Daily Spurgeon
DEVOTION for February 22nd *A.D. 2024
Written and calendared by Charles H. Spurgeon.
ANECDOTE 205: The Forgiveness of God.
-David said moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear,he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine
— 1 Samuel 17:37
MORNING: “His bow abode in strength [weapons were continually strong and ready], and the arms of his hands [muscles of his hands] were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob.” — Genesis 49:24
EVENING: "The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power. "—Nahum 1:3
PRAYER 10, Part 4 of 9
[Father] We would, with much shame-facedness [embarrassment: shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public] acknowledge our transgressions and sins. There are some that never felt the burden of sin at all. Lord, lay it on them; press them with it. Almighty God, vex [afflict, convict] their souls; let them find no rest till they find rest in Thee. May they never be content to live and die in sin, but of Thine infinite mercy come to them, and make them sorry for their sin.
[In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ] Amen.
(Attachment: PRAYER 10.doc)
ANECDOTE 205: The Forgiveness of God.
[Robert] Fleming tells us in a book of his that a great culprit had been condemned to be hanged at Ayr. He had been a very great offender, but, while he lay in prison, God granted him repentance, and he was heard to say continually as they took him to the scaffold,
“Oh! but he’s a great forgiver !
Oh! but he’s a great forgiver!” and I have often felt as if I could stand and cry, yea, even dance with delight and say it, “Oh, but he’s a great forgiver ! Oh! but he’s a great forgiver !”
See full text of sermon here (Excerpt on p.3 §6)
Sermon # 3360 Published on Thursday, June 26, 1913 Delivered by C. H. Spurgeon At The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, London ca.1861
-David [when but a teenaged shepherd] said moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine [the Giant Goliath] — 1 Samuel 17:37
Y añadió David: Jehova que me ha librado de las garras del leon y de las garras del oso, el tambien me librará de la mano de este Filisteo — 1 Samuel 17:37
This is not a promise if we consider only the words, but it is truly so as to its sense; for David spoke a word which the Lord endorsed by making it true. He argued from past deliverances that he should receive help in a new danger.
In Jesus, all the promises are [in Him] Yea and [in Him] Amen to the glory of God by us, and so the Lord’s former dealings with His believing people will be repeated. Come, then, let us recall the Lord’s former loving-kindnesses. We could not have hoped to be delivered aforetime [in former times] by our own strength; yet the Lord delivered us. Will He not again save us? We are sure He will. As David ran to meet his foe [enemy], so will we. The Lord has been with us, He is with us, and He has said,
-I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.-
Why do we tremble?
Was the past a dream? Think of the dead bear and lion.
Who is this Philistine?
True, he is not quite the same, and is neither bear nor lion; but then God is the same, and His honor is as much concerned in the one case as in the other. He did not save us from the beasts of the forest to let a giant kill us. Let us be of good courage [courageous] .
Prayer: Thank you Lord that Your deliverance to those who trust in You is consistent in both small and great conflicts. Help us to know that since You have delivered us in the past You will deliver us now, and in the future. We worship You as the infinitely holy, righteous, almighty, all-knowing and only true God. Give us the peace, comfort and assurance in You, in Your name I pray, Amen.
MORNING February 22
“His bow abode in strength [weapons at the ready], and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob.” — Genesis 49:24
─Mas su arco quedó en fortaleza, Y los brazos de sus manos se corroborarón Por las manos del Fuerte Dios de Jacob. —Génesis 49:24
THAT strength which God gives to His Josephs [chosen brave-hearts] is real strength. It is not a boasted valor [courage], a fiction, a thing men talk of, that ends in smoke; it is true— divine strength. Why does Joseph stand against temptation? Because God gives him aid [strength].
There is nothing that we can do without the power of God. All true strength comes from
“the mighty God of Jacob.”
Notice in what a blessedly familiar way God gives this strength to Joseph:
“The arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob.”
Thus, God is represented as putting His hands on Joseph’s hands, placing His arms on Joseph’s arms. Like a father teaches his children, so the Lord teaches them that fear Him. He puts His arms on them.
Marvelous condescension! [Why me Lord?] God Almighty, Eternal, Omnipotent [all powerful], stoops from His throne and lays His hand on the child’s and, stretching His arm upon the arm of Joseph, that he may be made strong! This strength was also covenant [God’s divine promise] strength, for it was ascribed to [credited as]
“the mighty God of Jacob.”
Now, wherever you read of the God of Jacob in the Bible, you should remember the covenant [divine promise of God] with Jacob. Christians love to think of God’s covenant [divine promise]. All the power, all the grace, all the blessings, all the mercies, all the comforts, all the things we have flow to us from the source, through the covenant. If there were no covenant, then we should fail indeed; for all grace proceeds from it, as light and heat from the sun.
No angels ascend or descend [go up or come down], save [except] upon that ladder which Jacob saw, at the top of which stood a covenant God.
Christian, it may be that the archers [arrow shooters] have sorely grieved you and shot at you and wounded you, but still your bow abides in strength [is still strong] ; be sure, then, to ascribe [give] all the glory to Jacob’s God.
EVENING February 22
"The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power. "—Nahum 1:3
─Jehová es tardo para la ira, y grande en poder, ─ Nahúm 1:3
JEHOVAH "is slow to anger." When mercy comes into the world, she drives winged steeds [horses that fly], the axles of her chariot-wheels are red hot with speed. But when wrath goes forth [anger occurs], it toils on with tardy [slow] footsteps, for God takes no pleasure in the sinner's death.
God's rod of mercy is ever in His hands outstretched; His sword of justice is in its scabbard, held down by that pierced hand of love which bled for the sins of men.
"The Lord is slow to anger," because
He is great in power.
He is truly great in power who has power over himself. When God's power restrains Himself, then it is power indeed: the power that binds omnipotence [all powerful] is omnipo¬tence surpassed. A man who has a strong mind can bear to be insulted long, and only resents the wrong when a sense of right demands his action.
The weak mind is irritated at a little: the strong mind bears it like a rock that doesn't move though a thousand breakers [waves] dash upon it and cast their pitiful malice in spray upon its summit.
God marks His enemies, and yet He stirs not Himself, but holds in His anger. If He were less divine than He is, long before this He would have sent forth the
whole of His thunders and emptied the magazines of heaven [heavenly weaponry]; long before this He would have blasted the earth with the wondrous fires of its lower regions, and man would have been utterly destroyed; but the greatness of his power brings us mercy.
Dear reader, what is your state this evening? Can you, by humble faith, look to Jesus, and say,
"My substitute, You are my rock, my trust"?
Then, beloved, be not afraid of God's power, for now that you are forgiven and accepted, now that by faith you have fled to Christ for refuge, the power of God need no more terrify you than the shield and sword of the warrior need terrify those whom he loves.
Rather rejoice that He who is "great in power" is your Father and Friend.
Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21
Call on the name of the Lord Jesus and be saved … pray like this, won’t you?
“Lord Jesus, I’m a lost sinner and without You I am hopeless. I can’t save myself. Without your death on the cross for my sin debt I would be condemned to spend eternity condemned to Hell. I have been self-centered from birth. Please forgive me.
I realize that doing my best, being as good as possible, or being better than other people can never save me. . I’m guilty and sorry for each and every sin I have done and look to You to forgive me of them all.
I look to You, alone Lord Jesus to save me.
I call on You, Lord Jesus, right now to save me. You died on the cross for me, because of my sin and You say, “It shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21.
Right now, just as I am, I call on You, Lord Jesus to save me, I trust You, to be my Lord and Savior from now on.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You have forgiven me of all my sins. I ask You to abide in me and give me the desire to always follow You.
You paid the price for all of my sins by dying on the cross. Even the sins of the whole world.
Thank you, Lord Jesus that You loved me and died for me even before I was born and that You still love me now. I love You too.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, that You have called me away from sin and death into the Life everlasting in Your only begotten son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You, Heavenly Father that you raised Jesus from the dead. He is ALIVE and in Him we are victorious over sin, death and the grave. Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. [Holy Ghost, The Comforter, The Spirit of Truth]
Thank You for saving me heavenly Father. With all my heart, thank you Father for saving me in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Allow us to share the joy of your new birth with heaven. Won’t you? Heaven rejoices over each redeemed sinner. Luke 15:7
The John Mark Publishing Company, P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693, U.S.A. or e-mail: dailyspurgeon@aol.com. Write us, won’t you?
You too can cast your cares on the Lord…
Call on Him. As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me.. ...Psalm 55:16
Trust Him. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass ... Psalm 37:5
Come to Him. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.. Matthew 11:28
Give Him the burden. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22]
Our aim is to be Christlike. We desire to fulfill the Great Commission in taking the GOOD NEWS of Salvation by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ [The Messiah] to every creature, making and baptizing disciples in the name of God the Father, Jesus the Christ and the Holy Ghost.
The Published Titles from Spurgeon that are included exclusively each day in the Devotion are:
· C.H. Spurgeon Prayers
· Spurgeon’s Illustrative Anecdotes
· Faith’s Checkbook
· Morning & Evening
These titles are selected from the inspired body of work created from the preaching and writing of Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892. He created an excellent legacy of gospel preaching and exposition and is known as the “Prince of Preachers”. Spurgeon has been and is today widely read with great benefit from the 1800’s to this present time. He is the beloved founder of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, England (Still thriving TODAY through the faithful preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.) [Click to live-stream current gospel preaching in real time each Sunday from London by Dr. Peter Masters, Metropolitan Tabernacle pastor since 1970.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, please bless Your disciples toward the winning of many souls, and help us to be loving and compassionate toward all who are in need, especially those in the household of faith. I pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and for His sake, Amen.
Disclaimer: The John Mark Publishing Company does not praise or exalt Charles H. Spurgeon beyond the honor due him. He didn’t need or want it when he was on earth and would have no need or desire for it now. Our aim is to lift up and glorify the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and to preach HIM and Him crucified.
Precaution: These Messages and prayers alone will not substitute for continual fellowship with the Lord Jesus. Neither do they replace personal reading, meditation, prayer and fasting over God's divinely preserved and eternal Word. (The King James version (KJV), known also as the Authorized Version (AV), is the preferred English Bible because its accuracy and fidelity to the Greek Textus Receptus [received text] and the Hebrew Masoretic Text) avoid doctrinal and editorial weaknesses found in many contemporary editions.
Prayer Selection by Spurgeon must not be offered as a substitute for personal, intimate fervent, heart-felt, prayer. It is intended rather, to warm the hearts of those who are in prayer seeking a season of authentic two-way, heart-to-heart fellowship and prayer with the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Read from the NT Book of Romans Chapter 8.
Preaching Preparation: Use these links to find a sermon by Charles H. Spurgeon from the same scripture(s) of the sermon you’re now preparing.
New Testament
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Old Testament
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https://www.spurgeongems.org/spurgeon-sermons/ (copy and paste)
Prayer for all Preachers and visitors: Dear Father, please lift up, build up, encourage and draw to Yourself all who visit this website. Bless the preaching of the Gospel and be glorified in your all sufficient, atoning grace that redeems all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ [Messiah], in Your name, Lord Jesus, Amen.
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Editorial Support: [Bracketed additions] clarify words and expressions that are unfamiliar or not in contemporary (USA) English use today. No changes other than spelling differences between the UK and the United States English (USA) have been made to Spurgeon’s original, unabridged text. Scripture references are blue hyperlinks that open The full Bible text. (English: AKJV, Authorized King James Version]; Spanish: Reina Valera/Gomez) The mailing list is strictly confidential and will not be used or distributed in any way for any purpose other than to send this daily message.
Copyright: Prayers, Anecdotes, Faith’s Checkbook and MORNING & EVENING, by C.H. Spurgeon are public domain. Please copy and share freely with anyone who comes to mind. Your partnership in this work is acknowledged with joy and gratitude.
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The John Mark Publishing Company,
P.O. BOX 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693 U.S.A.
The Authorized King James Bible
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The above link is to search for specific words or Scripture references in the King James Bible (KJV) inerrant and infallible English Bible because it is providentially protected and preserved by GOD Himself through the only translation into English by faithful brethren from the established majority text MT from which the Greek Textus Receptus [received text] manuscripts of the New Testament was taken and the Hebrew Masoretic Text of the Old Testament (Jewish Tanakh). These manuscripts are providentially protected, and frequently give greater glory to God when compared to variant readings of all modern translations from Modern Critical Texts based on inferior Greek manuscripts.
The established majority manuscripts avoid doctrinal error, inaccuracies in translation, uninspired editorial notations, variant or ambiguous readings taken from Codices Vaticanus, or Sinaiticus.
Copyright: The King James Version is distinguished by the requirement of Great Brittan that all King James bibles be printed by the Cambridge University Press, the Crown’s authorized printer. No one other than the Crown’s printer, is allowed print, copy or import the King James Bible into Great Brittan by order of the Crown.
In the United States there is no Copyright protection and the KJV is deemed Public Domain. If a new publication changes at least a 10% of an existing publication a lucrative Copyright can be granted. Therefore the NKJV and many other copyrighted translations. Only the King James Version New Testament is unique from among the over 100 English translations that follow modern textual criticism and only the King James is translated from the superior Greek Textus Receptus as its Primary time tested and self-authenticating Greek text Source.
DEFENDINGTHE KING JAMES BIBLE by Millennium Bible Institute
(Copy and paste this URL for direct link)
This is fact filled video to present the essential truth for those who seek to learn about and use the providentially protected, preserved and immutable Holy Bible that is both inerrant and infallible and gives God the utmost praise, and the greatest glory due to GOD, HIMSELF, alone. Praise and worship are rightfully insisted upon and commanded in God’s inspired [God-Breathed (Spoken) Word from God himself. HOLY WORDS that were given by God through the Holy Ghost, word by word, to His Holy Prophets and Apostles and comprise all eternal (Matthew 5:18) Holy Scripture.
Authorized (King James) Version:
ל Lamed
89 For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.
Authorized (King James) Version:
21For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
2 Peter 1:21
Authorized (King James) Version:
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1
Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort
In 1870, The Anglican Church of England passed a resolution to revise the English Bible. The New Testament revision committee which finally consisted of 25 scholars (though only about 16 eventually attended the meetings) which included Westcott and Hort. The committee worked for ten years in the Jerusalem chamber, and these two scholars swept the Revision Committee along with them after work commenced. In fact, the “Cambridge trio” (Westcott, Hort and Lightfoot) colluded with others to dominate the meetings with their views of the text and to defeat any who opposed them. Their *letters reveal this conspiracy:
* Letters from close relatives are quoted in the Inside Story above
The only voice defending the Textus Receptus was Dr Scrivener, probably the foremost scholar of the day in the manuscripts of the Greek New Testament and the history of the Text. But he was systematically outvoted by the Cambridge trio and outdone by Hort’s powerful debating skill. When the revision was completed, the revision committee had altered the Greek Text in 5,337 places,
thus violating the original rule that had been set for the committee of not altering the Greek Text unless absolutely necessary to do so.
Link above, for The complete Inside Story of Westcott and Hort.
In conclusion, let it be said that no matter how good any modern version of the New Testament is in other ways, it is clearly blemished if the work of Westcott and Hort is present in it. The presence of their work means that it is based on a defective text. Those who want to honor the Word of God must not promote the use of any of these versions by the church, not because the content of the version is evil in itself, but because the attitude of being contented to use a blemished version rather than an existing unblemished one, dishonors God. If God has taken the trouble to preserve for His people a good Greek text of the New Testament for 18 centuries, how dishonoring it would be to Him if His people now chose instead to change over to a version that is based on a defective text.
Let the biblical story of Nadab and Abihu be a lesson to all:
And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not. And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD. Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the LORD spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace. And Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel the uncle of Aaron, and said unto them, Come near, carry your brethren from before the sanctuary out of the camp. So they went near, and carried them in their coats out of the camp; as Moses had said. And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons, Uncover not your heads, neither rend your clothes; lest ye die, and lest wrath come upon all the people: but let your brethren, the whole house of Israel, bewail the burning which the LORD hath kindled” (Lev 10:1–6).
– Published in The Burning Bush, Volume 4 Number 1, January 1998
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Heavenly Father, Thank You that You will save those who call out to You in faith in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, according to Your Promise, Amen.
Jesus saith [says]…I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me. John 14:6 …
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You will be blessed by God’s inerrant, infallible and self-authenticating WORD. He is and will be a light unto Your feet and a lamp unto your path through His Word. other versions not providentially preserved and protected as the Original KJV has been. It is still the most preferred Bible worldwide after more than 700 years. It’s the ONLY ENGLISH translation that comes directly from the Textus Receptus.
For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.
-Psalm 119:89 Authorized (King James) Version
1 Corinthians 14:33 Authorized (King James) Version
33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
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P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693
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