daddy’s prayer before every meal, always offered in the gravity and reverence in his unique deep Bass voice of prayer:
“Accept our thanks for these and all other blessings, we humbly ask in Thy name, Amen.”
You can cast your cares on the Lord…
1. Call on Him. As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me.. ...Psalm 55:16
2. Trust Him. Commit thy way unto the Lord; and he shall bring it to pass ... Psalm 37:5
3. Come to Him, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I [He] will give you rest.. Matthew 11:28
4. Give Him the burden. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22]
The John Mark Publishing Company P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693
e-mail: michaelriley1008@gmail.com
Please send e-mail addresses of anyone who you would like to receive DailySpurgeon via email daily.
… and pray for souls to be saved and believers to be strengthened.
The Lord … is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Pray also that believers will be taught by the Holy Spirit and will rightly divide God’s Holy Word preserved by God, Himself.
God has preserved His Word in The Masoretic Hebrew of the Old Testament and the GreekTextus Receptus of the New Testament:
In contrast, the Incomplete and unsealed codices of Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are not translated from the over 5,312 Majority Text Greek manuscripts, that became the Textus Receptus [Original Masoretic Hebrew and the Greek Textus Receptus]. Sinaiticus and Vaticanus present variant, ambiguous and erroneous readings rather than that of the well-established and settled texts. They disagree often with one another as well as with the settled majority texts. Thus, an attempt to create a pretext that will continue to justify a never-ending demand for additional editions and interpretations. These unsettled differences and bias in certain sectarian doctrine [dogma] have led to the production of multiple “modern” editions with ambiguities, many variant readings and confusion from the explosion of unending, new editions.
Profit-driven publishers have embraced such an economic windfall to sell a continual flow of “new and better” English edition of The Bible. They give too little attention to the fidelity and accuracy already settled [in heaven] in majority manuscripts of the Masoretic Hebrew and the Greek Textus Receptus.
Psalm 119:89-90
89 Forever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations:
thou hast established the earth, and it abideth. [abides]
God, Himself, providentially protects and preserves His Word. His Word is the God-breathed, self-authenticating, immutable [unchanging and unchangeable], eternal, inerrant, infallible, infinite and all-powerful Word, settled in heaven. He is not the author of confusion.
Our Prayer: Dear Lord, empower your ministry to win many souls, and serve those in need, especially those in the household of faith, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Disclaimer: The John Mark Publishing Company does not solicit praise of Charles H. Spurgeon or his writing or preaching. He didn’t need or want it then and wouldn’t desire it now. Our aim is to lift up and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and to preach Christ Jesus only and him crucified.
Precaution: These Messages and prayers will not substitute for continual fellowship with the Lord Jesus or for gathering in in-person worship. Neither will they replace personal reading, meditation, prayer and fasting over God's divinely preserved and eternal Word imparted by the Holy Spirit.
The Authorized King James Version (AKJV), also known as the Authorized Version (AV), is the authentic English Bible because it is rendered [translated into English] accurately and faithfully from the established majority of the Greek Textus Receptus [received text] manuscripts of the New Testament and the Hebrew Masoretic Text of the Old Testament (The Jewish Tanakh) These manuscripts are providentially protected of God, and always give a greater glory to God when compared to variant readings. The established majority manuscripts avoid doctrinal error, inaccuracies in translation, uninspired editorial notations, variant or ambiguous readings taken from Codices Vaticanus, or Sinaiticus.
The Authorized King James version is unique also in that the requirement of Great Brittan that all King James bibles be printed only by the Cambridge University Press, The Crown’s Authorized Printer. No other [person or publisher] may print, copy or import the King James Bible into Great Brittan by order of the Crown.
Printed Prayer: Printed prayers must not be read or offered as a substitute for personal, fervent, effectual, heart-felt, prayer. They are offered, rather, to warm the hearts of those who will presently seek a season of fervent, authentic two-way, heart-to-heart fellowship and prayer with the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Authentic revelations from God during prayer are always consistent with His revealed Word, the Bible.
Preaching Preparation: When preparing to preach, please send us the text reference that has been chosen if you would like us to send the Spurgeon Sermon addressing the same text.
My Prayer is that You would touch, lift up, encourage and teach all who faithfully minister your Word. Bless all who minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May Your blessing and holy anointing fall fresh upon each dear reader and abide with each one who rightly divides and faithfully proclaims Your Word [The Bible]. Please save many souls; and may all be glory be yours alone. I pray this in the name of our Redeemer, The Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Distribution: The Publishing Company sends Daily Spurgeon by e-mail, to all request received. No fee or registration is required. Please send the e-mail address of all who you would like to add to our mailing list. Also, please FORWARD these e-mails freely to anyone you choose.
Send requests to michaelriley1008@gmail.com
Editorial Support: [Brackets] are used to clarify words and expressions that are not commonly used in, present day (USA) English. No changes other than spelling differences between UK and United States English (USA) noted with asterisks * have been made to the original, unabridged text. Bible scripture links are underlined blue text.(English: AKJV, Authorized King James Version; Spanish: Reina Valera Gomez). Brackets, ( […] ) clarify meaning and yellow highlighting are used for emphasis. These additions are the only ones made by the Publishing company.
Confidentiality Pledge: The mailing list is strictly confidential and will not be used or distributed in any way for any purpose other than to send this daily message except for occasional, confidential prayer requests.
Copyright: Prayers, Anecdotes, Faith’s Checkbook and Morning & Evening by C.H. Spurgeon are public domain and free from any © copyright limitation or restriction. Please Forward, copy and share freely, [Social media, US mail etc.] Your partnership is acknowledged with gratitude.
All requests to “Unsubscribe” will be honored promptly.
Printed Copies: You may request a printed copy of any DailySpurgeon issue at:
The John Mark Publishing Company, PO BOX 21 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693 U.S.A. or michaelriley1008@gmail.com
You too can cast your cares on the Lord…
Call on Him. As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me.. ...Psalm 55:16
Trust Him. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass ... Psalm 37:5
Give Him the burden. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22]
Come to Him. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.. Matthew 11:28
Our aim, with God’s help, is to be Christlike in all that we think, do and say. We desire to fulfill the Great Commission by taking the GOOD NEWS of Salvation by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ [The Messiah] to every creature, and to make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Published Titles written by Spurgeon are included each day in DailySpurgeon.com
Devotions are:
· C.H. Spurgeon Prayers
· Spurgeon’s Illustrative Anecdotes
· Faith’s Checkbook
· Morning & Evening
These titles are from the inspired body of work created from the preaching and writing of Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892. He created an unexcelled legacy of gospel preaching and exposition and is known as the “Prince of Preachers”. Spurgeon has been and is today widely read with great benefit from the 1800’s to this present time. He is the beloved founder of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, England (Thriving TODAY through the faithful preaching of the Gospel and the Sacred Worship of Jesus the Christ [Messiah].)
[Click this link to live-stream current gospel preaching in real time each Sunday from London by Dr. Peter Masters, Metropolitan Tabernacle pastor since 1970.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, please be blessed by the winning of many souls, and give us love and compassion toward all who are in need, especially those in the household of faith. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and for His sake, Amen.
Disclaimer: The John Mark Publishing Company does not praise or exalt Charles H. Spurgeon beyond the honor due him. He didn’t need or want it when he was here on earth and has no need for it now, in Heaven. Our aim is to lift up and glorify the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and to preach HIM and Him crucified.
Precaution: These Devotional Messages and prayers alone can not substitute for continual fellowship with the Lord Jesus. Neither do they replace personal reading, meditation, prayer and fasting over God's divinely preserved and eternal Word. (The King James version (KJV), also known also as the Authorized Version (AKJV), is the preferred English Bible because its accuracy and fidelity to the Greek Textus Receptus [received text] and the Hebrew Masoretic Text) avoid doctrinal and editorial weakness found in many contemporary editions.
Written Prayers by Spurgeon must not be offered as a substitute for personal, intimate fervent, heart-felt, prayer. They are rather intended to warm the hearts of those who are seeking a season of authentic two-way, heart-to-heart fellowship and prayer with the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit.
Preaching Preparation: Use links below to Find and compare a sermon by Charles H. Spurgeon from the same scripture reference of a sermon you may now be preparing.
'New Testament
Old Testament
https://www.spurgeongems.org/spurgeon-sermons/ (copy and paste)
The Speciality of Evangelistic Preaching
Dr Peter Masters
Pastor, Metropolitan Tabernacle
In two lectures Dr Masters demonstrated the urgent necessity of regular, persuasive Gospel preaching, together with the clear New Testament precedents and examples, the difficulties
MOST RECENT SUNDAY SERMONS: from Metropolitan Tabernacle London, U.K.
The Necessity of Evangelistic Preaching
We post this week this message from our recent Day of Special Studies, due to its immense importance in our churches today. Here are the biblical arguments for the revival of a once-universal practice. (This is Part I of two addresses.)
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Bible Study Wednesday 24 July 2024 | 7:30pm
How Mosaic Worship Foretold Christ
'Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary. And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all.'
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New believers when truly enlightened and saved are moved to make a pledge or vow to God, which will be renewed and deepened throughout this pilgrimage. Here are the important features of such vows, their scope, and their benefits and blessings.
Prayer for Website visitors:
Dear Father, please lift up, build up, encourage and draw to Yourself all who may visit the Daily Spurgeon website. Bless the preaching of the Gospel presented hereand be glorified in your all sufficient, atoning grace to redeem all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus, the Christ [Messiah], in Your name, Lord Jesus, Amen.
Distribution: In order to provide the most reliable means of distribution, The John Mark Publishing Company will send Daily Spurgeon by e-mail to anyone making such request. Just send your e-mail address to
Editorial Support: [Brackets inform of ALL additions to the unabridged text of Spurgeon] to clarify words and expressions that are unfamiliar or not in present-day (USA) English use.
No changes other than spelling differences between the UK and the United States English (USA) have been made to Spurgeon’s original, unabridged text. Scripture references are blue hyperlinks to The Bible text. (English: AKJV, Authorized King James Version]; Spanish: Reina Valera/Gomez)
Copyright: Prayers, Anecdotes, Faith’s Checkbook and MORNING & EVENING, by C.H. Spurgeon are public domain. Please copy and share freely with anyone who comes to mind. Your partnership in this work is acknowledged with joy and gratitude.
“Unsubscribe”requests are honored promptly. Complimentary King James Bible are available from:
The John Mark Publishing Company,
P.O. BOX 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693 U.S.A.
The Authorized King James Bible
URL: https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/King-James-Version-KJV-Bible/
The above link is to search for specific words or Scriptures in the King James inerrant and infallible English Version (KJV) because it is providentially protected and preserved by GOD Himself through the only translation into English by faithful brethren from the 5,312 established majority text manuscripts MT from which the New Testament Greek Textus Receptus [received text] was taken and the Hebrew Masoretic Text of the Old Testament (Jewish Tanakh). These manuscripts are providentially protected, and frequently give greater glory to God when compared to variant readings of all modern translations from Modern Critical Texts based on only 55 hand picked inferior Greek manuscripts fabricated from either Westcott and Hort or Nestle and Aland. Both of these Greek textual sources follow an assumption that OLDER IS BETTER. Of course, this assumption is not valid if the older manuscripts contain error.
The established majority manuscripts and the Textus Receptus avoid doctrinal error, and inaccuracies in translation, uninspired editorial notations, variant or ambiguous readings which taken from Codices Vaticanus, or Sinaiticus.
Copyright: The King James Version is distinguished by the requirement of Great Brittan that all King James bibles be printed by the Cambridge University Press, the Crown’s authorized printer. No one other than the Crown’s printer, is allowed print, copy or import the King James Bible into Great Brittan by order of the Crown.
In the United States there is no Copyright protection and the KJV is deemed Public Domain. If a new publication changes at least a 10% of an existing publication a lucrative Copyright can be granted. Therefore the NKJV and many other copyrighted translations. Only the King James Version New Testament is unique from among the over 100 English translations that follow modern textual criticism and only the King James is translated from the superior Greek Textus Receptus as its Primary time tested and self-authenticating Greek text Source.
DEFENDING THE KING JAMES BIBLE by the Millennium Bible Institute
URL: https://youtu.be/RL1px3GRfo4
This video presents the truth for those who seek to learn about and use the providentially protected, preserved and immutable Holy Bible that is both inerrant [without error] and infallible and gives God alone, the utmost praise, and the greatest glory due to HIMSELF. Praise and worship are rightfully insisted upon and commanded in God’s inspired [God-Breathed (Spoken) Word from God himself.
HOLY WORDS that were given by God through the Holy Ghost, word by word, to His Holy Prophets and Apostles comprise all eternal Holy Scripture. (Matthew 5:18)
The inspired, god breathed, immortal words, were uttered, word-by-word, to the holy prophets and apostles who were chosen of God and moved by the holy ghost. These words are protected and preserved in holy scripture and are written word-by-word and are immutable, [unchangeable] without error, and infallible [incapable of making a mistake or being wrong]. and for ever [sic] settled in heaven by God himself in the self authenticating word of god, itself.
The Authorized (King James) Holy Bible.
ל Lamed
89 For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.
Authorized (King James) Version:
21For the prophecy [prophecies] came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
2 Peter 1:21
Authorized (King James) Version:
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1
See evidence that God is not the author of confusion ...
VIDEO (2 hrs. 49 mins.)
This Documentary will explain the how the Man-made explosion of over 100 English Translations of the Holy BIBLE occurred.
The complete Inside Story of Westcott and Hort:
Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort (Text only)
URL: https://www.febc.edu.sg/article/def_the_inside_story_of_westcott_and_hort
In 1870, The Anglican Church of England passed a resolution to revise the English Bible. The New Testament revision committee which finally consisted of 25 scholars (though only about 16 eventually attended the meetings) which included Westcott and Hort. The committee worked for ten years in the Jerusalem chamber, and these two scholars swept the Revision Committee along with them after work commenced. In fact, the “Cambridge trio” (Westcott, Hort and Lightfoot) colluded with others to dominate the meetings with their views of the text and to defeat any who opposed them. Their *letters reveal this conspiracy:
* Letters from close relatives are quoted in the Inside Story above
The only voice defending the Textus Receptus was Dr Scrivener, probably the foremost scholar of the day in the manuscripts of the Greek New Testament and the history of the Text. But he was systematically outvoted by the Cambridge trio and outdone by Hort’s powerful debating skill. When the revision was completed, the revision committee had altered the Greek Text in 5,337 places,
thus violating the original rule that had been set for the committee of not altering the Greek Text unless absolutely necessary to do so.
In conclusion, let it be said that no matter how good any modern version of the New Testament is in other ways, it is clearly blemished if the work of Westcott and Hort is present in it. The presence of their work means that it is based on a defective text. Those who want to honor the Word of God must not promote the use of any of these versions by the church, not because the content of the version is entirely evil in itself, but because being contented to use a weakened version rather than the existing, preserved, without error unblemished one, dishonors God. If God has preserved for His people a good Greek text of the New Testament for 18 centuries, how dishonoring it would be to Him if His people now chose instead to use versions that are based on defective Greek manuscript created by Westcott & Hort or Nestle & Aland.
Let the biblical story of Nadab and Abihu be a lesson for us all:
And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not. And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD. Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the LORD spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace. And Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel the uncle of Aaron, and said unto them, Come near, carry your brethren from before the sanctuary out of the camp. So they went near, and carried them in their coats out of the camp; as Moses had said. And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons, Uncover not your heads, neither rend your clothes; lest ye die, and lest wrath come upon all the people: but let your brethren, the whole house of Israel, bewail the burning which the LORD hath kindled” (Lev 10:1–6).
– Published in The Burning Bush, Volume 4 Number 1, January 1998
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By Blogger, Notorius Meddler
We Sing Sacred Music that’s loved and has been passed down through the ages and we also, embrace new Sacred Praise and Worship Music that magnifies and glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ by using doctrinally sound, faithfully divided and proclaimed scripture rendered accurately into musical lyrics.
Why Have Traditional Gospel Hymns Endured for so many years?
… be being filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody [music] in your heart to the Lord; Ephesians 5:18-19
SACRED and Most Performed Christmas ORATORY:
Handle’s Messiah A Complete Performance of World’s most Beloved Christmas Oratory by American BACH Soloists at the Grace Cathedral. [Libretto is exclusively from Old Testament book of Isaiah].
Jesus Loves Me This I Know by Gaither Vocal Band
Children’s Medley with Rosemary Siemens with children singing
God Is So Good Children’s Chorus
Praise Him, Praise Him All Ye Little Children Hillsong Kids
Jesus Loves Me All three verses
Noah’s Arky Arky by the Cedarmont Kids
Away in a Manger by The Gaither Studio
Away in a Manger by Gaither Vocal Band
O Be Careful Little Eyes What You See by the Cedarmont Kids
This Little Light Of Mine Cedarmont Kids
What a Wonderful World by Luis Armstrong
SACRED HYMNS: (Sing, won’t you?
A Mighty Fortress written by Martin Luther with Steve Green
Amazing Grace by Guy Penrod, Gaither Voice Band
Amazing Grace by Wintley Phipps at Carnegie Hall AMAZING and UNIQUE
Beneath the Cross of Jesus Congregational Singing Metropolitan Tabernacle March 13, 2022
Blessed Assurance by Sounds like Reign
Blessed Assurance by Gaithers with Larry Ford and Lillie Knauls
Blessed Assurance by the Isaacs
Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary by Gaithers
Chosen Generation Medley: We Are Able, Power in The Blood, Are You Washed, Victory In Jesus, Houston Covenant Church.
Christ Arose! by Kingdom Quartet Written by Robert Lowry 1874
Christ Receiveth Sinful Men Traditional with Lyrics
Grace, Grace God’s Grace by Gaither Choir
I Love You Lord by the Gaither choir
If That Isn’t Love Love Can Turn The World Gaither Premiere
Jesus Is All the World to Me Chonda Pierce (Stand up Comedy and Classic Hymn written by by William Lamartine Thompson 1904)
Jesus Saves by The salvation Army Choir
Jesus Saves Temple Baptist Church Powell, Tennessee
Johnny Cash sings I Shall Not Be Moved
Just A Little Talk With Jesus by Gaither Choir
Let Others See Jesus in You (Me) by BB McKinney
Worthy is the Lamb. Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
I Shall Not Be Moved Elvis and The Million Dollar Quartet
More About Jesus by The Blackwood Brothers
Oh, the Blood of Jesus Bill & Gloria Gaither (Medley)
Oh, The Blood of Jesus, Nothing But The Blood, Near The Cross Medley by Gaithers
Onward Christian Soldiers Salvation Army Band
Praise Him, Praise Him by Ernie Haase
Praise Him, Praise Him Bombay Christian Fellowship from 1869 of Hymn by Fanny J. Crosby
Ring the Bells of Heaven by Fountainview Academy Orchestra & Singers.
When They Ring Those Golden Bells by Gaither Homecoming Choir
Praise Him, Praise Him by Loma Linda University Church
Rescue The Perishing 1869 by Fanny Crosby with Altar of Praise Chorale S E Simonte
Mary Did You Know? Gaither Music TV by Mark Lowery
O Little Town of Bethlehem Gaither Vocal Band
It Is No Secret by ELVIS
There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood by The Hymn Club
Ring the Bells of Heaven by Fountainview Academy Orchestra & Singers.
When They Ring Those Golden Bells by Gaither Homecoming Choir
Redeemed by Guy Penrod Bill and Gloria Gaither
Rock of Ages Antrim Mennonite Choir
Standing on the Promises of God by Gaither Voice Band
Surely Our God Is Able by Gaither Congregation
Sweet Hour of Prayer “An Old Farmer praying” by Jimmy Dean (from a wheel chair)
The Fanny Crosby Story (45 min video of world’s most prolific Hymn writer of all time)
The Love of God by Gaithers with Gardner, Penrod and Phelps
The Love Of God by the Gaither congregation
The Love of God by Gaither Vocal Band
The Old Rugged Cross Hymn from Whitewell Metroplitan Tabernacle, Belfast Beneath the Cross of Jesus Congregational Singing at Metropolitan Tabernacle March 13, 2022
There’s Within My Heart a Melody by Gaither Congregation with Jake Hess
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus by Casting Crowns
Trust and Obey Vagle Brothers written1887 by Daniel Towner music John Sammis.
Come Thy Fount (lyrics & chords) Chris Rice
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus withThe Living Stones Quartet by Helen Howarth Lemmel 1922
Angles We Have heard On High by Christendom College & Schola Gregoriana
When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder Gaither Congregation
Oh The Blood of Jesus by Gaither Congregation
I Will Sing of My Redeemer by Gaither Music TV
Today’s Praise:
When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder by Gaithers
He Hideth My Soul by Guy Penrod
How Great Thou Art by Chris Rice
The Love Of God Gaither congregation
Never Grow Old by Jim Reeves
SACRED PRAISES: (Alphabetical Order)
Amen, The Anthem by Harry Belafonte (See EVENING for Note:)
Away in a Manger by Phil Wickham…
Traditional Version by Casting
Because He Lives Gaither Choir
Beneath the Cross of Jesus Congregational at Metropolitan Tabernacle March 13, 2022
Beneath the Cross of Jesus Congregational Sung at Metropolitan Tabernacle March 13, 2022
Bless the Lord, O My Soul by Bill an Gloria Gaither Congregation
Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary by Gaithers
Christ Arose ! by Kingdom Quartet Written by Robert Lowry 1874
God Is So Good Children’s Chorus
God Is So Good Children’s Chorus
Grace That Is Greater Than All Our Sin by Bob Kauflin of Sovereign Grace
Grace That Is Greater Than All Our Sin by Sovereign Grace
Grace That Is Greater Than All Our Sin by Sovereign Grace
Hallelujah, What a Savior A Cappella by the Nelons
He Has Made Me Glad Sing with music only, voices or both (choose R/L or both ear buds)
Holy Spirit Breathe on Me with Anne Jernigan
How Great Thou Art by the Statler Brothers
How Great Thou Art by Chris Rice
I Know that My Redeemer Liveth Handel’s Messiah, by 11 year old Henry Jenkenson
I Love You Lord by the Gaither choir
He Touched Me by Elvis Presley
I See the Lord by Gaither Vocal Band
I See The Lord by Chris Falson
I Shall Not Be Moved (Rockabilly) By the Million Dollar Quartet
Redeemed by Gaither soloists
I Shall Not Be Moved by Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash
I Shall Not Be Moved Statler Brother’s Quartet
I Then Shall Live by Bill Gaither
I Will Rejoice for He Has Made Me Glad by St. John’s North Congregation
I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord by Squirrel 24
I’ll Fly Away by Gaither Congregation
I’ll Fly Away with Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis
I’ve Got Peace Like a River by Phoenix Children’s Choir
I’ve Just Seen Jesus Larnelle Harris & Sandi Patti (Gaither)
If That Isn’t Love Love Gaither Premiere
In The Garden by Elvis Presley
In The Garden by Elvis Presley
In The Garden by Elvis Presley
Is Your All on the Altar by Outreach Quartet
Is Your All on the Altar by Outreach Quartet
Is Your All on the Altar by Outreach Quartet
Grace That Is Greater Than All Our Sin by Bob Kauflin of Sovereign Grace
It Is Well With My Soul by Guy Penrod and David Phelps
Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know by Alvin Slaughter
Jesus Loves Me This I Know by Gaither Vocal Band
Praise Him, Praise Him by Loma Linda University Church
Jesus Messiah by The Gaither Vocal Band
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Sweetest Name I Know by John Lomacang`
Lead Me, Guide Me by Elvis
Majesty By The Gaither Congregation
Majesty Gaither Voice Band
Near To The Heart of God by the Mennonite Choir
Never Grow Old by Jim Reeves
Nothing But The Blood by Buddy Greene, (Harmonica) Gaither
O Happy Day Ewin Hawkins, Anthony Brown & Combined Choirs, FBC of Glenarden
O The Blood of Jesus by Glory Kim
Oh The Blood of Jesus by Gaither Congregation
Open the Eyes of My Heart by Paul Baloche
Praise Him, Praise Him by Loma Linda University Church
Praise Him, Praise Him by Ernie Haase
Praise Him, Praise Him Bombay Christian A hymn from 1869 by Fanny J. Crosby
Grace That Is Greater Than All Our Sin by Sovereign Grace Music
Praise Him, Praise Him written by Fanny Crosby
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord written by Fanny Crosby
Redeemed, Redeemed by Gaither soloists
Ring the Bells of Heaven by Fountainview Academy Orchestra & Singers.
When They Ring Those Golden Bells by Gaither Homecoming Choir
Send the Light Four-part Harmony with ONE artist by Charles H. Gabriel 1887
Send the Light Four-part Harmony with ONE artist by Charles H. Gabriel 1887
Showers of Blessing Solo by Jimmy Dean
Showers of Blessings by Gaither Congregation
Showers of Blessings by Gaither Congregation
Standing on the Promises of God by Praise Praise
Standing on the Promises by IsBaptist Toronto
Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place - Woodlands TX Methodist Church
Sweet Hour of Prayer by Guy Penrod
Sweet Little Jesus Boy by Andy Williams
Sweet Little Jesus Boy by Andy Williams
Tell Me The Story of Jesus by Carman
I Love To Tell The Story by Tennessee Ernie Ford
Where We'll Never Grow Old by Jim Reeves
The Battle Belongs to the Lord by John Michael Talbot
The Love of God by Gaither, Penrod, Phelps, Gardner
The Love Of God Gaither congregation
The Name of the Lord Gaithers
The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference by Guy Penrod, Gaither Singers
The Old Rugged Cross by Johnny and June Carter Cash
The Wings of a Snow White Dove with Loretta Lynn & Chrystal Gayle
Then Came the Morning at Gaither Tent Revival with Guy Penrod Above All by Lenny LeBlanc
This Train Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis
Thy Word Is a Lamp unto My Feet Gaither Music with Amy Grant
To God Be The Glory Congregation (with lyrics
Trees of the Field by Gaither Congregation
Vaya Con Dios Bilingual by Julio Iglesias James 4:8
Victory in Jesus by Guy Penrod
Victory in Jesus by Guy Penrod
Victory in Jesus by Guy Penrod
We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
We Shall Behold Him by Sandi Patti Sing-along, won’t you?
We’re Marching To Zion Gaither Congregational Singing
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder by Gaither Congregation
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder (…I’ll be there) the Gaithers
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder by Gaither Congregation
Whosoever Surely Meaneth Me Congregational Singing
Worthy Is The Lamb with Gaither vocal Band
Ye Must Be Born Again Lyrics and Melody from Baptist Hymnal
You Are My All In All Gaither Voice Band
You Never Let Go by Jeremy Camp
You Never Let Go by Jeremy Camp
You Never Let Go by Matt Redman
You Never Let Go by Guy Penrod
You are invited to confess and turn away from of all your sins, look in faith to Jesus Christ
[The Messiah] and confess openly and publicly that HE alone is your Lord and Savior.
This website can never replace the in-person Church gatherings with other believers to worship, hear Gospel preaching, enjoy Christian fellowship, provoke good works and join together in prayer, and the study of God’s Word in the presence of and in fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
It's a resource to help develop a deeper devotion to the Lord Jesus in an ever deepening and abiding love of HIM according to Scripture, God’s Holy Bible.
1 John 4:19 ― We love Him because He first loved us.
“Study to show yourself approved unto God, a worker that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing [understanding and sharing] the word of truth. [The Holy Bible] ” 2 Timothy 2:15
Worship God in Spirit and in truth:
• Pray with our heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; 1 Thessalonians 5:17
• Hear and obey the eternal, inspired, immutable, inerrant, infallible, revealed and protected Word of God, revealed through Jesus Christ, the living Word; 1 Peter 1:23
• Be [Be being] filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Ephesians 5:18-19
•Gathering in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
URL: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+18%3A20&version=AKJV
TRIBUTE TO FREEDOM From “A Native Thang” [sic] North Dakota (click for video)
This is The heart of Freedom from a Native Son, thanking the Lord and Honoring the Military Service of Native American Scouts, and all Veterans …of the land of the free and the home of the Brave.
As Jon remembered veterans, we remember him: Jon Edward Riley (1971-2021) who would, on occasion, just bust-out singing the following songs; sometimes, on the way to church sometimes just singing along with the Elvis Gospel CD that was always kept in the truck’s CD player or,
even better, a song the Lord would spontaneously put in his joyful and loving heart.
I LOVE You Lord by Jared Reynolds
How Great Thou Art with Elvis
Lead Me & Rock-a My Soul by Elvis and friends
…Jon always said “Later”; as in [see’ya later] instead of “good bye”. It was his unique way to bid farewell … He would never say “good-bye”. Now, remembering the sound of his voice saying “Later”, it rings true with a new and deeper meaning and it brings a joyfulness and comfort to the hearts of those he loved so well; those who love him still, and always will.
… we are reminded of the promise of the Hymn:
’Till We Meet Again. Amen.
UPDATED: JULY 13, 2023
For more than 400 years is The Authorized King James Bible. (KJV) It is immutable, inerrant, infallible and eternal. It will endure for ever, protected and preserved by God HIMSELF.
For ever Settled in Heaven Psalm 119:89
From Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle (Brief History)
TODAY’S SERMON by Charles Haddon Spurgeon:
God’s Promises to the Gospel Church Isaiah 41:8 Dr. Peter Masters, Pastor
An unbelieving world, says Isaiah, will be deaf to the message behind God's mighty events (whether conquest or pandemic) while believers will know His love and power, and reap a great spiritual harvest. Here we explore the prophet's powerful words and their fulfillment.
COMMITMENT TO THE infallibility and inerrancy of the WORD OF GOD and
(R.G. Lee’s Signature Sermon)
URL: https://youtu.be/0mstq4QTyrQ
… A Peerless Pulpiteer (Biographical Text) was Dr. Robert G. Lee, Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis Tennessee
Long before the Conservative Resurgence, Dr. R.G. Lee was the Southern Baptist champion of biblical infallibility and inerrancy. In his sermon, “The Word of God – Not Broken and Not Bound,” published in 1930, in which Dr. Lee stated the following regarding the HOLY BIBLE: (KJV)
“All [Prophets and Apostles] who wrote are immortalized by their writing of this great Book, supernatural in origin, divine in authorship, human in penmanship, infallible in authority, infinite in scope, universal in interest, personal in application, regenerative in power, inspired [God breathed] in totality.”
Dr. R.G. Lee preached a much requested sermon called Payday Someday over 1,000 times.
Why was it so powerful? Why was it requested and preached so many times?
Click above link or URL here and see, Won’t you?
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mstq4QTyrQ
Why The Cross? 1958 Billy Graham (38 min)
Powerful, heavyweight, urgent message for the present day.
Who crucified Jesus?
Why did Jesus die on the cross?
Be Filled with the Spirit Ephesians 5:18 with Dr. Peter Masters Metropolitan Tabernacle:
Living on the Word Deuteronomy 8:3 (Christian Sermons and Audio books) Delivered on March 15th 1883 by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, recorded by Charles Koelsch.
No Tears in Heaven Revelation 7:17 (Christian Sermons and Audio books) Delivered on August 6th 1865 by Charles Haddon Spurgeon Audio recorded by Charles Koelsch.
MOST RECENT SERMONS from London’s Metropolitan Tabernacle by Dr. Peter Masters, Pastor
Teaching SermonS Sunday 19 May 2024 | 11:00am
The Clothing of Humility
Beginning with humility in preachers and church officers, Peter calls all to place themselves under them. Exactly what is intended? He then speaks of being 'clothed' in humility. We explore the helps and hindrances to advancing in this essential grace for all believers.
Gospel Sermon Sunday 12 May 2024 | 6:30pm
The Narrow And The Wide Gates
Christ sets out life's options. Here is the meaning of the wide gate, through which one is carried by the crowd into purposelessness and spiritual disaster. In contrast - the narrow gate; and why it gets this description, when in fact it is the gate of enduring happiness.
Bible StudyTng dy Wednesday 22 May 2024 | 7:30pm
The True Nature of Belief (2)
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.'
Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?
THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS by John Bunyan is the most famous Allegory, world-wide and the Most widely Published Book of all time and was printed in over 200 Languages. It has NEVER, since 1698, been out-of-print.
Only The King James Bible was more widely published than The Pilgrim’s Progress.
ONLINE PRINT LIBRARY: (No Enrollment Fee or Registration required)
BUNYAN’S ORIGINAL of 1678: The Pilgrim’s Progress Published in 1853 by Logos
REVISED VERSION: The Pilgrim’s Progrefs [sic] 1999 by Barry E. Horner
OLD ENGLISH PRINT: The Pilgrim’s Progress Part II AKA Christiana
(Christian’s wife, Christiana and children; their dangerous journey, and safe arrival at the desired country.)
Pilgrim Progress is the world’s most famous Allegory, It and the Bible were commonly the only books to be found in the cabin of early American Settlers and were loved and read more than any book, second only to the Holy Bible. It’s also considered, by some, as being the world’s first English novel. It’s likely the most published book other than the Bible of all time. There were 1,300 editions printed before 1938, 250 years after the Bunyan’s death. Hence, the world’s most famous Allegory.
Comment on Pilgrim’s Progress by Charles H. Spurgeon from the Spurgeon Sermon
“Christ in You”.
Spurgeon: Christ in us is Christ reigning." reminds me of Mr. Bunyan’s picture of [the town of] Mansoul, …when the Prince Immanuel laid siege to it, and Diabolus from within the city strove to keep him out. It was a, hard time for Mansoul then; but when at last the battering rams had broken down the gates, and the silver trumpets sounded, and the prince’s captains entered the breach, then on a day the prince himself did ride down the city’s streets, while liberated citizens welcomed him with all their hearts, hung out all their streamers, and made the church towers rock again as the bells rang out merry peals [happy melodies] , for the king himself was come. Up to the castle of the heart [main castle] he rode in triumph, and took his royal throne to be henceforth the sole lord and king of the city.
Christ in you is a right royal word. Christ swaying his scepter from the center of your being over every power and faculty, desire and resolve, bringing every thought into captivity to himself, Oh, this is glory begun, and the sure pledge of heaven. Oh, for more of the imperial sovereignty of Jesus, The Messiah; our liberty to be absolutely under his sway.
Spurgeon Sermon: Christ in You, Preached May 13, 1883 Scripture: Colossians 1:27 From: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Volume 29 (cit. II. THE SWEETNESS OF THIS MYSTERY, WHICH IS CHRIST IN YOU, § 5)
You may choose to read, listen or share Pilgrim’s Progress with your little ones as a bed time story. It will bless, strengthen, encourage and instruct pilgrims of all ages and will create precious and enduring memories in little ears.
Spurgeon read it for the first time as a precocious five year old reader and would returned to read it over 100 times during the course of his remarkable ministry as a Baptist pastor who is known as The Prince of Preachers .
Link here for the Complete Index of the Bible Scriptures that saturates The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan preferring God’s view to all “World Views”.
The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan (Complete audio-book narrated by Christopher Glyn)
Preface: Bunyan’s letter
Episode 01: The City of Destruction
Episode 02: Obstinate & Pliable
Episode 04: Mr. Worldly Wiseman
Episode 05: The Narrow Gate
Episode 06: The House of the Interpreter
Episode 07: The Cross
Episode 08: Simple, Sloth & Presumption
Episode 09: Formalist & Hypocrisy
Episode 10: The Hill Difficulty
Episode 11: Timorous & Mistrust
Episode 12: The Palace Beautiful
Episode 13: Battle with Apollyon
Episode 14: The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Episode 15: Christian Meets Faithful & Talkative
Episode 16: Mr. By-ends Town of Fair Speech
Episode 17: The Hill Lucre [Gain and Greed]
Episode 18: By-path Meadow Vain Confidence
Episode 19: Doubting Castle
Episode 20: The Delectable Mountains
Episode 21: Ignorance (Conceit)
Episode 22: The Flatterer
Episode 23: Atheist
Episode 24: The Enchanted Ground
Episode 25: Ignorance Rejoins the Pilgrims
Episode 26: Beulah Land
Episode 27: The River of Death
Episode 28: The Celestial City
ILLUSTRATED VIDEO (Recommended Bed Time Story)
Pilgrim’s Progress Drama presented in 9 parts.
Part 1 The Slough [Swamp] of Despond
Part 2 The Interpreter’s House
Part 3 The Hill Difficulty
Part 4 The Fight with Apollyon
Part 5 The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Part 6 Vanity Fair
Part 7 Doubting Castle
Parts 8 & 9 The Dark River and The Celestial City
PART II – CHRISTIANA, The Sequel (Enjoy this “Old English” dialect)
AUDIO: These files will advance to and play the next recording automatically, if not paused.
1 A Visit from Secret 4:50 Audio
2 Good News 2:25 Audio
3 Mount Charity 1:01 Audio
4 Fool & Want-Wit 1:16 Audio
5 Valiant-For-Truth 1:41 Audio
6 Valiant Does Battle 5:51 Audio
7 Valiant’s Story 3:35 Audio
8 Which Way To Go 1:30 Audio
9 Stand-Fast’s 'Wife' 6:02 Audio
10 Stand-Fast’s Story 1:37 Audio
11 Beulah Land 3:20 2018 Audio
12 The Postman’s Visit 1:57 2018 Audio
13 Christiana’s Blessing 5:55 Audio
14 Christiana Goes Over The River 1:20 Audio
15 Mr. Despondency’s Farewell 2:10 Audio
16 Old-Honest Called 1:41 Audio
17 Valiant Bequeaths His Sword 2:27 Audio Bequeath (Definition)
18 Stand-Fast’s Will 3:56 Audio
19 Christiana Nears The City 1:01 Audio
20 Christiana’s Triumphal Entry 4:45 Audio
DEVOTION for May 31st Writen and calendared by Charles Haddon. Spurgeon
ANECDOTE 298: A Peaceful Mind.
-In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world-
John 16:33
MORNING: "The king also himself passed over the brook Kidron." —2 Samuel 15:23
EVENING: “ Bless the Lord who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;” -Psalm 103:3
DEVOTIONAL READINGS written by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
PRAYER 21, Part 1 of 8
O GOD! we would not speak to Thee as from a distance, nor stand like trembling Israel under the law at a distance from the burning mount, for we have not come unto Mount Sinai, but unto Mount Sion, [Zion] and that is a place for holy joy and thankfulness, and not for terror and bondage. Blessed be Thy name, O Lord! We have learnt to call Thee
“Our Father, which art in heaven”;
so there is reverence, for Thou art in heaven; but there is sweet familiarity, for Thou art [are] our Father. We would draw very near to Thee now through Jesus Christ the Mediator, and we would make bold to speak to Thee as a man speaketh [speaks] with his friend, for hast Thou not said by Thy Spirit,
“Let us come boldly unto the throne of the heavenly grace.”
We might well start away [be startled] and flee [run] from Thy face if we only remembered our sinfulness. Lord! we do remember it with shame and sorrow; we are grieved to think we have offended Thee, [and] have neglected so long Thy sweet love and tender mercy; but we have now returned unto, the
“shepherd and bishop of our souls.”
Led by such grace, we look to Him whom we crucified, and we have mourned for Him and then have mourned [been sorry] for our sin. [We thank You for this unspeakable gift of salvation in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.]
(Complete Prayer in e-mail: PRAYER 20.doc) ________________________________________
ANECDOTE 298: A Peaceful Mind.
I compare not [don’t compare] the peaceful mind to a lake without a ripple. Such a figure would be inadequate. The only comparison I can find is in that unbroken tranquility which seems to reign in the deep caverns and grottoes of the sea far down where the sailor’s body lies, where the sea-shells rest undisturbed, where there is nought [nothing] but darkness, and where nothing can break the spell, for there are no currents there, and all is still, that is somewhat like the Christian’s soul when God speaks to him. There may be billows on the surface, by these he may be sometimes ruffled, but inside the heart there will be no ebb or flow [movement of the]tide; he will have “eternal peace with God,” a “peace that passeth [passes] all understanding,” too deep to fathom, too perfect to conceive, for none but they who prove it know: such peace that you could to-night lay your head down to sleep with the knowledge that you would never wake again in this world as calmly as you could if you knew your days were like Hezekiah’s, lengthened out for a certainty of fifteen years. When we have peace with God, we can lie down, and if an angel visited us to say, “ Soul, your Master calls you,” we could reply, “Tell my Master, I am ready. And if grim death were to come stalking to our bed-side, and were to say, “The pitcher is broken at the fountain, and the well is broken at the cistern: thou shalt die!” we might answer, “Die! we die willingly; we are prepared; we are not afraid; we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ ; we have peace here, and we are willing to go and have that peace consummated up yonder in the better world.” ________________________________________
-In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world- John 16:33 -. En el mundo tendreis afliccion: mas confiad, yo he vencido al mundo- Juan 16:33
My Lord’s words are true as to the tribulation. I have my share of it beyond all doubt. The flail [threshing tool to separate the edible wheat from the chaff)] is not hung up out of the way, nor can I hope that it will be laid aside so long as I lie upon the threshing floor.
How can I look to be at home in the enemy’s country, joyful while in exile, or comfortable in a wilderness? This is not my rest. This is the place of the furnace, and the forge, and the hammer. My experience tallies with [adds up to] my Lord’s words.
I note how He bids [tells] me -be of good cheer.- Alas! I am far too apt to be downcast. My spirit soon sinks when I am sorely tried. But I must not give way to this feeling. When my Lord bids me cheer up I must not dare to be cast down. What is the argument which He uses to encourage me? Why, it is His own victory. He says,
-I have overcome the world.-
His battle was much more severe than mine. I have not yet resisted unto blood. Why do I despair of overcoming [being overcome] ? See, my soul, the enemy has been once overcome. I fight with a beaten [defeated] foe.
O world, Jesus has already vanquished [beaten] thee; and in me, by His grace, He will overcome thee [the world] again. Therefore am I of good cheer, and sing unto my conquering Lord.
Prayer: Hallelujah, [Praise the Lord] that You have overcome the world, and that we may find in You joy and the way out of depression.
I claim this promise in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and for His sake and glory, Amen.
"The king also himself passed over the brook Kidron." —2 Samuel 15:23
–El rey asimismo pasó el torrente de Cedrón –2 Samuel 15:23
DAVID passed that gloomy brook when flying [running away] with his mourning [sad] company from his traitor son [Absalom] . [David] The man after God's own heart was not exempt from trouble, rather, his life was full of it. He was both the Lord's Anointed, and the Lord's Afflicted. Why then should we expect to escape?
The noblest of our race have waited at sorrow's gates with ashes on their heads, wherefore then should we complain as though some strange thing had happened unto us? The King of kings himself was not favored with a more cheerful or royal road. He passed over the filthy ditch of Kidron, through which the filth of Jerusalem flowed. God had one Son without sin, but not a single child without the rod [discipline] . It is a great joy to believe that Jesus has been tempted in all points like as we are.
What is our Kidron this morning?
Is it a faithless friend, a sad bereavement, a slanderous reproach [lying accusations], a dark foreboding [a warning of future misfortune or evil]? The King has passed over all these. Is it bodily [physical] pain, poverty, persecution, or contempt? Over each of these “Kidrons” the King has gone before us.
"In all our afflictions He was afflicted."
The idea of strangeness in our trials must be banished [disregarded] at once and forever, for He who is the Head of all saints knows by experience the grief which we think so peculiar. All the citizens of Zion [all believers] must be part of the Honorable Company of Mourners, of which the Prince Immanuel is Head and Captain.
Notwithstanding [not including] the abasement [humiliation] of David, he yet returned in triumph to his city, and David's Lord arose victorious from the grave; let us then be of good courage, for we also shall win the day. We shall yet with joy draw water out of the wells of salvation, though now for a season we have to pass by the noxious streams of sin and sorrow.
Courage, soldiers of the Cross, the King himself triumphed after going over Kidron, and so will you.
Bless the Lord who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; -Psalms 103:3 — Él es quien perdona todas tus iniquidades, Él que sana todas tus dolencias —Salmo 103:3
HUMBLING as is the statement, yet the fact is certain, that we are all more or less suffering under the [deadly] disease of sin. What a comfort to know that we have a great Physician who is both able and willing to heal us!
Let us think of Him awhile tonight. His cures are very speedy—there is life in a look at Him; His cures are radical—He strikes at the *center of the disease; and hence, His cures are sure and certain. He never fails, and the disease never returns. There is no relapse where Christ heals; no fear that His patients should be merely patched up for a season; He makes new men [people] of them: a new heart also does He give them, and a right spirit does He put within them. He is well skilled in all diseases. Physicians generally have some specialty. Although they may know a little about almost all our pains and ills, there is usually one disease which they have studied above all others; but
Jesus Christ is thoroughly acquainted with the whole of human nature. He is as much at home with one sinner as with another, and never yet did He meet with an out-of-the-way [unusual] case that was difficult to Him. He has had extraordinary complications of strange diseases to deal with, but He has known exactly with one glance of His eye how to treat the patient. He is the only universal doctor; and the medicine He gives is the only true catholicon [universal remedy], healing in every instance.
Whatever our spiritual malady may be, we should apply at once to this Divine Physician. There is no brokenness of heart [broken heart] which Jesus cannot bind up [heal].
“His blood cleanseth [cleanses] from all sin.”
We have but to think of the myriads [many] who have been delivered from all sorts of diseases through the power and virtue of His touch, and we shall joyfully put ourselves in His hands. We trust Him, and sin dies; we love Him, and grace lives; we wait for him, and grace is strengthened; we see Him as He is, and grace is perfected forever.
* English (USA) spelling
Note: JM witnessed the last few hours of his *Daddy’s life on earth coming to an end and heard him say “Amen” over and over, affirming his own life’s conclusion and giving testimony of God’s goodness to him and his agreement and surrender to his earthly departure to be eternally present with the Lord Jesus.
Amen... Amen… Amen!
*Charles Dumah Riley, Sr. 1897 – 1987
My Daddy’s prayer before every meal, he always offered with all gravity and reverence heard in the unique inflection of his deep Bass voice of prayer:
“Accept our thanks for these and all other blessings, we Humbly ask in Thy name, Amen.”
Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21
Call on the name of the Lord Jesus and be saved … pray like this, won’t you?
“Lord Jesus, I’m a lost sinner and without You I am hopeless. I can’t save myself. Without your death on the cross for my sin debt I would be condemned to spend eternity condemned to Hell. I have been self-centered from birth. Please forgive me.
I realize that doing my best, being as good as possible, or being better than other people can never save me. . I’m guilty and sorry for each and every sin I have done and look to You to forgive me of them all.
I look to You, alone Lord Jesus to save me.
I call on You, Lord Jesus, right now to save me. You died on the cross for me, because of my sin and You say, “It shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21.
Right now, just as I am, I call on You, Lord Jesus to save me, I trust You, to be my Lord and Savior from now on.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You have forgiven me of all my sins. I ask You to abide in me and give me the desire to always follow You.
You paid the price for all of my sins by dying on the cross. Even the sins of the whole world.
Thank you, Lord Jesus that You loved me and died for me even before I was born and that You still love me now. I love You too.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, that You have called me away from sin and death into the Life everlasting in Your only begotten son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You, Heavenly Father that you raised Jesus from the dead. He is ALIVE and in Him we are victorious over sin, death and the grave. Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. [Holy Ghost, Comforter, Spirit of Truth]
Thank You for saving me heavenly Father. With all my heart, thank you Father for saving me in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Allow us to share the joy of your new birth with heaven. Won’t you? Heaven rejoices over each redeemed sinner. Luke 15:7
The John Mark Publishing Company, P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693, U.S.A. or e-mail: dailyspurgeon@aol.com. Write us, won’t you?
You too can cast your cares on the Lord…
Call on Him. As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me.. ...Psalm 55:16
Trust Him. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass ... Psalm 37:5
Come to Him. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.. Matthew 11:28
Give Him the burden. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22]
Our aim, with God’s help, is to be Christlike in all that we think, do and say. We desire to fulfill the Great Commission by taking the GOOD NEWS of Salvation by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ [The Messiah] to every creature, and to make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
The Published Titles written by Spurgeon are included each day in DailySpurgeon.com
Devotions are:
· C.H. Spurgeon Prayers
· Spurgeon’s Illustrative Anecdotes
· Faith’s Checkbook
· Morning & Evening
These titles are from the inspired body of work created from the preaching and writing of Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892. He created an unexcelled legacy of gospel preaching and exposition and is known as the “Prince of Preachers”. Spurgeon has been and is today widely read with great benefit from the 1800’s to this present time. He is the beloved founder of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, England (Thriving TODAY through the faithful preaching of the Gospel and the Sacred Worship of Jesus the Christ [Messiah].)
[Click this link to live-stream current gospel preaching in real time each Sunday from London by Dr. Peter Masters, Metropolitan Tabernacle pastor since 1970.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, please be blessed by the winning of many souls, and give us love and compassion toward all who are in need, especially those in the household of faith. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and for His sake, Amen.
Disclaimer: The John Mark Publishing Company does not praise or exalt Charles H. Spurgeon above or beyond the honor due him. He didn’t need or want it when he was here on earth and would have no need or desire for it now, in Heaven. Our aim is to lift up and glorify the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and to preach HIM and Him crucified.
Precaution: These Devotional Messages and prayers alone will not substitute for continual fellowship with the Lord Jesus. Neither do they replace personal reading, meditation, prayer and fasting over God's divinely preserved and eternal Word. (The King James version (KJV), also known also as the Authorized Version (AKJV), is the preferred English Bible because its accuracy and fidelity to the Greek Textus Receptus [received text] and the Hebrew Masoretic Text) avoid doctrinal and editorial weakness found in many contemporary editions.
Written Prayers by Spurgeon must not be offered as a substitute for personal, intimate fervent, heart-felt, prayer. They are rather intended to warm the hearts of those who are seeking a season of authentic two-way, heart-to-heart fellowship and prayer with the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Go to the book of Romans Chapter 8
Preaching Preparation: Find and compare a sermon by Charles H. Spurgeon from the same scripture(s) of a sermon you may now be preparing.
New Testament
Old Testament
https://www.spurgeongems.org/spurgeon-sermons/ (copy and paste)
Prayer for Website visitors:
Dear Father, please lift up, build up, encourage and draw to Yourself all who may visit. Bless the preaching of the Gospel and be glorified in your all sufficient, atoning grace to redeem all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus, the Christ [Messiah], in Your name, Lord Jesus, Amen.
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Editorial Support: [Brackets inform of ALL additions to the unabridged text of Spurgeon] to clarify words and expressions that are unfamiliar or not in present-day (USA) English use.
No changes other than spelling differences between the UK and the United States English (USA) have been made to Spurgeon’s original, unabridged text. Scripture references are blue hyperlinks to The Bible text. (English: AKJV, Authorized King James Version]; Spanish: Reina Valera/Gomez)
Copyright: Prayers, Anecdotes, Faith’s Checkbook and MORNING & EVENING, by C.H. Spurgeon are public domain. Please copy and share freely with anyone who comes to mind. Your partnership in this work is acknowledged with joy and gratitude.
“Unsubscribe”requests are honored promptly. Complimentary King James Bible are available from:
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The Authorized King James Bible
URL: https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/King-James-Version-KJV-Bible/
The above link is to search for specific words or Scripture references in the King James Bible (KJV) inerrant and infallible English Bible because it is providentially protected and preserved by GOD Himself through the only translation into English by faithful brethren from the established majority text MT from which the Greek Textus Receptus [received text] manuscripts of the New Testament was taken and the Hebrew Masoretic Text of the Old Testament (Jewish Tanakh). These manuscripts are providentially protected, and frequently give greater glory to God when compared to variant readings of all modern translations from Modern Critical Texts based on inferior Greek manuscripts.
The established majority manuscripts avoid doctrinal error, inaccuracies in translation, uninspired editorial notations, variant or ambiguous readings taken from Codices Vaticanus, or Sinaiticus.
Copyright: The King James Version is distinguished by the requirement of Great Brittan that all King James bibles be printed by the Cambridge University Press, the Crown’s authorized printer. No one other than the Crown’s printer, is allowed print, copy or import the King James Bible into Great Brittan by order of the Crown.
In the United States there is no Copyright protection and the KJV is deemed Public Domain. If a new publication changes at least a 10% of an existing publication a lucrative Copyright can be granted. Therefore the NKJV and many other copyrighted translations. Only the King James Version New Testament is unique from among the over 100 English translations that follow modern textual criticism and only the King James is translated from the superior Greek Textus Receptus as its Primary time tested and self-authenticating Greek text Source.
DEFENDING THE KING JAMES BIBLE by the Millennium Bible Institute
This video presents the truth for those who seek to learn about and use the providentially protected, preserved and immutable Holy Bible that is both inerrant [without error] and infallible and gives God alone, the utmost praise, and the greatest glory due to HIMSELF. Praise and worship are rightfully insisted upon and commanded in God’s inspired [God-Breathed (Spoken) Word from God himself.
HOLY WORDS that were given by God through the Holy Ghost, word by word, to His Holy Prophets and Apostles comprise all eternal Holy Scripture. (Matthew 5:18)
The inspired, god breathed, immortal words, were uttered, word-by-word, to the holy prophets and apostles who were chosen of God and moved by the holy ghost. These words are protected and preserved in holy scripture and are written word-by-word and are immutable, [unchangeable] without error, and infallible [incapable of making a mistake or being wrong]. and for ever [sic] settled in heaven by God himself in the self authenticating word of god, itself.
The Authorized (King James) Holy Bible.
ל Lamed
89 For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.
Authorized (King James) Version:
21For the prophecy [prophecies] came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
2 Peter 1:21
Authorized (King James) Version:
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1
See evidence that God is not the author of confusion in a remarkable...
VIDEO That will explain the how the Man-made explosion of over 100 English Translations of the Holy BIBLE occurred.
The complete Inside Story of Westcott and Hort:
Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort (Text only)
URL: https://www.febc.edu.sg/v15/article/def_the_INSIDE STORY_of_westcott_and_hort
In 1870, The Anglican Church of England passed a resolution to revise the English Bible. The New Testament revision committee which finally consisted of 25 scholars (though only about 16 eventually attended the meetings) which included Westcott and Hort. The committee worked for ten years in the Jerusalem chamber, and these two scholars swept the Revision Committee along with them after work commenced. In fact, the “Cambridge trio” (Westcott, Hort and Lightfoot) colluded with others to dominate the meetings with their views of the text and to defeat any who opposed them. Their *letters reveal this conspiracy:
* Letters from close relatives are quoted in the Inside Story above
The only voice defending the Textus Receptus was Dr Scrivener, probably the foremost scholar of the day in the manuscripts of the Greek New Testament and the history of the Text. But he was systematically outvoted by the Cambridge trio and outdone by Hort’s powerful debating skill. When the revision was completed, the revision committee had altered the Greek Text in 5,337 places,
thus violating the original rule that had been set for the committee of not altering the Greek Text unless absolutely necessary to do so.
In conclusion, let it be said that no matter how good any modern version of the New Testament is in other ways, it is clearly blemished if the work of Westcott and Hort is present in it. The presence of their work means that it is based on a defective text. Those who want to honor the Word of God must not promote the use of any of these versions by the church, not because the content of the version is entirely evil in itself, but because being contented to use a weakened version rather than the existing, preserved, without error unblemished one, dishonors God. If God has preserved for His people a good Greek text of the New Testament for 18 centuries, how dishonoring it would be to Him if His people now chose instead to use versions that are based on defective Greek manuscript created by Westcott & Hort or Nestle & Aland.
Let the biblical story of Nadab and Abihu be a lesson for us all:
And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not. And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD. Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the LORD spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace. And Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel the uncle of Aaron, and said unto them, Come near, carry your brethren from before the sanctuary out of the camp. So they went near, and carried them in their coats out of the camp; as Moses had said. And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons, Uncover not your heads, neither rend your clothes; lest ye die, and lest wrath come upon all the people: but let your brethren, the whole house of Israel, bewail the burning which the LORD hath kindled” (Lev 10:1–6).
– Published in The Burning Bush, Volume 4 Number 1, January 1998
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Heavenly Father, Thank You that You will save those who call out to Thee in faith the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Messiah), according to Your Promise of Eternal Life, Amen.
Jesus saith [says]…I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me. John 14:6 …
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You will be blessed by God’s inerrant, infallible and self-authenticating WORD. He is and will be a light unto Your feet and a lamp unto your path by His Word. other versions not providentially preserved and protected as the Original KJV has been. It is still the most preferred Bible worldwide after more than 700 years. It’s the ONLY ENGLISH translation that is translated into English from the Textus Receptus [This Received Text is rendered from 5,321 Greek manuscripts that overwhelmingly agree with one another known as the Majority Text MT. All other versions are translated from Greek text created by either Westcott and Hort or the Nestle-Aland that was rendered by “Chery-picking” only 55 Greek manuscripts or fragments. These do not even agree with themselves and far less with the preserved and protected Textus Receptus.
For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.
-Psalm 119:89 Authorized (King James) Version
1 Corinthians 14:33 Authorized (King James) Version
33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
The John Mark Publishing Company
P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693
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