Daily Spurgeon
Daily Spurgeon for August 16th
DEVOTION for August 16th
From writings of Charles Haddon Spurgeon
PRAYER 3, Part 5 of 5
ANECDOTE 17, BACKSLIDERS - A Lost Fellowship.
FAITH’S CHECKBOOK AUGUST 16 C.H. Spurgeon 1834 – 1892
UNCOVER AND CONFESS SIN -He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy- Proverbs28:13
MORNING August 16
"Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name. "—Psalm 29:2:
EVENING August 16 “Ourselves also, which have the first-fruits of the Spitit.”
―Romans 8:23
TODAY”S DEVOTION: written and calendared by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
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PRAYER 3, Part 5 of 5
Lord, keep us right, true in doctrine, true in experience, true in life, true in word, true in deed. Let us have an intense agony of spirit concerning the many who are going down to the everlasting fire of which our Master spoke.
Lord, save them! LORD, SAVE THEM! Stay [stop] we pray Thee, the torrents [overwhelming flows] of sin that run down the streets [public sewage] of London [any large city]; purge the dead sea of sin, in which so many of the heathen [lost] are lying a-soak [soaking]. Oh! that the day were come [was here] when the name of Jesus shall be a household word, when everybody knew of His love, and of His death, and of His blood, and of its cleansing power. Lord, save men, gather out the company of the redeemed people; let those whom the Father gave to Christ be brought out from among the ruins of the fall to be His joy and crown.
“Let the people praise Thee, O God, yea, let all the people praise Thee.” Let the ends of the earth fear Him who died to save them. Let the whole earth be filled with the glory of God.
This is our great prayer, and we crown it with this: Come, Lord Jesus, come Lord and tarry not. Come in the fullness of Thy power and the splendor of Thy glory!
Come quickly, even so come quickly; Lord Jesus. Amen.
[In your name we pray.]
[Click and sing-along] I See The Lord (Let the whole earth be filled with His Glory)
ANECDOTE 17, BACKSLIDERS - A Lost Fellowship.
I once asked a brother how long it was since he had enjoyed fellowship with Jesus. His reply was remarkable. “I feel sorry,” said he, “you have asked me that question, and yet I must thank you. Had you asked me whether I continued in prayer, I would have said, Yes, for with more or less fervor, I do constantly pray. Had you inquired whether I endeavored to walk honestly and uprightly before my fellow creatures, I should have said, Yes, thank God, I hope I have not slipped with my feet; but when you say,
How long is it since you really have had fellowship with Jesus? I blush to own [I’m ashamed to confess] that many a day has passed since I have known this high privilege.”
Is that so with you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ? If so, it is very, very sad.
[Come to Him, now.]
FAITH’S CHECKBOOK AUGUST 16 C.H. Spurgeon 1834 – 1892
-He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy- Proverbs28:13 -El que encubre sus pecados, no prosperara: Mas el que los confiesa y se aparta, alcanzara misericordia.- Proverbios28:13
Here is the way of mercy for a guilty and repenting sinner. He must cease from the habit of covering [hiding or making excuses for] sin. This is attempted by
falsehood, which denies sin;
hypocrisy, which conceals it;
boasting, which justifies it; and
loud profession, which tries to make amends for it.
The sinner’s business is to confess and forsake. The two must go together. Confession must be honestly made to the Lord Himself; and it must include within itself acknowledgment for committing the act of the wrong, sense of its evil, and abhorrence [disgust and hate] of it.
We must not throw the fault upon [blame] others, nor blame circumstances, nor plead natural weakness [being human, “I’ve always had a bad temper…” is no excuse] . We must make a clean breast of it [cold-turkey], and plead guilty to the indictment [sin]. There can be no mercy till this is done.
Furthermore, we must forsake the evil: having owned [taken personal responsibility for] our fault, we must disown all present and future intent to abide in [continue doing] it. We cannot remain in rebellion and yet dwell [be in fellowship also] with the King’s Majesty [Sovereignty]. The habit of evil must be quitted [completely stopped and abandoned], together with all places, companions, pursuits, books, [entertainment or life-style choices which could compromise our resolve and again] lead us astray. Not for confession, nor for reformation, but in [admitting our personal attraction to and] connection with them [in confessing each sin, separately] we find pardon by faith in the blood of Jesus [Christ].
Prayer: Thank You Father that I may receive Your mercy and grace when I own up to, repent of and forsake my sin; each one of them. Thank You, that Jesus’ death on the cross is sufficient to forgive me of all my sin, save me and restore me to a right relationship with You, heavenly Father.
The John Mark Publishing Company P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693
e-mail: dailyspurgeon@aol.com
Please send us the e-mail address of anyone you would like to receive DailySpurgeon
… and pray that God will save souls thereby.
Pray also that believers rightly divide [faithfully analyze and preach] God’s eternal Word, preserved by God, Himself, that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten [supernaturally fathered] Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but may be having eternal life. John 3:16 vis. Greek Textus Receptus (majority of texts agreeing in hundreds of manuscripts of Earlier Greek)
MORNING August 16
"Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name. "—Psalm 29:2
—Dad á Jehová la Gloria debida á su nombre —Salmos 29:2
GOD'S glory is the result of His nature and acts. He is glorious in His character, for there is such a store of everything that is holy, and good, and lovely in God, that He must be glorious. The actions which flow from His character are also glorious; but while He intends that they should manifest [reveal] to His creatures His goodness, and mercy, and justice, He is equally concerned that the glory associated with them should be given only to Himself.
Nor is there aught [anything] in ourselves in which we may glory; for who [other than God] makes us to differ from another [person] ? And what have we [do we have] that we did not receive from the God of all grace? Then how careful ought we to be [should we be] to walk humbly before the Lord! The moment we glorify ourselves, since there is room for one glory only in the universe, we set ourselves up as rivals to the Most High.
Shall the insect of an hour glorify itself against the sun which warmed it into life? Shall the potsherd [broken piece of pottery] exalt itself above [think more of itself than] the man who fashioned it on the [potter’s] wheel? Shall the dust of the desert strive with [fight against] the whirlwind? Or [shall] the drops of the ocean struggle with the tempest [storm]?
Give to the Lord, all you righteous, give to the Lord glory and strength; give to Him the honor that is due His name. Yet it is, perhaps, one of the hardest struggles of the Christian life to learn this sentence— "Not unto us, not unto us, but unto Thy name be glory."
It is a lesson which God is ever [always] teaching us, and teaching us sometimes by most painful discipline.
Let a Christian begin to boast "I can do all things," without adding "through Christ which strengtheneth me," and before long he will have to groan, "I can do nothing" and bemoan [groaning in a sense of worthlessness] himself in the dust.
When we do anything for the Lord and He is pleased to accept our doings, let us lay our crown at His feet, and exclaim, "Not I, but the grace of God which was with me!"
EVENING August 16
"Ourselves also, which have the first-fruits of the Spirit." —Romans 8:23
—Mas también nosotros mismos, que tenemos las primicias del Espíritu —Romanos 8:23
PRESENT possession [for the believer] is declared. At this present moment we have the first-fruits of the Spirit. We have
repentance, that gem of the first water;
faith, that priceless pearl;
hope, the heavenly emerald; and
love, the glorious ruby.
We are already made "new creatures in Christ Jesus," by the effectual working of God the Holy Spirit. This is called the first-fruit because it comes first. As the wave-sheaf [bundles of grain harvested from the first-fruits waving freely in the wind] was the first of the harvest, so the spiritual life, and all the graces which adorn that life, are the first operations of the Spirit of God in our souls.
The first-fruits were the pledge of the harvest. As soon as the Israelite had plucked the first handful of ripe ears, he looked forward with glad anticipation to the time when the wagon should creak beneath the sheaves. So, brethren, when God gives us things that are pure, lovely, and of good report, as the work of the Holy Spirit, these are to us the prognostics [advance notices] of the coming glory.
The first-fruits were always holy to the Lord, and our new nature with all its powers is a consecrated [sacred] thing. The new life is not ours that we should ascribe [give credit for] its excellence to our own merit: it is Christ's image and creation, and is ordained [ordered] for His glory. But the first-fruits were not the harvest, and the works of the Spirit in us at this moment are not the consummation [totality]
— the perfection is yet to come. We must not boast that we have attained, and so reckon the wave-sheaf [bundles of grain harvested from the first-fruits waving freely in the wind] to be all the produce of the year:
We must hunger and thirst after righteousness, and pant for the day of full redemption. Dear reader, this evening, open your mouth wide [in praise and prayer], and God will fill it. Let the blessing in present possession excite in you a sacred avarice [a holy lust, from the greatest possible desire] for more grace.
Groan within yourself for higher degrees of consecration, and your Lord will grant them to you, for
He is able to do exceeding abundantly above what we ask or even think.
Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21
Pray and call on the name of the Lord Jesus.
You may pray like this:
“Lord Jesus, I’m a sinner. I’m lost and it’s hopeless for me to save myself. Without you and your death on the cross I would spend eternity in Hell.
I know that me doing my best or being good (in my own opinion) and justifying my own behavior as "good" or "OK" can never be enough to save me.
I look to You, alone Lord Jesus to save me.
I come to You right now. Lord Jesus. Will You please save me. I believe You died on the cross in my place to pay for my sin debt and put to death my sin nature. I know You always keep your word. Please save me. You have said and it’s written in the Bible that you won’t reject anyone who comes to you. Thank You.
I give myself (all of myself) to You, Lord Jesus. I declare that You are my Savior and Lord. I’m sorry for and I turn away from every sin (every bad thought, every bad word I have spoken and every bad thing I have ever done) and look to You free me from the penalty of sin, to keep me free from the power of sin and empower me overcome any temptation from sin’s presence. Thank you for forgiving all of my sins by dying on the cross to pay the punishment that I deserve. (I was a sinner by nature and by behavior). But now I'm washed clean by Your blood that was shed [poured out] for me at Calvary [at the cross].
Thank you Lord Jesus that You loved me and died for me before I was bor n and that You love me now and will always love me and will never reject or turn your back on me. I know You are the Way, the Truth and the Life and that no one can come to the Father other than by You.
Thank you Father that You have made a way for me to see myself as ungodly. But, because You are good You have made a way and given me the desire to come to You, to turn away from my sin and to trust in the Lord Jesus. You have forgiven me because He took my place and You have provided for me to be born again [born from above, born of the Holy Spirit].
You prompted this desire and faith to believe in Your only begotten Son who,gave up His life and died on the cross to pay my sin debt, not mine alone, but the sins of the whole world.
Thank You, Heavenly Father that you raised Jesus from the dead. He is ALIVE and in Him we are victorious over sin, death and the grave and in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation. After You raised Him from the dead You gave Him a Glorified, [everlasting] physical body and after he was seen by many witnesses on earth You took Him up to reign with You in heaven. Thank you for saving me. I pray this in the name, of Your only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ with a grateful heart. Thank You for saving me heavenly Father and for sending the Comforter, The Spirit of Truth, for my guidance and solemn instruction into all truth., Amen.”
Thank You Holy Spirit of Truth, Comforter, Paraclete [one who is by your side] for the new life in Jesus and the victory that comes when I recon myself dead indeed unto sin and alive unto God through Christ Jesus our Lord trusting You, Holy Spirit for the empowerment to see this promise fulfilled. Romans 6:11
Thank you that you, Holy Spirit, always exalt the Lord Jesus. John 16:8-11
With all my heart, I thank you Lord for saving me.
Help me to live for You in Jesus name, Amen.
Please allow us to celebrate with you and with the angels in heaven your new birth. Write to:
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San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693, U.S.A.
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DEVOTION for August 15th
From the writings of Charles Haddon Spurgeon
ANECDOTE 16, ATONEMENT - The Sinner’s Ransom.
-And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son- John 14:13
MORNING: "Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide." —Genesis 24:63
EVENING: "And I will give you an heart off flesh. " —Ezekiel 36:26
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If you would prefer to receive DailySpurgeon (including the DEVOTION), PLUS Sermons, Sacred Music PLAYLIST and The Pilgrim’s Progress Episodes) by e-mail,
…please e-mail: michaelriley1008@gmail.comPRAYER 3, Part 4 of 5
Furthermore, we ask of Thee, [we ask of You] our Father, this day to perfect Thy work [Your work] within our hearts. We are saved [by grace through faith in Jesus Christ Ephesians 2:8], but we would be [we desire to be] saved from sin of every form and degree; from sins that lie within, and we are scarcely aware that they are there. If we have any pride of which we are not conscious, any unbelief of which we are not aware, if there is a clinging to the creature [a fleshly appetite or a soulish, self-centered human being], a form of idolatry which we have not yet perceived, we pray Thee, Lord, to search us as with candles [divine light] till Thou dost [until You do] spy out [find] the evil and then put it away. We are not satisfied with pardoned sin, [we want NO sin for which we have to ask forgiveness] “We pray, create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
(today’s PRAISE music)
Help us in our daily life, in our families, in our relations as husbands or wives, parents; or children, masters or servants [employers, employees, domestic helpers, or nannies], in our business transactions with our fellow men, in our dealings with the Church of God, may we be true, upright, pure; kept from the great transgression because we are kept from the minor [lesser ones]. Oh! that we may be such as glorify Christ. Save us, we pray Thee, from the common [lifeless] religion; give us the peculiar [particular, specific] grace of a peculiar people.
May we abide in Christ, may we live near to God. Let not the frivolities [amusements or entertainments] of the world have any power over us whatever. May we be too full-grown in grace to be bewitched with the toys which are only becoming [attractive to] children. Oh! give us [help us] to especially serve Thee, and, this prayer we have already prayed but we pray it again: make us useful in the salvation of our fellow man. O Lord, have we lived so long in the world and yet are our [our own] children unconverted? May we never rest until they are truly saved. Have we been going up and down in business, and are those round about us as yet unaware of our Christian character? [That we trust in Jesus?] Have we never spoken to them the Word of Life? [The good news that Jesus is the Messiah] Lord, arouse us to a deep concern for all with whom we come in contact from day to day. Make us all missionaries at home or in the street, or in our workshop, wherever Providence has cast our lot, may we there shine as lights in the world.
[In Jesus name I pray, Amen.] ________________________________________
ANECDOTE 16, ATONEMENT - The Sinner’s Ransom.
But there stands forth on our behalf “the Wonderful, the Counselor [Jesus Christ] ;” he takes his brief in hand and begins to plead. Hark [Listen carefully to] what he says, and see how all opinion is turned at once! “I confess,” says he, “that every word is true that the last accuser has said. My client pleads guilty to every charge; but I have a full pardon signed by God’s own hand, purchased by my own blood;” and, stripping himself, he shows his breast, and bares his arm, and says, “These [souls] were given to me of my Father before the foundation of the world. I bare their sins in my own body on the tree [cross]. My Father justified them; I pardoned them.”
And then, mounting to the highest [main] point, he reaches the climax of grace as he exclaims, “Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? Canst thou [Can You] O God? Hast thou not justified ? [Haven’t You justified them?] I cannot, [justify them] for I died.” Then he sits down, in triumph, saying, “Whom he [The Father] justified, them he also glorified. Nothing shall be able to separate them from the love of God.” Shall not each ransomed sinner shout with joy?
[ Hallelujah !]
FAITH’S CHECKBOOK AUGUST 15 C.H. Spurgeon 1834 - 1892
-And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son- John 14:13
-Y todo lo que pidiereis al Padre en mi nombre, esto hare, para que el Padre sea glorificado en el Hijo- Juan 14:13
It is not every believer who has yet [even now] learned to pray in [Jesus] Christ’s name. To ask not only for His sake, but in His name, as authorized by Him, is a high order of prayer. We would not dare to ask for some things in that blessed name, for it would be a wretched profanation of it [profanity]; but when the petition is so clearly right that we dare set the name of Jesus to it, then it must be granted. Prayer is all the more sure to succeed because it is for the Father’s glory through the Son. It glorifies His truth, His faithfulness, His power, His grace. The granting of prayer, when offered in the name of Jesus, reveals the Father’s love to Him, and the honor which He has put upon Him. The glory of Jesus and of the Father are so wrapped up together, that the grace which magnifies the one magnifies the other. The channel [stream] is made famous through the fullness [abundant volume] of the fountain [spring], and the fountain is honored through the channel [stream] by which it flows.
If the answering of our prayers would dishonor our Lord, we would not pray; but since in this thing He is glorified, we will pray without ceasing in that dear name in which God and His people have a fellowship of delight.
Prayer: Thank You Father that when the petition is so clearly right that we dare to set the name of Jesus to it, then it must be granted. Prayer is all the more, sure to succeed because it is for Your glory, Father, through Your Son. It glorifies His truth, His faithfulness, His power, and His grace. Thank You that The glory of Jesus and of You, Father, are so wrapped up together, that the grace which magnifies the one magnifies the other.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The John Mark Publishing Company P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693
e-mail: dailyspurgeon@aol.com
Please send us the e-mail address of anyone you would like to receive DailySpurgeon
… and pray that God will save souls thereby.
Pray also that believers rightly divide [faithfully analyze and preach] God’s eternal Word, preserved by God, Himself, that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten [supernaturally fathered] Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but may be having eternal life. John 3:16 vis. Textus Receptus (majority held texts agreeing in hundreds of manuscripts from Original Greek.)
Pray that all followers of Jesus Christ faithfully proclaim God’s Word to every creature.
in Jesus’ name, Amen.
MORNING August 15
"Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide." —Genesis 24:63
— Y había salido Isaac a meditar al campo, a la hora de la tarde…—Génesis 24:63
VERY admirable was his [Isaac’s] occupation. If those who spend so many hours in idle company, light reading, and useless pastimes [amusements, T.V. etc.], could learn wisdom they would find more profitable society [friends] and more interesting engagements in meditation than in the vanities [self absorbing things] which now have such charms for them.
We would all know more, live nearer to God, and grow in grace, if we were alone more often. Meditation chews the cud [second chewing and normal digestion of cows] extractng the real nutriment [benefit] from the mental food gathered elsewhere.
When Jesus is the theme, meditation is sweet indeed. Isaac found Rebecca while engaged in private musings [reflections]; many others have found their best beloved there.
Very admirable was the choice of place. In the field we have a study hung round with [supported by many] texts for thought. From the cedar [tree] to the hyssop [herb bush], from the soaring eagle down to the chirping grasshopper, from the blue expanse of heaven to a drop of [morning] dew, all things are full of teaching and when the eye is divinely opened that teaching flashes on the mind far more vividly than from written books.
Our little rooms [inside a house] are neither so healthy, so suggestive, so agreeable, or so inspiring as the fields [out doors]. Let us count nothing common or unclean but feel that all created things point to their Maker, and the field will at once be hallowed [seen as holy].
Very admirable was the season. The season of sun set as it draws a veil over the day, befits [duly brings] that repose of the soul when earthborn cares yield to the joys of heavenly communion [companionship].
The glory of the setting sun excites our wonder, and the solemnity of approaching night awakens our awe [wonderment]. If the business of this day will permit it, it will be well, dear reader, if you can spare an hour to walk in the field at eventide [sunset], but if not, the Lord is in the town too, and will meet with you in your chamber [room] or in the crowded street.
Let your heart go to meet Him. ________________________________________
EVENING August 15
"And I will give you an heart off flesh. " —Ezekiel 36:26
—Y os daré corazón de carne. —Ezequiel 36:26
A HEART of flesh is known by its tenderness concerning sin. To have indulged a foul [sensual] imagination or to have allowed a wild desire to tarry even for a moment is quite enough to make a heart of flesh grieve [sense a true sorrow] before the Lord.
The [person with a] heart of stone calls a great iniquity nothing, but not so the heart of flesh.
If to the right or left I stray,
That moment, Lord, reprove;
And let me weep my life away,
For having grieved thy love.
The heart of flesh is tender [sensitive] to God's will. My Lord “Will-be-will” [Mr. Self-will] is a great blusterer, [one who roars loudly with empty threats, menaces or protests] and it is hard to subject him to God's will; but when the heart of flesh is given, the will quivers like an aspen leaf in every breath of heaven, and bows like a willow in every breeze of God's Spirit.
[This character, (Mr. Self-will), is personified in The Pilgrim’s Progress
(The worlds most widely read and most famous Allegory written by John Bunyan)]
The natural will is cold, hard iron, which cannot be hammered into form, but the renewed will, like molten metal, is soon molded by the hand of [God’s] grace. In the fleshy heart there is a tenderness of the affections.
The hard heart does not love the Redeemer, but the renewed heart burns with affection towards Him. The hard heart is selfish and coldly demands, "Why should I weep for sin? Why should I love the Lord?"
But the heart of flesh says; "Lord, You know that I love You; help me to love You more!" Many are the privileges of this renewed heart; " 'Tis [It is] here the [Holy] Spirit dwells, 'tis here that Jesus rests." It is fitted to receive every spiritual blessing, and every blessing comes to it. It is prepared to yield every heavenly fruit to the honor and praise of God, and therefore the Lord delights in it.
A tender heart is the best defense against sin, and the best preparation for heaven. A renewed heart stands on its watchtower [on guard] looking for the coming of the Lord Jesus.
Have you [Do you have] this heart of flesh?
[Ask for it now, won’t you?]
Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21
Call on the name of the Lord Jesus and be saved … pray like this, won’t you?
“Lord Jesus, I’m a lost sinner and without You I am lost. I can’t save myself. Without your death on the cross to pay my sin debt I would be condemned to spend eternity in Hell. My nature and behavior has been sinful from birth. Please forgive me.
I realize that doing my best, being as good as possible, or being better than other people can never save me. . I’m sorry for each and every sin I have ever done and look to You to forgive them all.
I look to You, alone Lord Jesus to save me.
I call on You, Lord Jesus, right now to save me. You died on the cross for me, as God’s sacrifice for my sin.
Right now, just as I am, I call on You, Lord Jesus to save me, I trust You to be my Savior and Lord.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You have forgiven me of all my sins. I want to follow You from now on.
You paid the price for all of my sins by dying on the cross.
Thank you, Lord Jesus that You loved me and died for me before I was born and that You love me still
Thank you, Heavenly Father, that You called me away from sin and death into the Life everlasting in Your only begotten son, the Lord Jesus.
Thank You, Heavenly Father that you raised Jesus from the dead. He is alive and in Him we are victorious over sin, death and the grave.
Thank You for saving me heavenly Father and Holy Spirit for Your comfort and guidance in all things.
With all my heart, thank you Lord Jesus for saving me. In your name, I pray, Amen.
Please allow us to share the joy of your new birth with heaven. Heaven rejoices over each redeemed sinner. Luke 15:7
The John Mark Publishing Company, P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693, U.S.A. or e-mail: dailyspurgeon@aol.com.
John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten [divinely fathered] Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but may be having eternal life.
vis. Textus Receptus [The Received Greek Text] (From the overwhelming majority of extant New Testament Greek manuscripts)
The Incomplete and unsealed codices of Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are not majority texts, [Original Masoretic Hebrew and the Greek Textus Receptus]. Sinaiticus and Vaticanus present variant, ambiguous and erroneous readings rather than that of the well-established and settled texts. They disagree often with one another as well as with the settled majority texts. Thus, an attempt to create a pretext that will continue to justify a never-ending demand for additional editions and interpretations. These unsettled differences and bias in certain sectarian doctrine [dogma] have led to the production of multiple “modern” editions with ambiguities, many variant readings and confusion from the explosion of unending, new editions.
Profit-driven publishers have embraced such an economic windfall to sell a continual flow of “new and better” English edition of The Bible. They give too little attention to the fidelity and accuracy already settled [in heaven] in majority manuscripts of the Masoretic Hebrew and the Greek Textus Receptus.
Psalm 119:89-90
89 Forever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations:
thou hast established the earth, and it abideth. [abides]
God, Himself, providentially protects and preserves His Word. His Word is the God-breathed, self-authenticating, immutable [unchanging and unchangeable], eternal, inerrant, infallible, infinite and all-powerful Word, settled in heaven. He is not the author of confusion.
jTHE MOST POPULAR ENGLISH BIBLE that has endured for more than 400 years is The Authorized King James Bible. (KJV) It is immutable, inerrant, infallible and eternal. It will endure for ever and it is self-authenticating.
GOD’S HOLY WORD is Immutable and infallible. It is God breathed,
Self-Authenticating, Providentially Protected and Preserved and For ever Settled in Heaven, Psalm 119:89
Is It The Best? David Hocking
David’s Summary
(8 min.) The problem is not English, but which Greek text was used to render the English translation.
DEFENDING KING JAMES [AND EXPOSING MAMMON] from The Millennium Bible Institute
(This video is for those who seek to use the best Bible to give God the utmost praise and worship and the greatest glory that is insisted upon and rightfully commanded by His inspired and providentially preserved inerrant and infallible HOLY WORD)
Westcott and Hort conspiracy exposed
(Click for The Inside Story of Westcott and Hort.
In 1870, The Church of England finally passed a resolution to revise the English Bible. The New Testament revision committee finally consisted of 25 scholars (though only about 16 eventually attended the meetings) which included Westcott and Hort. The committee worked for ten years in the Jerusalem chamber, and these two scholars swept the Revision Committee along with them after work commenced. In fact, the “Cambridge trio” (Westcott, Hort and Lightfoot) colluded with others to dominate the meetings with their views of the text and to defeat any who opposed them. Their *letters reveal this conspiracy:
* Letters quoted in Inside Story above
The only voice defending the Textus Receptus was Dr Scrivener, probably the foremost scholar of the day in the manuscripts of the Greek New Testament and the history of the Text. But he was systematically outvoted by the Cambridge trio and outdone by Hort’s powerful debating skill. When the revision was completed, they had altered the Greek Text in 5337 places,
thus violating the original rule that had been set for the committee of not altering the Greek Text unless absolutely necessary to do so.
… Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13
Our solemn aim is to trust and obey the Lord Jesus in everything. We must rely upon God entirely to achieve His purposes in us and through us.
Loving and worshiping God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength in Spirit and in truth is a labor of love and duty of every believer. Desire will grow stronger as we give ourselves to prayer, reading and meditating on God’s Word, gathering ourselves together to hear Gospel preaching, the singing of Psalms, sacred hymns and spiritual songs.
We purpose, with God’s help, to reach the lost, comfort, strengthen and encourage believers, and rightly divide God’s Word to proclaim the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ to every creature.
The Holy Bible is God’s eternal, inerrant, infallible, immutable revealed and divinely preserved Word. It is His completed scripture of all revealed truth. He brings guidance and the knowledge of His will to us personally and to each local body of Christian believers through His Word. With God’s help and empowerment, we will read, study, meditate-on, trust-in and obey God’s Holy Bible and encourage others to do the same. We hold it to be the supreme authority and the preeminent and divinely established precedent [Stare Decisis Latin: to stand by that which is decided, the legal doctrine of precedence, literally "to stand by decided matters"] in all things.
Therefore, the purpose of The John Mark Publishing Company is to publish the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature. And, to serve all, in love, especially those in the household of faith. We are compelled by this purpose to follow, and rightly apply and proclaim, God’s Holy Word, the Bible, as God’s divinely preserved truth; being the essential authority and goal of this ministry.
The Metropolitan Tabernacle: Home church of Charles H. Spurgeon
The preaching, teaching, soul winning and writings of Charles Haddon Spurgeon are firmly fixed on the bedrock of Holy Scripture. His entire ministry was established, empowered and inspired solely by God’s Holy Word imparted to him by the Holy Spirit. His written works continue to bless, guide, challenge and benefit today’s readers through the publication of his authentic Gospel sermons and other inspired writing His ministry continues to thrive and flourish today through the Metropolitan Tabernacle a church begun in 1650 The present building was constructed in 1861 and was rebuilt after the destruction caused during the second world war. This church has been steadfast in it’s adherence to Reformed Baptist theology that Spurgeon said was just a nickname for Biblical Christianity. They have resisted and continue to reject worldly winds of false doctrine, including pragmatism and self-centered “Christian hedonism”. Biblical Christianity will always show itself as a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, never just a philosophy or religion.
Mission Aim: Spurgeon's sermons and devotional messages have edified the church body and have been a great benefit, to all readers for many years. We pray they will be useful to strengthen personal discipleship in each and every believer and will be a useful instrument in the spreading of the Gospel [Good news] of Jesus Christ, the Messiah to all nations.
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DEVOTION for August 15th
From the writings of Charles Haddon Spurgeon
ANECDOTE 16, ATONEMENT - The Sinner’s Ransom.
-And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son- John 14:13
MORNING: "Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide." —Genesis 24:63
EVENING: "And I will give you an heart off flesh. " —Ezekiel 36:26
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…please e-mail: michaelriley1008@gmail.comPRAYER 3, Part 4 of 5
Furthermore, we ask of Thee, [we ask of You] our Father, this day to perfect Thy work [Your work] within our hearts. We are saved [by grace through faith in Jesus Christ Ephesians 2:8], but we would be [we desire to be] saved from sin of every form and degree; from sins that lie within, and we are scarcely aware that they are there. If we have any pride of which we are not conscious, any unbelief of which we are not aware, if there is a clinging to the creature [a fleshly appetite or a soulish, self-centered human being], a form of idolatry which we have not yet perceived, we pray Thee, Lord, to search us as with candles [divine light] till Thou dost [until You do] spy out [find] the evil and then put it away. We are not satisfied with pardoned sin, [we want NO sin for which we have to ask forgiveness] “We pray, create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
(today’s PRAISE music)
Help us in our daily life, in our families, in our relations as husbands or wives, parents; or children, masters or servants [employers, employees, domestic helpers, or nannies], in our business transactions with our fellow men, in our dealings with the Church of God, may we be true, upright, pure; kept from the great transgression because we are kept from the minor [lesser ones]. Oh! that we may be such as glorify Christ. Save us, we pray Thee, from the common [lifeless] religion; give us the peculiar [particular, specific] grace of a peculiar people.
May we abide in Christ, may we live near to God. Let not the frivolities [amusements or entertainments] of the world have any power over us whatever. May we be too full-grown in grace to be bewitched with the toys which are only becoming [attractive to] children. Oh! give us [help us] to especially serve Thee, and, this prayer we have already prayed but we pray it again: make us useful in the salvation of our fellow man. O Lord, have we lived so long in the world and yet are our [our own] children unconverted? May we never rest until they are truly saved. Have we been going up and down in business, and are those round about us as yet unaware of our Christian character? [That we trust in Jesus?] Have we never spoken to them the Word of Life? [The good news that Jesus is the Messiah] Lord, arouse us to a deep concern for all with whom we come in contact from day to day. Make us all missionaries at home or in the street, or in our workshop, wherever Providence has cast our lot, may we there shine as lights in the world.
[In Jesus name I pray, Amen.] ________________________________________
ANECDOTE 16, ATONEMENT - The Sinner’s Ransom.
But there stands forth on our behalf “the Wonderful, the Counselor [Jesus Christ] ;” he takes his brief in hand and begins to plead. Hark [Listen carefully to] what he says, and see how all opinion is turned at once! “I confess,” says he, “that every word is true that the last accuser has said. My client pleads guilty to every charge; but I have a full pardon signed by God’s own hand, purchased by my own blood;” and, stripping himself, he shows his breast, and bares his arm, and says, “These [souls] were given to me of my Father before the foundation of the world. I bare their sins in my own body on the tree [cross]. My Father justified them; I pardoned them.”
And then, mounting to the highest [main] point, he reaches the climax of grace as he exclaims, “Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? Canst thou [Can You] O God? Hast thou not justified ? [Haven’t You justified them?] I cannot, [justify them] for I died.” Then he sits down, in triumph, saying, “Whom he [The Father] justified, them he also glorified. Nothing shall be able to separate them from the love of God.” Shall not each ransomed sinner shout with joy?
[ Hallelujah !]
FAITH’S CHECKBOOK AUGUST 15 C.H. Spurgeon 1834 - 1892
-And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son- John 14:13
-Y todo lo que pidiereis al Padre en mi nombre, esto hare, para que el Padre sea glorificado en el Hijo- Juan 14:13
It is not every believer who has yet [even now] learned to pray in [Jesus] Christ’s name. To ask not only for His sake, but in His name, as authorized by Him, is a high order of prayer. We would not dare to ask for some things in that blessed name, for it would be a wretched profanation of it [profanity]; but when the petition is so clearly right that we dare set the name of Jesus to it, then it must be granted. Prayer is all the more sure to succeed because it is for the Father’s glory through the Son. It glorifies His truth, His faithfulness, His power, His grace. The granting of prayer, when offered in the name of Jesus, reveals the Father’s love to Him, and the honor which He has put upon Him. The glory of Jesus and of the Father are so wrapped up together, that the grace which magnifies the one magnifies the other. The channel [stream] is made famous through the fullness [abundant volume] of the fountain [spring], and the fountain is honored through the channel [stream] by which it flows.
If the answering of our prayers would dishonor our Lord, we would not pray; but since in this thing He is glorified, we will pray without ceasing in that dear name in which God and His people have a fellowship of delight.
Prayer: Thank You Father that when the petition is so clearly right that we dare to set the name of Jesus to it, then it must be granted. Prayer is all the more, sure to succeed because it is for Your glory, Father, through Your Son. It glorifies His truth, His faithfulness, His power, and His grace. Thank You that The glory of Jesus and of You, Father, are so wrapped up together, that the grace which magnifies the one magnifies the other.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The John Mark Publishing Company P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693
e-mail: dailyspurgeon@aol.com
Please send us the e-mail address of anyone you would like to receive DailySpurgeon
… and pray that God will save souls thereby.
Pray also that believers rightly divide [faithfully analyze and preach] God’s eternal Word, preserved by God, Himself, that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten [supernaturally fathered] Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but may be having eternal life. John 3:16 vis. Textus Receptus (majority held texts agreeing in hundreds of manuscripts from Original Greek.)
Pray that all followers of Jesus Christ faithfully proclaim God’s Word to every creature.
in Jesus’ name, Amen.
MORNING August 15
"Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide." —Genesis 24:63
— Y había salido Isaac a meditar al campo, a la hora de la tarde…—Génesis 24:63
VERY admirable was his [Isaac’s] occupation. If those who spend so many hours in idle company, light reading, and useless pastimes [amusements, T.V. etc.], could learn wisdom they would find more profitable society [friends] and more interesting engagements in meditation than in the vanities [self absorbing things] which now have such charms for them.
We would all know more, live nearer to God, and grow in grace, if we were alone more often. Meditation chews the cud [second chewing and normal digestion of cows] extractng the real nutriment [benefit] from the mental food gathered elsewhere.
When Jesus is the theme, meditation is sweet indeed. Isaac found Rebecca while engaged in private musings [reflections]; many others have found their best beloved there.
Very admirable was the choice of place. In the field we have a study hung round with [supported by many] texts for thought. From the cedar [tree] to the hyssop [herb bush], from the soaring eagle down to the chirping grasshopper, from the blue expanse of heaven to a drop of [morning] dew, all things are full of teaching and when the eye is divinely opened that teaching flashes on the mind far more vividly than from written books.
Our little rooms [inside a house] are neither so healthy, so suggestive, so agreeable, or so inspiring as the fields [out doors]. Let us count nothing common or unclean but feel that all created things point to their Maker, and the field will at once be hallowed [seen as holy].
Very admirable was the season. The season of sun set as it draws a veil over the day, befits [duly brings] that repose of the soul when earthborn cares yield to the joys of heavenly communion [companionship].
The glory of the setting sun excites our wonder, and the solemnity of approaching night awakens our awe [wonderment]. If the business of this day will permit it, it will be well, dear reader, if you can spare an hour to walk in the field at eventide [sunset], but if not, the Lord is in the town too, and will meet with you in your chamber [room] or in the crowded street.
Let your heart go to meet Him. ________________________________________
EVENING August 15
"And I will give you an heart off flesh. " —Ezekiel 36:26
—Y os daré corazón de carne. —Ezequiel 36:26
A HEART of flesh is known by its tenderness concerning sin. To have indulged a foul [sensual] imagination or to have allowed a wild desire to tarry even for a moment is quite enough to make a heart of flesh grieve [sense a true sorrow] before the Lord.
The [person with a] heart of stone calls a great iniquity nothing, but not so the heart of flesh.
If to the right or left I stray,
That moment, Lord, reprove;
And let me weep my life away,
For having grieved thy love.
The heart of flesh is tender [sensitive] to God's will. My Lord “Will-be-will” [Mr. Self-will] is a great blusterer, [one who roars loudly with empty threats, menaces or protests] and it is hard to subject him to God's will; but when the heart of flesh is given, the will quivers like an aspen leaf in every breath of heaven, and bows like a willow in every breeze of God's Spirit.
[This character, (Mr. Self-will), is personified in The Pilgrim’s Progress
(The worlds most widely read and most famous Allegory written by John Bunyan)]
The natural will is cold, hard iron, which cannot be hammered into form, but the renewed will, like molten metal, is soon molded by the hand of [God’s] grace. In the fleshy heart there is a tenderness of the affections.
The hard heart does not love the Redeemer, but the renewed heart burns with affection towards Him. The hard heart is selfish and coldly demands, "Why should I weep for sin? Why should I love the Lord?"
But the heart of flesh says; "Lord, You know that I love You; help me to love You more!" Many are the privileges of this renewed heart; " 'Tis [It is] here the [Holy] Spirit dwells, 'tis here that Jesus rests." It is fitted to receive every spiritual blessing, and every blessing comes to it. It is prepared to yield every heavenly fruit to the honor and praise of God, and therefore the Lord delights in it.
A tender heart is the best defense against sin, and the best preparation for heaven. A renewed heart stands on its watchtower [on guard] looking for the coming of the Lord Jesus.
Have you [Do you have] this heart of flesh?
[Ask for it now, won’t you?]
Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21
Call on the name of the Lord Jesus and be saved … pray like this, won’t you?
“Lord Jesus, I’m a lost sinner and without You I am lost. I can’t save myself. Without your death on the cross to pay my sin debt I would be condemned to spend eternity in Hell. My nature and behavior has been sinful from birth. Please forgive me.
I realize that doing my best, being as good as possible, or being better than other people can never save me. . I’m sorry for each and every sin I have ever done and look to You to forgive them all.
I look to You, alone Lord Jesus to save me.
I call on You, Lord Jesus, right now to save me. You died on the cross for me, as God’s sacrifice for my sin.
Right now, just as I am, I call on You, Lord Jesus to save me, I trust You to be my Savior and Lord.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You have forgiven me of all my sins. I want to follow You from now on.
You paid the price for all of my sins by dying on the cross.
Thank you, Lord Jesus that You loved me and died for me before I was born and that You love me still
Thank you, Heavenly Father, that You called me away from sin and death into the Life everlasting in Your only begotten son, the Lord Jesus.
Thank You, Heavenly Father that you raised Jesus from the dead. He is alive and in Him we are victorious over sin, death and the grave.
Thank You for saving me heavenly Father and Holy Spirit for Your comfort and guidance in all things.
With all my heart, thank you Lord Jesus for saving me. In your name, I pray, Amen.
Please allow us to share the joy of your new birth with heaven. Heaven rejoices over each redeemed sinner. Luke 15:7
The John Mark Publishing Company, P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693, U.S.A. or e-mail: dailyspurgeon@aol.com.
John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten [divinely fathered] Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but may be having eternal life.
vis. Textus Receptus [The Received Greek Text] (From the overwhelming majority of extant New Testament Greek manuscripts)
The Incomplete and unsealed codices of Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are not majority texts, [Original Masoretic Hebrew and the Greek Textus Receptus]. Sinaiticus and Vaticanus present variant, ambiguous and erroneous readings rather than that of the well-established and settled texts. They disagree often with one another as well as with the settled majority texts. Thus, an attempt to create a pretext that will continue to justify a never-ending demand for additional editions and interpretations. These unsettled differences and bias in certain sectarian doctrine [dogma] have led to the production of multiple “modern” editions with ambiguities, many variant readings and confusion from the explosion of unending, new editions.
Profit-driven publishers have embraced such an economic windfall to sell a continual flow of “new and better” English edition of The Bible. They give too little attention to the fidelity and accuracy already settled [in heaven] in majority manuscripts of the Masoretic Hebrew and the Greek Textus Receptus.
Psalm 119:89-90
89 Forever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations:
thou hast established the earth, and it abideth. [abides]
God, Himself, providentially protects and preserves His Word. His Word is the God-breathed, self-authenticating, immutable [unchanging and unchangeable], eternal, inerrant, infallible, infinite and all-powerful Word, settled in heaven. He is not the author of confusion.
jTHE MOST POPULAR ENGLISH BIBLE that has endured for more than 400 years is The Authorized King James Bible. (KJV) It is immutable, inerrant, infallible and eternal. It will endure for ever and it is self-authenticating.
GOD’S HOLY WORD is Immutable and infallible. It is God breathed,
Self-Authenticating, Providentially Protected and Preserved and For ever Settled in Heaven, Psalm 119:89
Is It The Best? David Hocking
David’s Summary
(8 min.) The problem is not English, but which Greek text was used to render the English translation.
DEFENDING KING JAMES [AND EXPOSING MAMMON] from The Millennium Bible Institute
(This video is for those who seek to use the best Bible to give God the utmost praise and worship and the greatest glory that is insisted upon and rightfully commanded by His inspired and providentially preserved inerrant and infallible HOLY WORD)
Westcott and Hort conspiracy exposed
(Click for The Inside Story of Westcott and Hort.
In 1870, The Church of England finally passed a resolution to revise the English Bible. The New Testament revision committee finally consisted of 25 scholars (though only about 16 eventually attended the meetings) which included Westcott and Hort. The committee worked for ten years in the Jerusalem chamber, and these two scholars swept the Revision Committee along with them after work commenced. In fact, the “Cambridge trio” (Westcott, Hort and Lightfoot) colluded with others to dominate the meetings with their views of the text and to defeat any who opposed them. Their *letters reveal this conspiracy:
* Letters quoted in Inside Story above
The only voice defending the Textus Receptus was Dr Scrivener, probably the foremost scholar of the day in the manuscripts of the Greek New Testament and the history of the Text. But he was systematically outvoted by the Cambridge trio and outdone by Hort’s powerful debating skill. When the revision was completed, they had altered the Greek Text in 5337 places,
thus violating the original rule that had been set for the committee of not altering the Greek Text unless absolutely necessary to do so.
… Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13
Our solemn aim is to trust and obey the Lord Jesus in everything. We must rely upon God entirely to achieve His purposes in us and through us.
Loving and worshiping God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength in Spirit and in truth is a labor of love and duty of every believer. Desire will grow stronger as we give ourselves to prayer, reading and meditating on God’s Word, gathering ourselves together to hear Gospel preaching, the singing of Psalms, sacred hymns and spiritual songs.
We purpose, with God’s help, to reach the lost, comfort, strengthen and encourage believers, and rightly divide God’s Word to proclaim the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ to every creature.
The Holy Bible is God’s eternal, inerrant, infallible, immutable revealed and divinely preserved Word. It is His completed scripture of all revealed truth. He brings guidance and the knowledge of His will to us personally and to each local body of Christian believers through His Word. With God’s help and empowerment, we will read, study, meditate-on, trust-in and obey God’s Holy Bible and encourage others to do the same. We hold it to be the supreme authority and the preeminent and divinely established precedent [Stare Decisis Latin: to stand by that which is decided, the legal doctrine of precedence, literally "to stand by decided matters"] in all things.
Therefore, the purpose of The John Mark Publishing Company is to publish the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature. And, to serve all, in love, especially those in the household of faith. We are compelled by this purpose to follow, and rightly apply and proclaim, God’s Holy Word, the Bible, as God’s divinely preserved truth; being the essential authority and goal of this ministry.
The Metropolitan Tabernacle: Home church of Charles H. Spurgeon
The preaching, teaching, soul winning and writings of Charles Haddon Spurgeon are firmly fixed on the bedrock of Holy Scripture. His entire ministry was established, empowered and inspired solely by God’s Holy Word imparted to him by the Holy Spirit. His written works continue to bless, guide, challenge and benefit today’s readers through the publication of his authentic Gospel sermons and other inspired writing His ministry continues to thrive and flourish today through the Metropolitan Tabernacle a church begun in 1650 The present building was constructed in 1861 and was rebuilt after the destruction caused during the second world war. This church has been steadfast in it’s adherence to Reformed Baptist theology that Spurgeon said was just a nickname for Biblical Christianity. They have resisted and continue to reject worldly winds of false doctrine, including pragmatism and self-centered “Christian hedonism”. Biblical Christianity will always show itself as a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, never just a philosophy or religion.
Mission Aim: Spurgeon's sermons and devotional messages have edified the church body and have been a great benefit, to all readers for many years. We pray they will be useful to strengthen personal discipleship in each and every believer and will be a useful instrument in the spreading of the Gospel [Good news] of Jesus Christ, the Messiah to all nations.
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