Daily Spurgeon
DAILY SPURGEON for January 22nd *A.D. 2025 Written and calendared for this exact date by Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892.
*A.D. Does NOT mean after death as is commonly believed. It is a Latin abbreviation
for anno Domani (It means “Year of our Lord”.
BC/AD versus BCE/CE Is there a difference?​
Yes. Stand for the Truth, Won’t you?
Jesus Christ [Messiah] (Anointed King)] the LORD GOD was born of a virgin 2025 years ago, was crucified, then rose from the dead, victorious over sin, death and the grave and is here in the flesh from GOD as His Church, The Body of Christ and will live forever, time without end and He, Himself, is coming again.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIC5rUbs_-E&t=9s
(2 hrs. 49 mins.)
This Documentary presents the historical facts that accompany the publication of over 100 English versionsof the Bible. These continual but unsuccessfulattempts to replace the King James Version KJV Bible can not prevail because GOD Himselfpreserves and protects His inerrant and infallible Holy Scripture from all heresy, blasphemy, compromise or confusion.
GOD’S WORD (Immutable, God breathed, Self-Authenticating. Providentially Protected and Preserved and Forever Settled in Heaven, Psalm 119:89) The Authorized King James Bible
Is It The Best? David Hocking
David’s Summary (8 min.) The problem is not English, but is which Greek text was used to translate the Greek into English. [The Textus Receptus (Received Text) was rendered from 5,321 extant Greek manuscripts known as the Majority Text MT. These manuscripts overwhelmingly agree with one another and do not contain the heretical biases found in the Greek Text of Westcott & Hort and Nestle & Aland. The Foundational support of these two Greek Texts rest upon only 55 hand-picked manuscripts from the extant Majority Text instead of all 5,321.
Amazing Grace by Wintley Phipps at Carnegie Hall
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHTSCJ77SM8
URL: https://godblesstheusabible.com/
URL: https://www.history.com/news/king-james-bible-most-popular
Jesus Christ [Messiah] (Anointed King)] the LORD GOD was born of a virgin 2025 years ago, was crucified, then rose from the dead, victorious over sin, death and the grave and is here in the flesh from GOD as His Church, The Body of Christ and will live forever, time without end and He, Himself, is coming again.
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ORIGINAL: The Pilgrim’s Progress Pub. by Logos,1853 from 1678 Original by John Bunyan
REVISED TEXT by Barry E. Horner: The Pilgrim’s Progrefs [sic]...
in Pilgrim’s Progress. (Tthe World’s most widely circulated Allegory by John Bunyan, also credited, by some, as being the world’s first English novel.
IT’S FREE. No subscription required. You may choose to read at your own pace, or you may want to view DailySpugeon.com for daily encounters with Pilgrim.)
"Christ in us is Christ reigning." reminds me [Spurgeon's comment] of Mr. Bunyan’s picture of [the town of] Mansoul, …when the Prince Immanuel laid siege to it, and Diabolus from within the city strove to keep him out. It was a, hard time for Mansoul then; but when at last the battering rams had broken down the gates, and the silver trumpets sounded, and the prince’s captains entered the breach, then on a day the prince himself did ride down the city’s streets, while liberated citizens welcomed him with all their hearts, hung out all their streamers, and made the church towers rock again as the bells rang out merry peals [melody] , for the king himself was come. Up to the castle of the heart he rode in triumph, and took his royal throne to be henceforth the sole lord and king of the city.
Christ in you is a right royal word. Christ swaying his scepter from the center of your being over every power and faculty, desire and resolve, bringing every thought into captivity to himself, oh, this is glory begun, and the sure pledge of heaven. Oh for more of the imperial sovereignty of Jesus; it is our liberty to be absolutely under his sway.
ADULT AUDIO Episodes and CHILDREN’S VIDEO Story Parts:
You may choose to read or listen to Pilgrim’s Progress as a bed time story.
It’s the world’s most famous allegory and is the all-time, world-wide best seller second only to the Bible. Some believe it to be the world’s first novel written in English.
It will bless, encourage and instruct pilgrims (readers and seekers) of all ages for a life-time.
Link to Complete Index of Bible Scripture References (open link).
The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan (Complete audio-book narrated by Christopher Glyn -6 ½ hours)
Preface: Bunyan’s letter​
Episode 01: The City of Destruction
Episode 02: Obstinate & Pliable
Episode 03: The Swamp of Despond
Episode 04: Mr. Worldly Wiseman
Episode 05: The Narrow Gate
Episode 06: The House of the Interpreter
Episode 07: The Cross
Episode 08: Simple, Sloth & Presumption
Episode 09: Formalist & Hypocrisy
Episode 10: The Hill Difficulty
Episode 11: Timorous & Mistrust
Episode 12: The Palace Beautiful
Episode 13: Battle with Apollyon
Episode 14: The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Episode 15: Christian Meets Faithful & Talkative
Episode 16: Mr. By-ends Town of Fair Speech
Episode 17: The Hill Lucre [Gain and Greed]
Episode 18: By-path Meadow Vain Confidence
Episode 19: Doubting Castle
Episode 20: The Delectable Mountains
Episode 21: Ignorance Conceit
Episode 22: The Flatterer​Episode 23: Atheist
Episode 24: The Enchanted Ground
Episode 25: Ignorance Rejoins the Pilgrims
Episode 26: Beulah Land
Episode 27: The River of Death
Episode 28: The Celestial City
The Pilgrim's Progress is probably the most published books in the English language of all time, other than the Bible; 1,300 editions have been printed before 1938, 250 years after the author's death; It’s the most famous Allegory ever written.
Christian Sermons and Audio Books
Sep 17, 2017
CHILDREN’S VIDEO (Illustrated Adaptation)
Pilgrim’s Progress Drama presented in 9 parts.
Part 1 The Slough of Despond [The Swamp]
Part 2 The Interpreter’s House
Part 3 The Hill Difficulty
Part 4 The Fight with Apollyon
Part 5 The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Part 6 Vanity Fair
Part 7 Doubting Castle
Parts 8 & 9 The Dark River and The Celestial City
PART II – CHRISTIANA, The SEQUEL (Enjoy this “Old English” dialect)
AUDIO: These files will advance to and play the next recording automatically, if not paused.
1Part II 04 A Visit from Secret 4:50 Audio
2 Part II 05 Good News 2:25 Audio
3 Part II 28 Mount Charity 1:01 Audio
4 Part II 29 Fool & Want-Wit 1:16 Audio
[1]5 Part II 31 Meeting Valiant-For-Truth 1:41 Audio
6 Part II 01 Valiant Does Battle 5:51 Audio
7 Part II 02 Valiant’s Story 3:35 Audio
8 Part II 04 Which Way To Go 1:30 Audio
9 Part II 09 Stand-Fast’s 'Wife' 6:02 Audio
10 Part II 11 Stand-Fast’s Story 1:37 Audio
11 Part II 12 Beulah Land 3:20 Audio
12 Part II 14 The Postman’s Visit 1:57 Audio
13 Part II 15 Christiana’s Blessing 5:55 Audio
14 Part II 16 Christiana Goes Over The River 1:20 Audio
15 Part II 19 Mr. Despondency’s Farewell 2:10 Audio
16 Part II 20 Old-Honest Called 1:41 Audio
17 Part II 21 Valiant Bequeaths His Sword 2:27 Audio
18 Part II 22 Stand-Fast’s Will 3:56 Audio
19 Part II 23 Christiana Nears The City 1:01 Audio
20 Part II 24 Christiana’s Triumphal Entry 4:45 Audio
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