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DAILY SPURGEON for August 21st   *A.D. 2024  written and calendared by Charles Haddon Spurgeon.


SPECIAL SPURGEON SERMON: “Why Men Cannot Believe in Christ”

[Christ Jesus]




Note: This Sermon was referenced in the Men’s Bible Study on Wednesday, August 14th 2024 at South Shores Church and is featured here as an unabridged Audio recording of Sermon
# 1245 that was preached originally by Charles Spurgeon in 1875 from his home church, The Metropolitan Tabernacle, London.





*A.D. does NOT mean “After Death”, a common mistake.


It is an abbreviation from the Latin  words Anno Domini;  a shortened term, actually meaning:   “Year of our Lord”.  

BCE/CE or  BC/AD   What’s the difference? Open this link…   Won’t you?

 He was born of a virgin 2,024 years ago, is alive today, and is coming soon

for His  bride; the Church  [The born-again redeemed believers in Christ Jesus].


Do You trust this website?

Is it of God?

Is it trustworthy?

1 John 4:1-3

Beloved ones, don’t be believing every spirit [everything you hear] but [continually] be testing the spirit whether it is of God: because many false prophets have come out in the world. Here’s how you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit [voice] that confesseth [confesses] that Jesus Christ is come [is here] in the flesh, having come out of God, is of God: and every spirit [voice] that confesseth not [doesn't confess] that Jesus Christ is come [is here] in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

Hence, I confess "Jesus Christ is come [is here] in the flesh."


He has existed from eternity past [FOREVER] as the WORD of God.    John 1:1-2

And He was born of a virgin 2,024 years ago in Bethlehem,

is alive today, and is coming soon for His bride, the Church

[All redeemed believers].

"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:

God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit,

believed on in the world, received up into glory."

1 Timothy 3:16


Let me invite you to accept and receive  the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord and to publicly confess Him as such before men. He will therefore be able to acknowledge and confess you before His Father in Heaven. He is The God of Abraham. Isaac and Jacob. Following your public confession, You also invited to follow Him in believer’s baptism by immersion. 


Jesus came from Galilee t o Jordan to be baptized by John the Baptist. But, John forbad [refused] Him and said, “I have need to be baptized of You and [yet] you are coming to me?” [for baptism] And Jesus answering him said, “Suffer it to be so [Allow this]: for thus it becometh [is fitting and right for] us to fulfil all righteousness.” 

 Matthew 3:15


Baptism is not required for salvation. Remember, Jesus said to the thief on the cross, who acknowledged Jesus’ innocence and said to him.


“Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”


And Jesus said to him,


“Verily [Truly] I say to you, Today you shall be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43

The act of Baptism pictures the Lord’s death, burial  and resurrection and the believer’s death to self, burial, and resurrection to walk in newness of life.

It bears witness to the preaching of John the Baptist who preached that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and exhorted Repentance from sin and the Baptism of atonement. Therefore, the act of baptism is not required for salvation but as John preached it is is to be followed to fulfil all righteousness

This website is not intended, were it possible, to take the place of the personal gathering of believers fellowship or congregational worship in  local bodies of believers.

“Study to show yourself approved unto God, a worker that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing [accurately comprehending and sharing] the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15


Following the Lord Jesus Christ in His purpose for us is our desire. We trust Him for our salvation, guidance, strength and our eternal destiny. We desire to and will, with His help, follow Him in soul winning by use of DailySpurgeon or any instrumentality He may bestow. We invite and encourage non-believers to turn away from sin, look to Him and be saved.

We trust that believers (old and new) will benefit in knowing that He will sustain, guide and build us up as we are being conformed to the image of Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The DailySpurgeon website consists  of devotional writings, prayers, sacred music  and sermons by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, that  rightly divide God’s Word. The Sermons from The Metropolitan Tabernacle and sacred congregational music of worship and praise are to encourage believers to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.




INTERVIEW with Former Saddleback Pastor,  Rick Warren.





Elvis in Spirit and Ever Lasting Life


If That Isn’t Love    Gaither Premiere




Love Without End   George Strait performing George W Bush’s favorite  

Note: It has become my heart-felt song to all of my children  too.



Statler Brothers Concert:

Do You Remember These  (The Good Old Days)




BIOGRAPHICAL VIDEO of Charles Haddon Spurgeon  1834-1892: 


C.H. Spurgeon The Peoples Preacher  ( 70 min.)  Historically accurate Feature Film of the one called The Prince of Preachers  



2,018,939 views May 14, 2020       ―a video into the life and ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, who was widely known in his teens as the “people’s preacher” who later became known as “The Prince of Preachers”.


This Documentary follows the trials and triumphs of Charles Spurgeon with keen historical accuracy and accurately portrays him consistently and faithfully preaching Jesus Christ proclaiming, “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh [takes] away the sin of the world.”


It’s an intimate account of one of the greatest preachers in the history of the church. We follow him from his youth where, as a young preacher he is called Charlie, boy preacher of the Finns. to become the minister to London’s largest Baptist congregation and soon captures the love and respect of Great Britan to become one of its most influential and enduring figures.


Produced by the award-winning Christian Television Association and filmed on location in England, Scotland, France and Germany, this film vividly captures the spirit, message and legacy of a man whose eventful life and Christian ministry is supremely  relevant to the present.




 The following two videos, by John Piper and Steve Lawson provide background context for  the life and ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon.  1834 -1892


The Life and Ministry of Charles Spurgeon   by John Piper (58 min)


The preaching of Charles Haddon Spurgeon continues to bless and benefit thousands, worldwide,  through the publication and use of his printed sermons; sermons inspired, prepared and delivered from the God-breathed inerrant and infallible WORD of GOD itself.


Who is Charles Haddon Spurgeon?  by Steven Lawson  (38 min)




The Preserved, Immutable, Infallible and Inerrant WORD OF GOD was saturated  into and always  proclaimed in the preaching of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. His sermons continue to bless and benefit thousands through the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit the publication of his printed sermons; sermons, prepared and delivered from the God-breathed, inerrant and infallible WORD of GOD. The Holy Bible.



DailySpurgeon webmaster John-Michael participated in this year’s Christmas concert
Christmas at the Shores 2023

Directed by Robert Perry.

Presented by South Shores Church 
Dana Point, California. 92675

Enjoy it, won’t you?





·       Prayer

·       A Spurgeon Anecdote

·       A promise from Faith’s Checkbook

·       Selections from  Morning & Evening





Rejoice In The LORD Always  tap to sing along, won’t you?  Philippians 4:4



Thank You LORD for  a website that  proclaims Jesus as the the Christ [Messiah and Anointed King] to all the world .


This website ministry grew from sending e-mails of daily promises from  Charles Spurgeon’s  Faith’s Checkbook a book of daily promises from Scripture  to John Michael’s son, Jon Edward Riley (1971- 2021). When Jon shared them with others, they asked to be added to the mailing list. This mailing list  continues to be used to distribute .  Our prayer is that it will continue to encourage fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ in personal devotional vigor in  Love, obedience and oneness with Jesus Christ through the empowered study of and obedience to GOD’S WORD empowered by the Holy Ghost.


Multiple Devotional publications  by Charles Spurgeon are now brought together day by day at

This devotional content was written and calendared by Charles Spurgeon over 200 years ago yet  continue to bring inspiration, eternal relevance and encouragement today. We pray that many will be born-again and be built-up in the Faith of Jesus Christ. May God be pleased to sustain this ministry begun with a beloved son, Jon Edward Riley (1971-2021)  honored here as one to whom honor is due.


Jon Edward could  sometimes be heard saying:


“I’m a blood-bought, born-again child of God.”


as he would tell others about JESUS.




Hymns to comfort the grieving:  

’Till We Meet Again 

Does Jesus Care? Gaither Music TV  (A Guaranteed SURE CURE for "PITY PARTIES"!)


A thriving  ministry continues  from Charles Spurgeon’s home church, the  Metropolitan Tabernacle begun in London in 1650.   (Brief History)  The present  church building was constructed in 1861to support a congregation of  vibrant, doctrinally sound, Gospel preaching, Sacred Praise and Hymn singing body of believing and devoted Disciples; followers of  the Lord Jesus Christ.

Is   a trustworthy website?

Is it true?     Is it of God? 

We ought to  apply the following Scripture to everything we hear/read in order to discern whether what we are  hearing/reading is of God and therefore whether or not it should be believed.

1 John 4:1-3  Beloved ones, don’t be believing every spirit [word] you hear but be testing the spirits [words] whether they are of God: because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Here’s how you know if it is the Spirit [voice]  of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come [is here] in the flesh, having come from God, is of God:  and every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come [is here] in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 

Therefore, we ought to  test every voice [spirit] whether it is from God, bonified and trustworthy to be believed only if it  confesses [states]  that… 


“Jesus Christ is here, in the flesh having come from God .”


Greek manuscripts invented by Westcott & Hort and  Nestle & Alland fail to make this confession nor did they use the well established Textus Receptus that is rendered from the 5,321 extant Greek manuscripts,  known to be  in overwhelming agreement with one another as  the Majority Text.

Instead,they used their own Greek  translations that they created using only  55 Greek manuscripts selected from  the 5,321 Majority Texts Greek manuscripts..


Their Greek translation  presents faulty readings in many places. One example is  All translations other than the King James version overlook the original Greek verb “ictin” [To be] [is] (third person singular) that is translated in substantially  all Majority Texts MT and  subsequently in the Textus Receptus [Received Text] therefore they   fail to correctly translate  the Greek verb  as, “Is come” [Is here].  (Translated aright from the Received Text (TR)  in the King James Version only) 

This  error occurs  because the  modern critical Greek text, created by Westcott & Hort and Nestles & Alland DO NOT follow the  MT [Majority Texts] of 5,321 Greek manuscripts that  affirm substantial agreement with one another.   The TR  [Textus Receptus] is rendered from an overwhelming agreement found among the Majority Text of 5,321 primary Greek manuscript sources.

Both Westcott & Hort and Nestles & Alland have omitted the verb “is”, from the Greek text. This error may be described as res ipsa loquitur meaning the thing speaks for itself.

 Therefore, the alternate Greek  fabrications generated by these two sources are not actually translations at all but are introduced as translations but actually  represent merely  their own  Greek language creations unsupported by the reliability of the Majority Text or the Textus Receptus.

How do we know? 

Because we hear non-believers and false prophets both assert that Jesus Christ 
“has come” in the flesh. Practically anyone can  make this confession as the  birth of Jesus Christ is considered by respected historians to be the most well documented fact in all of human history. That He has come is generally acknowledged by nonbelievers and believers alike.   However, here’s the point. There is a huge difference between “Has come” and “Is Here”. “Has come” falls woefully short of the essential and clear meaning of the confession “Is Here”. Just because something “has come” it can not be assumed, inferred or deduced that it also “is here”.

The “has come” assertion is not surprising nor is it, per se, a false statement. Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. However, this  fails to present a  logical framework  to discern whether the sprit [voice] being tested [tried] is from God or from false prophets in the spirit of antichrist. 


Again, the expression “has come” rather than  “is come” [is here]  is not, per se a false statement.

However, it fails to deliver a valid hypothesis, by which discernment is accurately revealed. The failure here  to establish a logical and rhetorically sound rubric to judge  the question of whether spirits [words] are from God or from false prophets and the spirit of antichrist is absent if “has come” becomes the favored reading.

Namely, “has come” is such a wide-spread belief held to be historically true by all, it does not provide a sound standard to discern whether a spirit [spoken or written words]  are from God or the spirit of Antichrist.

Almost anyone [or any spirit] can declare that Jesus Christ “has come” in the flesh. But as you can see, this does not resolve the issue of whether something should or should not be believed or followed. Why?  Once again,  because almost anyone can and often does confess that Jesus Christ “has come” in the flesh. This is an insufficient standard. The standard must be whether the confession that Jesus is here  alone, gives an efficacious standard to discern truth from error.

Again, while it is  true that Jesus Christ “has come” in the flesh, this alone is inadequate to discern truth from error. “Has come” does not mean the same thing as “is come [is here],  from God, in the flesh” and therefore fails to be efficacious for true spiritual discernment as outlined in 1 John Chapter 4: 1-3.


Furthermore, as we  compare  Scripture with  scripture in 1 John 4:1-3 and  Ephesians 5:30-32 

we comprehend God’s message regarding  the body of Jesus Christ  being in the Flesh vis-à-vis The Body of Christ, The Corporate Church.

Compare  1 John 4:1-3   with Ephesians 5:30-32 

1 John 4:1-3  Authorized (King James) Version

4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3 and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 

Ephesians 5:30-32 
Authorized (King James) Version

30 for we are members of his [Jesus Christ’s]  body,  of his flesh, and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: 

but I speak concerning  Christ and the church. 

 [So, we are members of His body, flesh and bone, [we are] one flesh with Him,  The Body of Christ is (In the flesh); and is the incarnate Body of believers].

 He was born of a virgin 2024 years ago and  He lives today.

He’s coming again,  for His bride; the Church [Blood-bought, Born-again members of His body].


When a believer considers the fact that they are members of the body of Christ [The Church] , they should acknowledge and readily confess that…


“Jesus Christ is here, from God,  in the flesh,” because  We are the Body of Christ; The Church, in the flesh!  Amen.



GOD’S WORD is Infallible, without error and Immutable, It is Inspired [God breathed], Self-Authenticating and Providentially Protected and Preserved by GOD Himself.
                                                                                                                                                           For ever, O Lord, thy word is Settled in Heaven, Psalm 119:89

The Authorized King James Bible AKJV

Is It The Best?   By David Hocking (57 min.)


David’s Summary  (8 min.) The problem is not with English, but whether the best Greek text was used as the Primary source for the translation.


Why Have Traditional Gospel Hymns Endured for so many years? (From Blogger: Notorius Meddler) 

… be [be being filled, right now] with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody [music] in your heart to the Lord; Ephesians 5:18-19


TOAY’S PLAYLIST: Sing-along, won’t you?



Handle’s Messiah (Complete Performance of World’s most Beloved Sacred Christmas Oratory by The King’s College, U.K.) Hear Isaiah’s words through the music mentioned in today’s ANECDOTE selection)



Create In Me a Clean Heart Oh God

This Little Light of Mine  A Children’s Chorus by JAMJAR 

Come Let Us worship and Bow Down (Click to sing-along)

I Love You Lord by Jared Reynolds

In loving memory of Jon Edward Riley (1971-2021) who would often just bust-out singing I Love You Lord while riding together on the way to church. 

…“Later” [see-you-later] was how Jon always said farewell … never good-bye. Remembering Jon’s “Later” brings joy to those he loved so well.

… and the promise:

’Till We Meet Again. By Jeremiah Rankin (1880) with Antrim Mennonite Choir  ...Amen.

Everything Is Beautiful (Jesus Loves the Little Children)
by Ray Stevens

Peace Like a River by Smithsonian Folkways Recordings

Old Time Religion by Willie Nelson

Standing in the Need of Prayer Gaither Music TV

I’ve Got Peace Like a River with Elizabeth Mitchell 

Lead Me by Elvis 


Send The Light Altar of Praise Men’s Chorale

Grace, Grace God’s Grace by Bill Gaither and Choir 

Nearer My God To Thee  This was Sang on Deck of the Titanic as it was sinking.

(…be filled with the spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody [music] in your heart to the lord; Ephesians 5:18-19 )

How Great Thou Art   by Elvis Sing-along won’t you? 

He Lives (Sing-along won’t you?)

“God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform.”  Tap for Spurgeon's fascinating Back Story   of this Hymn with the prophesy that he would one day preach...

It's a hymn by William Cowper from the book Spurgeon’s Own Hymn Book (Hymn No. 211).  


…“Later” [see-ya-later] was how our beloved Jon always said farewell … never good-bye. Remembering Jon’s “Later” brings timeless joyfulness to those he loved so well.

… and the promises of

Till We Meet Again. Amen.

O The Blood of Jesus   by Carman


The Lord’s Supper:    In Remembrance of Me ... (Communion)

Call to Worship The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:9-13 by Andrea Bocelli

Sacred Praise Highly Exalted by Acappella

Sacred HYMN: Then Came the Morning by Guy Penrod 

Invitation  Just As I Am  by Alan Jackson

Just As I Am by Metropolitan Tabernacle Congregation London 



I Love You Lord with Jared Reynolds

In loving memory of Jon Edward Riley (1971-2021) who would sometimes just break-out singing this beautiful praise, often, on the way to church.

… and the promise

’Till We Meet Again. Amen.

Camp Meeting Tonight   (On The Old Camp Ground) by Mississippi John Hunt (Library of Congress)

We”re Marching to Zion  by Issac Watts with The Hymn Club 

O The Blood of Jesus by Carman

Blessed Be The Name  …Of The Lord)   Music & Lyrics only 

Marvelous Grace  by the Pilgrim Mennonite Mission

Safe In The Arms Of Jesus Acappella With  By The Alter of Praise 

Everything Is Beautiful with Ray Stevens

I Surrender All by CeCe Winans

Child of The King from Gaither Studios

Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary by The Gaithers


LIST of PLAYLIST FAVORITES: (Chronological order)

I Shall Not Be Moved   by Johnny Cash

Holy, Holy, Holy - Christian Choir   1,099,902 views 

We're Marching to Zion   with Jim Hill, Gaither TV

He Is Able to Deliver Thee  Sing-along, won’t you

Standing on the Promises by Alan Jackson with Lyrics

I Will Make You Fishers of Men (Children’s choir)

The Old Rugged Cross … by Alabama

I Put My Trust in You (I Walk by Faith) - Maranatha by Chris Falson

Jesus Loves the Little Children (1) with The Island Singers

Jesus Loves the Little Children (2) in (5) five Languages

I Love You Lord with Jared Reynolds

Blessed Be The Name of the Lord with Guitar by Matt Redman…

Lead Me Guide Me with Elvis Sing-along, won’t you?

Trees of the Field   with Bill and Gloria Gaither

The Love of God Lyrics and Congregation

I Love You Lord with Jared Reynolds

Create in Me a Clean Heart by the Maranatha Singers with Lyrics

God Will Take Care of You Oakridge Boys

Just a Little Talk With Jesus   by The Oak Ridge Boys

Mary Did You Know? with Mark Lowry, Guy Penrod and David Phelps 

I Waited For The Lord on High by Maranatha

In The Garden by Elvis Presley

Bringing In The Sheaves  with Marshal Hall and Friends

Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior by Gaither Music TV Congregation

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God Islington Baptist Church Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior by Gaither Congregation

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God Islington Baptist Church

Send The Light   Altar of Praise Written by Charles H. Gabriel 1890 

Holy, Holy, Holy - Christian Choir Hymn with Lyrics

Do, Lord, Do Remember Me with Mauldin Harmony Arrangement 

God Bless America by Sandi Patty with Lyrics

Standing on the Promises by Alan Jackson with Lyrics

God Will Take Care of You Oakridge Boys

The Old Rugged Cross  by Tennessee Ernie Ford Composition History

The Old Rugged Cross by Merle Haggard

Handle's  MESSIAH  World’s most Beloved Christmas Oratory 

American BACH Soloists 

The Love of God Guy Penrod, Gaither Congregation

The Twenty Third Psalm The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want… 

Shout To The Lord from TV show American Idol heard by millions

Rock of Ages Tennessee Ernie Ford written by Augustus Montague. Toplady, music by Thomas Hastings. 1762   189,225 views Jul 22, 2014 

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Allison Durham Speer and Steve Amerson written by Helen Howarth Lemmel in 1922 from a tract entitled Foccused, written by Isabella Lilias Trotter. First published as a pamphlet in 1918, 260,442 views Sep 20, 2012

My All in All Gaither Homecoming

Christ Arose ! by Kingdom Quartet Written by Robert Lowry 1874

Beneath the Cross of Jesus  Metropolitan Tabernacle March 13, 2022.




May you be blessed by  DailySpurgeon & its  Devotional Content


We pray that you have already or will presently trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior and Lord.

The aim of this website is to be an instrumentality blessed and used of the Lord to save souls and to encourage believers in the practice of vibrant devotional time in God's Word with the the Lord Jesus Christ. To this end, devotional support is offered through prayer, praise, and gospel preaching of God’s Word.

We hereby proclaim The Good News that Jesus Saves sinners  and pray that many will trust in and publicly confess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and be born from above,  born-again.

Join in, won’t you? with daily  personal and family devotions.   Share with friends in  prayer, Bible study and meditation, and in singing hymns and praises, worshiping God in spirit and in truth to God’s glory. Ephesians 5:18-20



• Pray with our heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; 1 Thessalonians 5:17

• Hear and obey the eternal, inspired, immutable, inerrant, infallible, revealed and protected Word of God, revealed through Jesus Christ, the living Word; 1 Peter 1:23

• Be [Be being] filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Ephesians 5:18-19

• Not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is; 

Hebrews 10:23-25

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.    - Jesus Christ              Matthew 18:19-20


DailySpurgeon invites all visitors to worship the only true God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through trust in and obedience to His only begotten Son, God’s Word made flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ the Lamb of God and to follow Him in proclaiming God’s Gospel of eternal life to every creature. John 3:16


To this end, Audio, Video, Praise and Printed resources are freely offered here in the name of Jesus, the Messiah.

Audio content includes Sacred Music, The Pilgrim’s Progress and Gospel preaching of sermons, prayerfully selected to amplify the daily devotional topics with the prayer that the lost will be saved; encouraged, challenged and build-up and all believers who visit the website will grow in grace and be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ from the devotional writing of Charles Spurgeon. 

Preaching is from The Metropolitan Tabernacle (London, U.K.) by Pastor, Dr. Peter Masters or other invited guests.

Daily Episodes of The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan provides a blessing from reading or listening to recordings of this classic of Sacred Literature. You may choose to read short selections as bed time stories to your little ones each night.

They will love this time with you and you, with them.

It’s the world’s most famous allegory second only to the Bible as the all-time, world wide best seller. It’s also claimed to be the world’s first English novel by some as it predates Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Caruso.

It has blessed, encouraged and instructed pilgrims of all ages for centuries.

Daily Devotion written and calendared by
Charles Haddon Spurgeon:

                                              • Prayer

          • Illustrative Anecdotes

     • Faith’s Checkbook

     • Morning & Evening



It’s a privilege and the labor of love of each and every believer to Love and worship God  in Spirit and in Truth. with all our heart, soul, mind and strength,


“Study to show yourself approved unto God, a worker that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing [sharing] the word of truth"    2 Timothy 2:15


To this end, Heavenly Father, we pray that You will bless all who visit and will bring many to faith in Christ Jesus, We ask this in Jesus’ name and for His sake, Amen.


The aim of this website is to encourage, challenge and support believers to a greater love and more fervent devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Devotional support encourages this through prayer, praise, gospel preaching and careful study, meditation on and surrender to God's Word 

To the non-believer, we proclaim Jesus, The Messiah, God Incarnate, Savior of the world, the Lamb of God believing  that the Holy Ghost will convict them of their sin, bring them to repentance and impart faith in Jesus for their eternal salvation.


Visit often, won’t you? with family, friends and others to pray, study and meditate on, hear and take to heart gospel preaching, and to sing sacred hymns and praises in worshiping God in   spirit and in truth.


Caution: We are not in agreement with forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of some. This website does not replace nor can it substitute for the assembling of ourselves together with others to exhort one another in the WORD and to provoke one another unto love and good works . Hebrews 10:23-27


Rather, we desire this website to encourage believers in personal devotional exercises and worship as we are being conformed to Christ’s image. 

"For whom God did foreknow he did also predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son."   Romans 8:29

This website does not replace nor can it be a substitute for the assembling of ourselves together with other believers as the manner of some is. Hebrews 10:23-27

Rather, it’s purpose is to save lost sinners and to build up and encourage believers through God’s Word and prayer in personal discipleship, worship and devotion to the Lord Jesus as we are being conformed to His image. “For whom God did foreknow he did also predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son…” Romans 8:29

Believers are scripturally charged to assemble, praise and worship God through His son, the Lord Jesus Christ and for exhorting and provoking one another to good works.

Such worship may be encouraged through, congregational singing of sacred hymns and spiritual songs, reading, preaching and heeding God’s Word, sharing Christian love and fellowship, agreeing together in offered [public] prayer, and considering and exhorting one another in the Word, provoking one another unto love and good works and bearing witness with one another in the Holy Ghost.


Online streaming does not satisfy the scriptural teaching of physical, in-person assembly. Electronic media can not provide for physical in-person fellowship, interaction, involvement, commitment, or vulnerability, and doesn’t allow for the comforting physical touch of another person. e.g. Laying on of hands, 1 Timothy 4:14; the right hands of Christian fellowship, Galatians 2:9; or an embrace, Acts 20:1; or greeting with a holy kiss, 1 Thessalonians 5:26..


We are grateful to the Lord, for  and pray it will be an instrumentality He will continue to bless whereby the lost may be saved and support given to all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.

This ministry was begun when daily e-mails of Faith’s Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon were sent as e-mail to Jon Edward Riley and others he would add to the mailing list.

Jon was called home by his loving Father in Heaven on January 16, 2021 leaving the legacy of this ministry to all who will participate in, and perpetuate it to the advancement of God’s Kingdom

Jon is therefore given honor; honor to whom honor is due. Romans 13:7

We pray that through this and other instrumentalities that God may choose to use, many will be born again, challenged, encouraged, and supported to grow in personal devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ while being conformed to His image; that they might be the firstborn among many brethren.   Romans 8:28-29


A PRAYER OF THANKS   by Jon Edward Riley, 

(February 12, 1971- January16, 2021)

… a well beloved, Indigenous, Irish, All-American son giving a prayer of gratitude to the Lord, “The Heart of Freedom”

…, thanking the Lord for the Military Service of Native-American Scouts who have served in the armed services of United States of America. …the land of the free and the home of the Brave.


INDIAN SCOUT POST NO 1 Burial grounds, White Shield, North Dakota.


 Jon loved to say, “I’m a blood bought, born-again child of God!” to anyone he happened to meet or anyone who would listen.

… Jon’s testimony lives on from one who, by grace through faith was forever accepted in the Beloved; who’s loving ways brought the good news of Jesus to many. and one who is now present with the LORD in glory forever. One who we’ll one day meet again.


Jon would sometimes just sing-out some of the following songs on the way to church, or sometimes just singing along with the Elvis Gospel CD that was always in our F-150’s CD player while riding with his Dad or,

Best of all, when an inspired, spontaneous praise from the Lord would just pop out from his joyful, creative and loving heart.


Some of our favorites: 

I Love You Lord by the Gaither choir

Where No One Stands Alone   Gaither Vocal Band

He Knows Just What I Need by Elvis

How Great Thou Art with Elvis

Lead Me & Rock-a My Soul by Elvis and friends

Lead Me, Guide Me by Elvis

It Is No Secret     by Elvis written by Stuart Hamblen 

LIFE by Elvis

        I found this Elvis song some time after Jon was called home on January 16th of 2021. It’s Comforting, but can’t compare with being in the presence of the LORD. I Can Only Imagine Jon singing praises with Elvis. Or maybe, singing a song given to Jon, while he was down here, known only to the Lord and the few loved ones who heard it: 

"See my Jesus, Walkin' on duh Waduh" an original by Jon Edward Riley


* Click and sing along    I Can Only Imagine  with Wynonna Judd won’t you?.

Love Without End    by George Strait performed for George W Bush  

It has become my heart-felt message in song to all of my fifteen children and one of my favorite songs too. 

Remembering Jon Edward …instead of saying  “good bye, ”Jon would always say “Later”; [as in see-ya later]. It was his own farewell greeting when parting company with a friend; and, of course,  everyone was Jon’s friend.

… He never said “good-bye”, only "Later".

Now, as I remember the sound of him saying “Later”, it rings true in its new and deeper meaning and it brings a joy and comfort to the hearts of those whom he loved so well; those who love him still and will always, and forever more.

… I also  love the promise of this Hymn:  ’Till We Meet Again. .


Does Jesus Care? Gaither Music TV  (SURE CURE for all "PITY PARTIES",  Guaranteed!) ...especially, the ones where no one shows up!



No Tears in Heaven  Revelation 7:17 A message of Comfort (Christian Sermons and Audio books SFX) Delivered  August 6th 1865, recorded by Charles Koelsch. (ca. 2018)


PREACHING: From The Metropolitan Tabernacle   Brief History

Charles H. Spurgeon, Pastor from 1853 to 1892

The Metropolitan Tabernacle is available for live streaming of church services from the London congregation. Join us in prayer, scripture reading, singing of sacred hymns and gospel preaching, won’t you?

Sunday  *11.00 am  Teaching ministry 

Sunday *6.30 pm  Evangelistic service

Wednesday *6.30 pm  Bible Study

*London, U.K. time zone​​



Precautions for Recovery Nehemiah Ch. 2-4   with Dr. Peter Masters


The Blood of Jesus is the first Film written, produced and directed by a black artists for distribution to the segregated black population in America.

During  the Jim Crow era, Spenser Williams (Andy of the 50s Amos and Andy sitcom) wrote, produced and directed this film for distribution to the segregated black population in America. and  features Sacred  music. [Tap for Back Story by

 Wintley Phipps].

The film’s artistic quality is primitive by today’s standards but its production was a genius accomplishment with just a $5,000 budget. Enjoy.

Even though Jim Crow laws required physical [racial] separation, they did not, could not, nor will anything, prevent the love and spiritual unity shared by Christian believers. Nothing will ever separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.




Teaching Sermon 11:00am | Sunday 6 August 2023

Arresting the Lord of All

Mark 14.43

When Christ submits to being arrested like a criminal, we see the outcome of 'nominal' belief (in Judas), the venom of the Lord's enemies, the deceitfulness of that shocking night, the reaction of 'the flesh' in believers, and a shining example of tenacious faith.


Gospel Sermon 6:30pm | Sunday 6 August 2023

If Only You Knew Christ – The Gift of God

John 4.10

Whether we live in a Christian age or in an atheistic culture, people, by nature, are unaware of the goodness and power of God if He is found and known. Here is why we are so far from Him, and how we may find Him.



from Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis Tennessee

“Pay Day Someday” A historic sermon by Robert G. Lee, former pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church.

"The Root of Bitterness” by Adrian Rogers, Love Worth Finding Ministry


from The Metropolitan Tabernacle. London, U.K.

Sanctify Them Through Thy Truth   John 17:17   with Dr. Peter Masters, Pastor

Sanctification (purification, consecration and commitment) by the Word is the will of Christ for His own, and here we turn to the first three of the Ten Commandments to challenge our souls. How should these be applied today in our lives and churches?

Closeness to Christ   2 Timothy 2:10-12 with Dr. Peter Masters, Pastor

In this hostile world, believers cannot live successfully and fruitfully without Christ being with their spirits. Here is why the soul is also called the spirit, and what it means for Christ to be with our spirit. Examples and counsels for securing His nearness.

Good Friday Sermon  6:30pm Friday15 April 2022  

Behold the Man      John 19.5   Dr. Peter Masters

Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate saith [says] unto them, Behold the man!’

What Is the Gospel by the late Dr. R. C. Sproul

Christians are called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but in our day there is confusion about the content of the Gospel. The biblical Gospel is challenged not only by Roman Catholics and liberals, but by those who claim to be evangelical. In this lecture, Dr. R. C. Sproul will clarify exactly what the Gospel is and what it is not.

6:30pm | 27 March 2022

The Years the Locust Has Eaten Joel 2:21-27 Message by Charles Haddon Spurgeon from the Series: Truth Stranger Than Fiction, delivered on Lord’s day Evening May 30, 1896

Recording by: Gavin Childress 44:24 minutes

304,103 views Jan 5, 2017

Thy Hand Was Heavy Upon Me   Psalm 32:3-4   by Charles H. Spurgeon

(Terrible Convictions and Gentle Drawings) - Preached on May 6. 1860 by C.H. Spurgeon at Exeter Hall. Recorded by Charles Koelsch, Christian Sermons and Audio Books

The Phenomenon of Love   Isaiah 63.7   By Dr. Peter Masters 

The nature and scope of human love is impressive, but Divine love, made visible in history and, supremely in the atoning sacrifice of Christ, is limitless, freely bestowed and certain toward all who find Him. Here are the 'loving-kindnesses of the Lord' they experience.

Living for the Flesh or for the Spirit   Romans 8.5-6   By Dr. Peter Masters

There are two classes of people in the Bible, those who focus on 'the flesh', and those who relate to the Spirit. Here are the characteristics and goals of each, and how God can free us from the captivity of flesh to know communion with Himself.

Mutual Debts in Marriage      1 Corinthians 7:3   By Dr. Peter Masters    15 January 2012

A key word has slipped out of some modern translations – the marital debt of benevolence, meaning goodwill and kind benefits. Here are seven debts each has to the other in Christian marriage, a sevenfold bond and blessing to the crowning earthly friendship of life’s journey, are we paying what is ‘due’? 

Things Only Believers See      1 Corinthians 2:9   by Dr. Peter Masters

(A roadmap for rightly dividing and discerning all doctrinal issues.)

Sunday Morning 13 February 2022

The apostle impresses upon us the spiritual blindness of our unconverted state to the wonders revealed in the Gospel, including future glories (described here). Here also is the meaning of 'comparing spiritual things with spiritual,' judging all things and living the mind of Christ

Jesus Christ Himself (Text only)  Ephesians 2:20

Preached on March 15th 1883 by Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Keeping Alive the Spirit   Ephesians 2:22   by Dr. Peter Masters

Sunday Morning 11 April 2021   (Today’s Sermon: March 17 ) 

In the building of a spiritual family the work of the Holy Spirit is the vital power. Here several Holy Spirit verses in Ephesians are explored (including 'Be filled with the Spirit') to show the different activities of the Spirit in the Christian life.

Be Filled with the Spirit   Ephesians 5:18 with Dr. Peter Masters

Why The Cross? 1958 Billy Graham (38 minutes)

Two questions answered from The Bible:

Who crucified Jesus?

Why did Jesus die on the cross?

For the Authority of Scripture John MacArthur

The Question of Questions answered in Isaiah, Chapter 53 

The Authority of the Bible and the Uniqueness of Jesus the Savior

(Ligonier Ministries’)

Living on the Word (Audio)  Deuteronomy 8:3  Message by Charles Haddon Spurgeon (Christian Sermons and Audio and Audio books Delivered on March 15th 1883, recorded by Charles Koelsch 51:04 minutes

160,059 views Aug 30, 2017 


Q & A PANEL DISCUSSION: with Steve Lawson, John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul:

Why Are So Many Against Reformed Theology?  What is it, anyway?

Reformed Theology? “It’s just a nickname for Biblical Christianity” ― Charles Spurgeon



Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?

The Fanny Crosby Story  (45 minute video of the most prolific Hymn writer of all time)

Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s Conversion 1850 (In his own words)

Who was [is[ Charles Haddon Spurgeon  ?



The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

(The world’s most highly acclaimed and widely read Allegory)


You can choose from these audio productions of the Pilgrim’s Progress:

Part I contains (1) ADULT AUDIO and (2) CHILDREN’S AUDIO (Illustrated) .

Part II adds Sequel (3) CHRISTIANA, Pilgrim’s wife and children. These audios may be listened to or shared. Little ones will long remember the loving bed time stories you share

They will bless, strengthen, encourage, challenge and instruct seekers and believers, of all ages.



ORIGINAL: The Pilgrim’s Progress Part I  Published by Logos in 1853 from Bunyan's 1678 text.


The REVISED TEXT: The Pilgrim’s Progrefs [sic] ©1999 by Barry E. Horner: is faithful to meanings and nuances of Bunyan’s text and provides support for the best understanding of this classic.


The Pilgrim Progress is the world’s most widely published and most famous  Allegory .  It was commonly found among he scant possessions in the cabins of the early American Pioneers. It was loved and read, second only to the Holy Bible, God’s Word, of guidance, encouragement and comfort. It’s also considered, by some, to be the world’s first English novel and is the most published book of all time. other than the Bible. There were 1,300 editions printed before 1938, 250 years after the author's death. It remains one of the world’s most highly acclaimed  books of all time.  As to the allegorical genre, it is unequalled.


Pilgrim’s Progress is referenced in many Spurgeon Sermons.

Here's one example:

Christ in you, the hope of glory.”—Colossians 1:27


Note: Spurgeon was taught to read at a very early age and read The Pilgrim’s Progress for the first time when he was six years old. He would return to re-read it over 100 times.  He made many reference to it in his sermons as Pastor of  The Metropolitan Tabernacle in London.

Excerpt from Sermon:  II. § 5 THE SWEETNESS OF THIS MYSTERY, 



"Christ in us is Christ reigning." reminds me [Spurgeon] of Mr. Bunyan’s picture in The Pilgrim’s Progress. of [the town of] Mansoul, …when the Prince Immanuel laid siege to it, and Diabolus from within the city strove to keep him out. It was a, hard time for Mansoul then; but when at last the battering rams [ancient weapons of war] had broken down the gates, and the silver trumpets sounded, and the prince’s captains entered the breach, then on a day the prince himself did ride down the city’s streets, while liberated citizens welcomed him with all their hearts, hung out all their streamers, and made the church towers rock again as the bells rang out merry peals [melodies], for the king himself was come. Up to the castle of the heart [main castle] he rode in triumph, and took his royal throne to be henceforth the sole lord and king of the city.

Christ in you is a right royal word. Christ swaying his scepter from the center of your being over every power and faculty, desire and resolve, bringing every thought into captivity to himself, oh, this is glory begun, and the sure pledge of heaven. Oh for more of the imperial sovereignty of Jesus; it is our liberty to be absolutely under his sway.

Spurgeon’s Full Sermon:  Christ in You, May 13, 1883 Scripture: Colossians 1:27 From: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Volume 29 (cit. II. The Mystery of this is Christ In You, § 5)


Daily Episodes of The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan are a blessing to read or listen to.  You may choose to read short selections this Sacred Literature Classic as a bed time story for your little ones each night.

They will love this story and  time with you and you, with them.

It’s the world’s most famous allegory second only to the Bible as the all-time, world wide best seller. It’s also claimed to be the world’s first English novel by some as it predates Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Caruso.

It has blessed, encouraged and instructed pilgrims of all ages for centuries.

Index of the 533 Scripture References cited in The Pilgrim’s Progress 

by John Bunyan  1687  

John Bunyan did not write or set forth any world view of any kind. His masterful allegory, demonstrably displays that God's Word does not support a world view at all but sets forth God’s view on every thing revealed and forever settled in heaven, The Holy Bible.


Bunyan merely, yet ardently, trusted in God’s Word; the God-breathed [divinely inspired], Self-authenticating, Providentially-protected immutable, inerrant, infallible, and inextinguishable written Word from GOD Himself. God, the omnipotent, omnipresent, righteous and Holy One, has breathed out His Word and has made His Word flesh in the birth of Jesus Christ. God’s Word is now, has always been and will forever be in perfect accord with Himself and the Spirit of Truth.

God’s infinite Love and Grace to redeem all fallen, hell-bound sinners who will look to Him is revealed by the sacrifice of His only begotten [fathered by God] Son, Jesus Christ.

The story inspiration given to Bunyan was in the form of a dream. Never the less, it imparts wisdom and may encourage soul-searching self-reflection to all pilgrims who seek redemption and eternal life. Many scripture references will  be captured and remembered from its reading [listening].  



The Pilgrim’s Progress Part I by John Bunyan (Complete Part I by Christopher Glyn)

Preface: Bunyan’s letter      

Episode 01: The City of Destruction

  > Episode 02: Obstinate & Pliable

Episode 03: The Swamp of Despond

Episode 04: Mr. Worldly Wiseman

Episode 05: The Narrow Gate

Episode 06: The House of the Interpreter

Episode 07: The Cross

Episode 08: Simple, Sloth & Presumption

Episode 09: Formalist & Hypocrisy      

Episode 10: The Hill Difficulty      

Episode 11: Timorous & Mistrust

Episode 12: The Palace Beautiful      

Episode 13: Battle with Apollyon      

Episode 14: The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Episode 15: Christian Meets Faithful & Talkative

Episode 16: Mr. By-ends [Town of Fair Speech]

Episode 17: The Hill Lucre [Gain and Greed]

Episode 18: By-path Meadow [Vain Confidence]

Episode 19: Doubting Castle      

Episode 20: The Delectable Mountains

Episode 21: Ignorance [Conceit]      

Episode 22: The Flatterer

Episode 23: Atheist

Episode 24: The Enchanted Ground

Episode 25: Ignorance Rejoins the Pilgrims

Episode 26: Beulah Land

Episode 27: The River of Death

Episode 28: The Celestial City

CHILDREN’S VIDEO (Illustrated Adaptation)

Pilgrim’s Progress Drama presented in 9 parts.


Part 1 The Slough of Despond [The Swamp]

  > Part 2 The Interpreter’s House      

Part 3 The Hill Difficulty      

Part 4 The Fight with Apollyon

Part 5 The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Part 6 Vanity Fair      

Part 7 Doubting Castle

Parts 8 & 9 The Dark River & The Celestial City


PART II - CHRISTIANA Some say, “Better than PART I” (Old English dialect)

PRINT: - The Pilgrim’s Progress Part II Christiana by John Bunyan

AUDIO: (Automatic play of all 20 Parts if not paused or stopped)

1 Part II 04   A Visit from Secret   4:50 Audio

  > 2 Part II 05 Good News 2:25 Audio

3 Part II 28 Mount Charity 1:01 Audio

4 Part II 29 Fool & Want-Wit 1:16 Audio

5 Part II 31 Meeting Valiant-For-Truth 1:41 Audio

6 Part II 01 Valiant Does Battle 5:51 Audio

7 Part II 02 Valiant’s Story 3:35 Audio

8 Part II 04 Which Way To Go 1:30 Audio

9 Part II 09 Stand-Fast’s 'Wife' 6:02 Audio

10 Part II 11 Stand-Fast’s Story 1:37 Audio

11 Part II 12 Beulah Land 3:20 Audio      

12 Part II 14 The Postman’s Visit 1:57 Audio

13 Part II 15 Christiana’s Blessing 5:55 Audio

14 Part II 16 Christiana Goes Over The River 1:20 Audio

15 Part II 19 Mr. Despondency’s Farewell 2:10 Audio

16 Part II 20 Old-Honest Called 1:41 Audio

17 Part II 21 Valiant Bequeaths His Sword 2:27 Audio

18 Part II 22 Stand-Fast’s Will 3:56 Audio

19 Part II 23 Christiana Nears The City 1:01 Audio

20 Part II 24 Christiana’s Triumphal Entry 4:45 Audio

DEVOTION for AUGUST 21st written and Calendared by Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892


“Why Men Cannot Believe in Christ”

[Christ Jesus]




Note: This Sermon was summarized  in the Men’s Bible Study lesson on Wednesday, August 14th 2024 at South Shores Church and is featured here as an unabridged Audio recording of Sermon
# 1245 that was preached originally by Charles Spurgeon in 1875 from his home church, The

Metropolitan Tabernacle, London.


PRAYER 4, Part 4 of 5


ANECDOTE 21: The Neglected Bible



-He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee- Job 5:19

MORNING August 21

"The sweet psalmist of Israel. "—2 Samuel 23:1

EVENING August 21

"And they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall." —Nehemiah 3:8


Today’s Devotion
PRAYER 4, Part 4 of 5


Lord, Lord, if there be a heart that is saying,

“Now, behold I yield; Lo! at Thy feet rebellion’s weapons I lay down, and cease to be Thy foe, Thou King of kings “


— if there, be one who is saying,


“I am willing to be espoused [wed] unto Christ, to be washed in His blood, to be called in His righteousness”

—bring that willing sinner in now! May there be no longer delay; but may this be the time when, once for all, the great transaction shall be done, and they shall be their Lord’s, and He shall be theirs.

Oh! that we could pour out our soul in prayer for the unconverted! Thou knowest [You know] where they will all be in a few years! Oh! by Thy wrath, we pray Thee, let them not endure it! By the flames of hell be pleased to ransom them from going down into the pit!


By everything that is dreadful in the wrath to come we do argue with Thee to have mercy upon these sons of men, even upon those who have no mercy upon themselves.


Father, hast Thou not promised Thy Son to see of His soul’s travail [work]? We point Thee to the ransom paid; we point Thee once again to the groans of Thy Son, to His agony, and bloody sweat! Turn, turn Thy glorious eyes thither, [there] and then look on sinners, and speak the word, and bid them [ask that they] live.


Righteous Father, refresh every corner of the vineyard, and on every branch of the vine let the dew of heaven rest. Oh! that Thou wouldest [You would] bless Thy [Your] church throughout the world!


Let visible union be established, or if not that, yet let the invisible union which has always existed be better recognized by believers.

Wilt Thou [Will You] repair our schisms [divisions]; wilt Thou [will You] repair the breaches [gaps] which have been made in the walls of Zio


n [The Holy city Jerusalem]? Oh! that Thou wouldest purge us [rid us] of everything unscriptural, till all Christians shall come to the law and to the testimony, and still keep the ordinances and the doctrines as they were committed to the apostles.

[I pray in Your name, Lord Jesus for a clean heart, Amen.]

Create In Me a Clean Heart Oh God Sing-along won’t you?





ANECDOTE 21: The Neglected Bible

And I recollect a person once coming to me in private; I spoke to her about her soul, she told me how deeply she felt, how she had a desire to serve God, but she found another law in her members [the lust of the flesh working in her body] . I turned to a passage in Romans, and read to her, “The good that I would [do] I do not; and the evil which I would not [do] that I do!”. She said, “ Is that in the Bible? I did not know it.” I did not blame her, because she had no interest in the Bible till then; but I did not wonder that there could be found persons who knew nothing about such a passage. Ah! you know more about your ledgers [accounting] than your Bible; you know more about your day-books [Diaries] than what God has written; many of you will read a novel from beginning to end, and what have you got? A mouthful of froth when you have done [finish reading it].

But [apparently] you cannot read the Bible; that solid, lasting, substantial, and satisfying food goes uneaten, locked up in the cupboard of neglect; while anything that man writes, a catch of the day, is greedily devoured.





-He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee- Job 5:19

-En seis tribulaciones te librara, Y en la septima no te tocara el mal -
Job 5:19


Eliphaz [Job’s friend] in this spoke the truth of God. We may have as many troubles as the workdays of the week, but the God who worked on those six days will work for us till our deliverance is complete. We shall rest with Him, and in Him on our Sabbath.


The rapid succession of trials is one of the sorest tests of faith. Before we have recovered from one blow, it is followed by another and another till we are staggered. Still, the equally quick succession of deliverances is exceedingly cheering. New songs are rung out [played] upon the anvil by the hammer of affliction, till we see in the spiritual world the antitype [foreshadowing] of -the Harmonious Blacksmith.-


Our confidence is, that when the Lord makes our trials six, six they will be, and no more. It may be that we have no rest day, for seven troubles come upon us. What then? -In seven there shall be no evil touch thee.- Evil may roar at us, but it shall be kept at more than arm’s length, and shall not even touch us.

Its hot breath may distress us, but its little finger cannot be laid upon us. With our loins girt [supported] about us we will meet the six or the seven troubles, and leave fear to those who have no Father, no Savior, and no Sanctifier.


Prayer: Thank You Father that You will deliver us from all adversity and evil. Thank you for the new songs that are composed on the anvil of trouble in Jesus’ name, Amen.


The John Mark Publishing Company P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693


Please send us the e-mail address of anyone you would like to receive DailySpurgeon

… and pray that God will save souls thereby.

Pray also that believers rightly divide [faithfully analyze and preach] God’s eternal Word, preserved by God, Himself.

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten [supernaturally fathered] Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but may be having eternal life. John 3:16



MORNING August 21

"The sweet psalmist of Israel. "—2 Samuel 23:1

- El suave en cánticos de Israel — 2 Samuel 23:1


AMONG all the saints whose lives are recorded in Holy Writ [Scripture], David possesses an experience of the most striking, varied, and instructive character. In his history we meet with trials and temptations not to be discovered, as a whole, in other saints of ancient times, and hence he is all the more suggestive a type of our Lord. David knew the trials of all ranks and conditions of men.

Kings have their troubles, and David wore a crown: the peasant has his cares, and David handled a shepherd's crook [staff]: the wanderer has many hardships, and David abode in the caves of Engedi: the captain has his difficulties, and David found the sons of Zeruiah too hard for him.


The psalmist [David] was also tried in his friends, his counselor Ahithophel forsook him:


"He that eateth bread with me, hath lifted up his heel against me."


His worst foes were they of his own household: his children were his greatest affliction.


The temptations of poverty and wealth, of honor and reproach [condemnation], of health and weakness, all tried their power upon him. He had temptations from without to disturb his peace, and from within to mar [diminish] his joy.


David no sooner escaped from one trial than he fell into another; no sooner emerged from one season of despondency and alarm, than he was again brought into the lowest depths, and all God's waves and billows rolled over him. It is probably from this cause that David's psalms are so universally the delight of experienced [mature] Christians.


Whatever our frame of mind, whether ecstasy or depression, David has exactly described our emotions. He was an able master of the human heart, because he had been tutored in the best of all schools


—the school of heartfelt, personal experience.


As we are instructed in the same school, as we grow matured [maturing] in grace and in years, we increasingly appreciate David's psalms, and find them to be "green pastures."


My soul, let David's experience cheer and counsel you this day.

[David was a man after God’s own heart Acts13:22]

Create In Me a Clean Heart Oh God (Click or Tap for audio. Sing-along won’t you? Today’s PRAISE music came to mind from today’s MORNING selection)



EVENING August 21

"And they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall." —Nehemiah 3:8

—Así dejaron reparado á Jerusalem hasta el muro ancho. —Nehemías 3:8


Cities well fortified have broad walls, and so had Jerusalem in her glory. The New Jerusalem must, in like manner, be surrounded and preserved by a broad wall of nonconformity to the world, and separation from its customs and spirit.


The tendency of these days break down the holy barrier, and make the distinction between the church and the world merely nominal. Professors are no longer strict and Puritanical, questionable literature is read on all hands, frivolous pastimes are currently indulged, and a general laxity threatens to deprive the Lord’s peculiar people of those sacred singularities which separate them from sinners.


It will be an ill day for the church and the world when the proposed amalgamation shall be complete, and the sons of God and the daughters of men shall be as one: then shall another deluge of wrath be ushered in. Beloved reader, be it your aim in heart, in word, in dress, in action to maintain the broad wall, remembering that


the friendship of this world is enmity against God.


The broad wall afforded a pleasant place of resort for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, from which they could command prospects of the surrounding country.

This reminds us of the Lord’s exceeding broad commandments, in which we walk at liberty in communion with Jesus, overlooking the scenes of earth, and looking out towards the glories of heaven.

Separated from the world, and denying ourselves all ungodliness and fleshly lusts, we are nevertheless not in prison, nor restricted within narrow bounds; nay, we walk at liberty, because we keep his precepts. Come, reader, this evening walk with God in his statutes. As friend met friend upon the city wall,


so meet thou thy God in the way of holy prayer and meditation.


The bulwarks of salvation thou hast a right to traverse [travel, for thou art a freeman of the royal burgh [town] , a citizen of the metropolis of the universe.



Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21

Call on the name of the Lord Jesus and be saved … pray like this, won’t you?

“Lord Jesus, I’m a lost sinner and without You I am hopeless. I can’t save myself. Without your death on the cross to pay my sin debt I would be condemned to spend eternity condemned in Hell. My nature has been self centeredness from birth. Please forgive me.

I realize that doing my best, being as good as possible, or being better than other people can never save me. . I’m sorry for each and every sin I have done and look to You to forgive me of them all.

I look to You, alone Lord Jesus to save me.

I call on You, Lord Jesus, right now to save me. You died on the cross for me, and because of my sin.

Yet You say, “It shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21.

Right now, just as I am, I call on You, Lord Jesus to save me, I trust that You, will be my Lord and Savior from now on.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You have forgiven me of all my sins. I ask You to keep in me always the desire to follow You.

You paid the price for all of my sins by dying on the cross. Even the sins of the whole world.

Thank you, Lord Jesus that You loved me and died for me even before I was born and that You still love me now. I love You too.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, that You called me away from sin and death into the Life everlasting in Your only begotten son, the Lord Jesus.

Thank You, Heavenly Father that you raised Jesus from the dead. He is ALIVE and in Him we are victorious over sin, death and the grave. And, there is therefore now no condemnation in Christ Jesus.

Thank You for saving me heavenly Father and Holy Spirit for comfort and guidance revealing all truth,

With all my heart, thank you Lord Jesus for saving me. In your name, I pray, Amen.


Please allow us to share the joy of your new birth with heaven. Heaven rejoices over each redeemed sinner. Luke 15:7

The John Mark Publishing Company, P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693, U.S.A. or e-mail: Write, won’t you? 


You can cast your cares on the Lord…

1. Call on Him. As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me.. ...Psalm 55:16

2. Trust Him. Commit thy way unto the Lord;  and he shall bring it to pass ... Psalm 37:5

3. Come to Him, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I [He] will give you rest.. Matthew 11:28

4. Give Him the burden. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22]


The John Mark Publishing Company P.O. Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693


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… and pray for souls to be saved and believers to be strengthened.

The Lord … is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

Pray also that believers will be taught by the Holy Spirit and will rightly divide God’s Holy Word preserved by God, Himself.


John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten [divinely fathered] Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but may be having eternal life.

vis. Textus Receptus [The Received Greek Text] (From the overwhelming majority of extant New Testament Greek manuscripts)

The Incomplete and unsealed codices of Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are not majority texts, [Original Masoretic Hebrew and the Greek Textus Receptus]. Sinaiticus and Vaticanus present variant, ambiguous and erroneous readings rather than that of the well-established and settled texts. They disagree often with one another as well as with the settled majority texts. Thus, an attempt to create a pretext that will continue to justify a never-ending demand for additional editions and interpretations. These unsettled differences and bias in certain sectarian doctrine [dogma] have led to the production of multiple “modern” editions with ambiguities, many variant readings and confusion from the explosion of unending, new editions.

Profit-driven publishers have embraced such an economic windfall to sell a continual flow of “new and better” English edition of The Bible. They give too little attention to the fidelity and accuracy already settled [in heaven] in majority manuscripts of the Masoretic Hebrew and the  Greek Textus Receptus.


Psalm 119:89-90

ל Lamed

89 Forever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.

90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations:

thou hast established the earth, and it abideth. [abides]

God, Himself, providentially protects and preserves His Word. His Word is the God-breathed, self-authenticating, immutable [unchanging and unchangeable], eternal, inerrant, infallible, infinite and all-powerful Word, settled in heaven. He is not the author of confusion.

1 Corinthians 14:33 



… Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13

Our solemn aim is to trust and obey the Lord Jesus in everything. We must rely upon God entirely to achieve His purposes in us and through us.

Loving and worshiping God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength in Spirit and in truth is a labor of love and duty of every believer. Desire will grow stronger as we give ourselves to prayer, reading and meditating on God’s Word, gathering ourselves together to hear Gospel preaching, the singing of Psalms, sacred hymns and spiritual songs.

We purpose, with God’s help, to reach the lost, comfort, strengthen and encourage believers, and rightly divide God’s Word to proclaim the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ to every creature.

The Holy Bible is God’s eternal, inerrant, infallible, immutable revealed and divinely preserved Word. It is His completed scripture of all revealed truth. He brings guidance and the knowledge of His will to us personally and to each local body of Christian believers through His Word. With God’s help and empowerment, we will read, study, meditate-on, trust-in and obey God’s Holy Bible and encourage others to do the same. We hold it to be the supreme authority and the preeminent and divinely established precedent [Stare Decisis Latin: to stand by that which is decided, the legal doctrine of precedence, literally "to stand by decided matters"] in all things.

Therefore, the purpose of The John Mark Publishing Company is to publish the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature. And, to serve all, in love, especially those in the household of faith. We are compelled by this purpose to follow, and rightly apply and proclaim, God’s Holy Word, the Bible, as God’s divinely preserved truth; being the essential authority and goal of this ministry.

The Metropolitan Tabernacle: Home church of Charles H. Spurgeon

The preaching, teaching, soul winning and writings of Charles Haddon Spurgeon are firmly fixed on the bedrock of Holy Scripture. His entire ministry was established, empowered and inspired solely by God’s Holy Word imparted to him by the Holy Spirit. His written works continue to bless, guide, challenge and benefit today’s readers through the publication of his authentic Gospel sermons and other inspired writing His ministry continues to thrive and flourish today through the Metropolitan Tabernacle a church begun in 1650 The present building was constructed in 1861 and was rebuilt after the destruction caused during the second world war. This church has been steadfast in it’s adherence to Reformed Baptist theology that Spurgeon said was just a nickname for Biblical Christianity. They have resisted and continue to reject worldly winds of false doctrine, including pragmatism and self-centered “Christian hedonism”. Biblical Christianity will always show itself as a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, never just a philosophy or religion.

Mission Aim: Spurgeon's sermons and devotional messages have edified the church body and have been a great benefit, to all readers for many years. We pray they will be useful to strengthen personal discipleship in each and every believer and will be a useful instrument in the spreading of the Gospel [Good news] of Jesus Christ, the Messiah to all nations. 



Our aim is to trust and obey the Lord Jesus Christ in everything. We rely wholly upon the Holy Spirit to impart God’s divine revelation to us from His Word, the Holy Bible. With God’s help, we will follow Jesus. We expect that lost souls will be saved, believers, comforted, strengthened and encouraged. To God be all the glory.

The Bible is God’s divinely inspired [God breathed] revealed, infinite, eternal, inerrant, infallible, immutable Word to all mankind. This divine, supernatural Word brings all revealed truth to the world. We purpose, therefore, to follow God’s Holy Word, Personal guidance and guidance to the local church comes by His Word.

Hence, we resolve, God helping us, to read, study, meditate-on, trust-in and obey God’s revealed and divinely preserved Word, holding it to be the supreme authority and the only divinely established Stare Decisis [Latin: to stand by that which is decided] in all things.

Therefore, the purpose of The John Mark Publishing Company is to publish and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature, ministering God’s love to all, especially those in the household of faith. The Bible is God’s everlasting, inspired, (God breathed) inerrant, infallible, unchangeable, divinely protected and preserved Word of love and salvation to the entire world. It is also the essential foundation of this ministry.

History: The inspired preaching, teaching and writing of Charles Haddon Spurgeon is all empowered by God’s revealed Word the Bible. His written publications continue to benefit readers through authentic Gospel preaching and sound biblical teaching. This ministry continues to flourish through The Metropolitan Tabernacle in London


Presented here are Spurgeon's writings for the edification of the church as well as for the benefit, blessing and gospel challenge to all readers. Our desire is that the written Word of God will become the Living Word in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ to each and every reader.

To this end, this website is offered to encourage and provide opportunity to hear Gospel preaching, and to engage in daily devotional meditation, Bible study and prayer. Careful adherence to Spurgeon’s calendar and original, unabridged text is given herein.


Prayer: Dear Lord, empower your ministry to win many souls, and serve those in need, especially those in the household of faith, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Disclaimer: The John Mark Publishing Company does not solicit praise of Charles H. Spurgeon or his writing or preaching. He didn’t need or want it then and wouldn’t desire it now. Our aim is to lift up and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and to preach Christ Jesus only and him crucified.

Precaution: These Messages and prayers will not substitute for continual fellowship with the Lord Jesus or for gathering in in-person worship. Neither will they replace personal reading, meditation, prayer and fasting over God's divinely preserved and eternal Word imparted by the Holy Spirit.


The Authorized King James Version (AKJV), also known as the Authorized Version (AV), is the authentic English Bible because it is rendered [translated into English] accurately and faithfully from the established majority of the Greek Textus Receptus [received text] manuscripts of the New Testament and the Hebrew Masoretic Text of the Old Testament (The Jewish Tanakh)  These manuscripts are providentially protected of God, and always give a greater glory to God when compared to variant readings. The established majority manuscripts avoid doctrinal error, inaccuracies in translation, uninspired editorial notations, variant or ambiguous readings taken from Codices Vaticanus, or Sinaiticus.


The Authorized King James version is distinguished also by the requirement of Great Brittan that all King James bibles be printed only by the Cambridge University Press, the Crown’s authorized printer. No other [person or publisher] may print, copy or import the King James Bible into Great Brittan by order of the Crown.

Printed Prayer: Printed prayers must not be read or offered as a substitute for personal, fervent, effectual, heart-felt, prayer. They are offered, rather, to warm the hearts of those who will presently seek a season of fervent, authentic two-way, heart-to-heart fellowship and prayer with the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Authentic revelations from God during prayer are always consistent with His revealed Word, the Bible.

Preaching Preparation: When preparing to preach, please send us the text reference that has been chosen if you would like us to send the Spurgeon Sermon addressing the same text.

 My Prayer is that You would touch, lift up, encourage and teach all who faithfully minister your Word. Bless all who minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May Your blessing and holy anointing fall fresh upon each dear reader and abide with each one who rightly divides and faithfully proclaims Your Word [The Bible]. Please save many souls; and may all be glory be yours alone. I pray this in the name of our Redeemer, The Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Distribution: The Publishing Company sends Daily Spurgeon by e-mail, to all request received. No fee or registration is required. Please send the e-mail address of all who you would like to add to our mailing list. Also, please FORWARD these e-mails freely to anyone you choose.

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Editorial Support: [Brackets] are used to clarify words and expressions that are not commonly used in, present day (USA) English. No changes other than spelling differences between UK and United States English (USA) noted with asterisks * have been made to the original, unabridged text. Bible scripture links are underlined blue text.(English: AKJV, Authorized King James Version; Spanish: Reina Valera Gomez). Brackets, ( […] ) clarify meaning and yellow highlighting are used for emphasis. These additions are the only ones made by the Publishing company.

Confidentiality Pledge: The mailing list is strictly confidential and will not be used or distributed in any way for any purpose other than to send this daily message except for occasional, confidential prayer requests.

Copyright: Prayers, Anecdotes, Faith’s Checkbook and Morning & Evening by C.H. Spurgeon are public domain and free from any © copyright limitation or restriction. Please Forward, copy and share freely, [Social media, US mail etc.] Your partnership is acknowledged with gratitude.

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