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DEVOTION  for September 12th :   written and calendared by Charles Haddon Spurgeon


ANECDOTE 43:  Not Works but Christ.

-Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house-  Acts 16:31
MORNING: "God is jealous. "—Nahum 1:2
EVENING:  "I will sing of mercy and judgment. " —Psalm 101:1




PRAYER 8:    Part 4 of 7     A PRAYER FOR HOLINESS.

            We pray Thee help us to adorn the doctrine  [teaching]  of God our Savior in all things. If  [Because] we are fighting against: sin — 


“the sin which doth so easily beset us”


— Lord, lend us heavenly weapons and heavenly strength that we may cut the giants down, these men of Anak [Giant enemies of Hebrews] that come against us. We feel very feeble [weak]. Oh!  make us strong in the Lord, in the power of His might. May we never let sin have any rest [place] in us, may we chase it, drive it out, slay it, hang it on a tree, abhor [hate] it, and may we “cleave [hold tight] to that which is good.”
           Some of us are trying, striving after some excellent virtue.  Lord, help stragglers [those who fall behind];  enable those that contend against great difficulties only to greater grace, more faith, and so to bring them nearer to God. Lord, we will be holy; by Thy [Your] grace we will never rest until we are. Thou hast [have] begun a good work in us and Thou wilt [will] carry it on. Thou wilt [will] work in us to will and to do of Thine own good pleasure.

[Thank You, in the name of Your only begotten son, Jesus Christ, Amen.]

 (Attachment: Prayer 8)

ANECDOTE 43:  Not Works but Christ. 
           Remember what that eminent Scotch divine [preacher] said, when he was dying. Some one said to him, “What are you doing now?” Said he, “I am just gathering all my good works up together, and I am throwing them all overboard; and I am lashing my self to the plank of free grace,  and I hope to swim to glory on it.”  So, do you do;  every day keep your eye only on [Jesus]  Christ; and so long as your eye is single, your whole body must and shall be full of light.  But if you once look cross-eyed, first to yourself and then to Christ, your whole body shall be full of darkness.

FAITH’S CHECKBOOK:  September 12  WHAT OF MY HOUSE?      C.H. Spurgeon

-Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house-  Acts 16:31
-Cree en el Senor Jesucristo, y seras salvo tu y tu casa.- Hechos 16:31


               This gospel for a man with a sword at his throat is the gospel for me. This would suit me if I were dying, and it is all that I need while I am living.   I look away from self, and sin, and all idea of personal merit, and I trust the Lord Jesus as the Savior whom God has given. I believe in Him, I rest on Him, I accept Him to be my all in all. Lord, I am saved, and I shall be saved to all eternity, for I believe in Jesus.

              Blessed be thy [your] name for this. May I daily prove by my life that I am saved from selfishness, and worldliness, and every form of evil.  But those last words about my –house–: Lord, I would not run away with half a promise when thou dost give a whole one. I beseech [earnestly ask]  thee, save all my family. Save the nearest and dearest. Convert the children, and the grandchildren, [and their offspring] if I have any. 


Be gracious to my servants, and all who dwell under my roof, or work for me. Thou makest [make] this promise to me personally if I believe in the Lord Jesus; I beseech thee to [earnestly pray that you] do as thou hast [you have] said. I would go over [call out] the names of all my brothers and sisters, parents, children, friends, relatives, servants, in my prayer every day and give thee no rest till that word is fulfilled, -and thy house.-

Prayer: Thank You Lord Jesus, that it is not for us alone to be saved but also for everyone in our house. What a promise! Jesus, grant me unwavering faith till it be come to pass. I pray this in Your name Lord Jesus, Amen.


The John Mark Publishing Company   P.O.  Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA  92693 

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       … and pray to the saving of souls and strengthening  of believers. 

The Lord … is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9


Pray also that believers will be taught by the Holy Spirit to rightly divide God’s eternal Word preserved by God, Himself.


     God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten [supernaturally fathered] Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but may be having eternal life. John 3:


MORNING  September 12

"God is jealous. "—Nahum 1:2

-Dios celoso es Jehová— Nahúm 1:2 


               YOUR Lord is very jealous of your love,   0, believer. Did He choose you? He cannot bear that you should choose another. Did He buy you with His own blood?  He cannot endure that you should think that you are your own or that you belong to this world. He loved you with such a love that He would not stop in heaven without you; He would sooner die than you should perish, and He cannot endure that anything should stand between your heart's love and Himself.


             He is very jealous of your trust. He will not permit you to trust in an arm of flesh. He cannot bear that you should hew out broken cisterns [water tanks] when the overflowing fountain is always free to you. When we lean upon Him, He is glad, but when we transfer our dependence to another, when we rely on our own wisdom or the wisdom of a friend, or worst of all, when we trust in any works of our own, He is displeased and will chasten us that He may bring us to Himself.


            He is also very jealous of our company. There should be no one with whom we converse [talk with] so much as with Jesus. To abide in Him only, this is true love; but to commune [fellowship] with the world, to find sufficient solace [peace] in our carnal comforts, to prefer even the society of our fellow Christians to secret intercourse [communion] with Him, this is grievous to our jealous Lord.


He would fain [very gladly] have us abide in Him, and enjoy constant fellowship with Himself; and many of the trials which He sends us are for the purpose of weaning our hearts from the [self-centered] creature, and fixing them more closely to Himself. Let this jealousy that should keep us near to Christ be also a comfort to us, for if He loves us so much as to care thus about our love, we may be sure that He will suffer [allow] nothing to harm us and will protect us from all our enemies. Oh, that we may have grace this day to keep our hearts in sacred chastity for our Beloved alone, with sacred jealousy shutting our eyes to all the fascinations of the world!

EVENING    September 12
"I will sing of mercy and judgment. " —Psalm 101:1
—MISERICORDIA y juicio cantaré —Salmos 101:1  


I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord Forever  (praise the Lord,  won’t you?)  

           FAITH triumphs in trial. When reason is thrust into the inner prison with her feet made fast [shackled] in the stocks, faith makes the dungeon walls ring with her merry notes as she cries,  "I will sing of mercy and of judgment. Unto thee, 0 Lord, will I sing. 


        " Faith pulls the black mask from the face of trouble and discovers the angel beneath. Faith looks up at the cloud, and sees that, 'Tis [It’s] big with mercy and shall break in [shower] blessings on her head.’ ”


            There is a subject for song even in the judgments of God towards us. For,


first, the trial is not so heavy as it might have been;


next, the trouble is not so severe as we deserved to have borne; and our affliction is not so crushing as the burden which others have to carry. Faith sees that in her worst sorrow there is nothing penal [meant to punish] ; there is not a drop of God's wrath in it; it is all sent in love. Faith discerns love gleaming like a jewel on the breast of an angry God. Faith says of her grief, "This is a badge of honor, for the child must feel the rod"; and then she sings of the sweet result of her sorrows, because they work her spiritual good. Nay, more, says Faith, "These light afflictions, which are but for a moment, work out for me a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." So Faith rides forth on the black horse, conquering and to conquer, trampling down carnal reason and fleshly sense, and chanting notes of victory amid the thickest of the fray [in the middle of the battle].

                        All I meet I find assists me
                             In my path to heavenly joy:
                       Where, though trials now attend me,
                              Trials never more annoy.
                      Blest there with a weight of glory, 
                             Still the path I'll ne'er forget,
                      But, exulting, cry,  it led me
                            To my blessed Savior's  seat.



Whosoever shall call on the name of the lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21

Pray and call on the name of the Lord Jesus, like this. Won’t you?


“Lord Jesus, I’m a sinner. I’m

God, Himself, providentially protects and preserves His Word. His Word is the God-breathed, self-authenticating, immutable [unchanging and unchangeable], eternal, inerrant, infallible, infinite and all-powerful Word, settled in heaven. He is not the author of confusion.

1 Corinthians 14:33 



… Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13

Our solemn aim is to trust and obey the Lord Jesus in everything. We must rely upon God entirely to achieve His purposes in us and through us.

Loving and worshiping God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength in Spirit and in truth is a labor of love and duty of every believer. Desire will grow stronger as we give ourselves to prayer, reading and meditating on God’s Word, gathering ourselves together to hear Gospel preaching, the singing of Psalms, sacred hymns and spiritual songs.

We purpose, with God’s help, to reach the lost, comfort, strengthen and encourage believers, and rightly divide God’s Word to proclaim the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ to every creature.

The Holy Bible is God’s eternal, inerrant, infallible, immutable revealed and divinely preserved Word. It is His completed scripture of all revealed truth. He brings guidance and the knowledge of His will to us personally and to each local body of Christian believers through His Word. With God’s help and empowerment, we will read, study, meditate-on, trust-in and obey God’s Holy Bible and encourage others to do the same. We hold it to be the supreme authority and the preeminent and divinely established precedent [Stare Decisis Latin: to stand by that which is decided, the legal doctrine of precedence, literally "to stand by decided matters"] in all things.

Therefore, the purpose of The John Mark Publishing Company is to publish the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature. And, to serve all, in love, especially those in the household of faith. We are compelled by this purpose to follow, and rightly apply and proclaim, God’s Holy Word, the Bible, as God’s divinely preserved truth; being the essential authority and goal of this ministry.

The Metropolitan Tabernacle: Home church of Charles H. Spurgeon

The preaching, teaching, soul winning and writings of Charles Haddon Spurgeon are firmly fixed on the bedrock of Holy Scripture. His entire ministry was established, empowered and inspired solely by God’s Holy Word imparted to him by the Holy Spirit. His written works continue to bless, guide, challenge and benefit today’s readers through the publication of his authentic Gospel sermons and other inspired writing His ministry continues to thrive and flourish today through the Metropolitan Tabernacle a church begun in 1650 The present building was constructed in 1861 and was rebuilt after the destruction caused during the second world war. This church has been steadfast in it’s adherence to Reformed Baptist theology that Spurgeon said was just a nickname for Biblical Christianity. They have resisted and continue to reject worldly winds of false doctrine, including pragmatism and self-centered “Christian hedonism”. Biblical Christianity will always show itself as a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, never just a philosophy or religion.

Mission Aim: Spurgeon's sermons and devotional messages have edified the church body and have been a great benefit, to all readers for many years. We pray they will be useful to strengthen personal discipleship in each and every believer and will be a useful instrument in the spreading of the Gospel [Good news] of Jesus Christ, the Messiah to all nations. 



Our aim is to trust and obey the Lord Jesus Christ in everything. We rely wholly upon the Holy Spirit to impart God’s divine revelation to us from His Word, the Holy Bible. With God’s help, we will follow Jesus. We expect that lost souls will be saved, believers, comforted, strengthened and encouraged. To God be all the glory.

The Bible is God’s divinely inspired [God breathed] revealed, infinite, eternal, inerrant, infallible, immutable Word to all mankind. This divine, supernatural Word brings all revealed truth to the world. We purpose, therefore, to follow God’s Holy Word, Personal guidance and guidance to the local church comes by His Word.

Hence, we resolve, God helping us, to read, study, meditate-on, trust-in and obey God’s revealed and divinely preserved Word, holding it to be the supreme authority and the only divinely established Stare Decisis [Latin: to stand by that which is decided] in all things.

Therefore, the purpose of The John Mark Publishing Company is to publish and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature, ministering God’s love to all, especially those in the household of faith. The Bible is God’s everlasting, inspired, (God breathed) inerrant, infallible, unchangeable, divinely protected and preserved Word of love and salvation to the entire world. It is also the essential foundation of this ministry.

History: The inspired preaching, teaching and writing of Charles Haddon Spurgeon is all empowered by God’s revealed Word the Bible. His written publications continue to benefit readers through authentic Gospel preaching and sound biblical teaching. This ministry continues to flourish through The Metropolitan Tabernacle in London


Presented here are Spurgeon's writings for the edification of the church as well as for the benefit, blessing and gospel challenge to all readers. Our desire is that the written Word of God will become the Living Word in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ to each and every reader.

To this end, this website is offered to encourage and provide opportunity to hear Gospel preaching, and to engage in daily devotions, meditation, Bible study and prayer. 


Prayer: Dear Lord, empower your ministry here to win many souls, and serve those in need, especially those in the household of faith, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Disclaimer: The John Mark Publishing Company does not solicit praise of Charles H. Spurgeon or his writing or preaching. He didn’t need or want it then and wouldn’t desire it now. Our aim is to lift up and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and to preach Christ Jesus only and him crucified.

Precaution: These Messages and prayers will not substitute for continual fellowship with the Lord Jesus or for gathering in in-person worship. Neither will they replace personal reading, meditation, prayer and fasting over God's divinely preserved and eternal Word imparted by the Holy Spirit.


The Authorized King James Version

  Click this link  for Complete King James Version Searching.  (KJV), also known as the Authorized Version (AV), is the authentic English Bible because it is rendered [translated into English] accurately and faithfully from the established majority of the Greek Textus Receptus [received text] manuscripts of the New Testament and the Hebrew Masoretic Text of the Old Testament (Jewish Tanakh)  These manuscripts are providentially protected of God, and always give a greater glory to God when compared to variant readings. The established majority manuscripts avoid doctrinal error, inaccuracies in translation, uninspired editorial notations, variant or ambiguous readings taken from Codices Vaticanus, or Sinaiticus.

With reference to Copyright protection it is distinguished by the requirement of Great Brittan that all King James bibles be printed only by the Cambridge University Press, the Crown’s authorized printer. No other [person or publisher] may print, copy or import the King James Bible into Great Brittan by order of the Crown.

In the United States there is no Copy Right protection and it is deemed Public Domain. If a new edition or publication changes at least a 10% of an original publication a Copy Right may be granted



It has endured because of God's providential preservation and protection for more than 400 years. It is immutable, inerrant, infallible and eternal. It will endure for ever. IT self-authenticates as Scripture is compared with Scripture.

GOD’S HOLY WORD is Immutable, inerrant and infallible. It is God breathed, Self-Authenticating, Providentially Protected and Preserved and For ever Settled in Heaven   Psalm 119:89


Is KJV  The Best? David Hocking

David's Conclusion:   Summary

(8 min.) The problem is not English, but which Greek text was used to render the English translation


by The Millennium Bible Institute

(This video is for those who seek to use the best Bible to give God the utmost praise and worship and the greatest glory that is insisted upon and rightfully commanded by His inspired and providentially preserved inerrant and infallible HOLY WORD)


Westcott and Hort conspiracy

Click for The Inside Story of Westcott and Hort.

In 1870, The Church of England finally passed a resolution to revise the English Bible. The New Testament revision committee finally consisted of 25 scholars (though only about 16 eventually attended the meetings) which included Westcott and Hort. The committee worked for ten years in the Jerusalem chamber, and these two scholars swept the Revision Committee along with them after work commenced. In fact, the “Cambridge trio” (Westcott, Hort and Lightfoot) colluded with others to dominate the meetings with their views of the text and to defeat any who opposed them. Their *letters reveal this conspiracy:

* Letters quoted in Inside Story above

The only voice defending the Textus Receptus was Dr Scrivener, probably the foremost scholar of the day in the manuscripts of the Greek New Testament and the history of the Text. But he was systematically outvoted by the Cambridge trio and outdone by Hort’s powerful debating skill. When the revision was completed, they had altered the Greek Text in 5.337 places,

thus violating the original rule that had been set for the committee of not altering the Greek Text unless absolutely necessary to do so.

Click ABOVE for The COMPLETE Inside Story of Westcott and Hort.


Spurgeon's Printed Prayers should not be prayed to substitute for personal, fervent, effectual, heart-felt, prayer. They are merely offered to warm the hearts of those who will presently seek a season of fervent, authentic two-way, heart-to-heart fellowship and prayer with the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Authentic communication from God during times of prayer are always confirmed by His revealed Word, the Holy Bible. Of course, even printed prayers may always be prayed sincerely, in earnest and from the  believer's heart to the LORD.


Preaching Preparation: When preparing to preach, please send us the text reference that has been chosen if you would like us to send the Spurgeon Sermon addressing the same text.

My Prayer is that You would touch, lift up, encourage and teach all who faithfully minister your Word. Bless all who minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May Your blessing and holy anointing fall fresh upon each dear reader and abide with each one who rightly divides and faithfully proclaims Your Word [The Bible]. Please save many souls; and may all be glory be yours alone. I pray this in the name of our Redeemer, The Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Distribution: The Publishing Company sends Daily Spurgeon by e-mail, to all request received. No fee or registration is required. Please send the e-mail address of all who you would like to add to our mailing list. Also, please FORWARD these e-mails freely to anyone you choose.

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Editorial Support: [Brackets] are used to clarify words and expressions that are not commonly used in, present day (USA) English. No changes other than spelling differences between UK and United States English (USA) noted with asterisks * have been made to the original, unabridged text. Bible scripture links are underlined blue text.(English: AKJV, Authorized King James Version; Spanish: Reina Valera Gomez). Brackets, ( […] ) clarify meaning and yellow highlighting are used for emphasis. These additions are the only ones made by the Publishing company.

Confidentiality Pledge: The mailing list is strictly confidential and will not be used or distributed in any way for any purpose other than to send this daily message except for occasional, confidential prayer requests.

Copyright: Prayers, Anecdotes, Faith’s Checkbook and Morning & Evening by C.H. Spurgeon are public domain and free from any © copyright limitation or restriction. Please Forward, copy and share freely, [Social media, US mail etc.] Your partnership is acknowledged with gratitude.

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