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 DAILY SPURGEON for January 8th  *A.D. 2025 Written and calendared for this exact date by Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892.

*A.D. Does NOT mean after death as is commonly believed. It is a Latin abbreviation
for anno Domani (It means “Year of our Lord”.

BC/AD versus BCE/CE Is there a  difference?​

Yes. Stand for the Truth, Won’t you? 


Jesus Christ [Messiah] (Anointed King)] the LORD GOD was born of a virgin 2025 years ago,    was crucified, then rose from the dead, victorious over sin, death and the grave and is here in the flesh from GOD as His Church, The Body of Christ and will live forever, time without end and   He, Himself, is coming again.



ANECDOTE 159: Death the Christian Awakening.


“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8

MORNING: "The iniquity of the holy things."— Exodus 28:38

EVENING "Thy love is better than wine. "—Song of Solomon 1:2





O LORD God, help us now really to worship Thee. We would [choose to] thank Thee for this occasion. We bless Thy name for setting apart this hallowed season.


Lord, wilt [will] Thou shut the door upon the world for us? Help us to forget our cares. Enable us to rise clean out of this world. May we get rid of all its down-dragging tendencies. May the attractions of these grossest things be gone, and do Thou [Lord]  catch [grab us secretly] away to Thyself .

We do not ask to be entranced [put in a trance] nor to see an angel in shining apparel, but we do ask that by faith we may see Jesus, and may His presence be so evidently realized among us that we may rejoice as well as if our [natural] eyes beheld Him, and love Him and trust Him and worship Him as earnestly as we should [would] do if we could now put our fingers into the print of the nails.

O, Thou precious Lord Jesus Christ, we [I] do adore Thee with all our hearts [my heart]. Thou art Lord of all. We bless Thee for becoming man that Thou mightest [might] be our next of kin, and being next of kin we bless Thee for taking us into marriage union with Thyself and for redeeming us and our inheritance from the captivity into which we were sold.


Thou hast [have] paid Thy life for Thy people; Thou hast ransomed [have paid the ransom for] Thy folk with Thy heart’s blood.


Be Thou, [May You] therefore, forever beloved and adored. And now, Thou art [are] not here, for Thou art [are] risen. Our souls would [choose to] track the shining way by which Thou hast [have] ascended through the gate of pearl up to Thy Father’s throne.


We seem to see Thee sitting there,  man, yet God, reigning over all things for Thy people, and our ears almost catch the accents [beat] of the everlasting song which rolls up at Thy  feet:


Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir) to receive honor, and power, and glory, and dominion, and might for ever and ever.”


Lord, we say,




From the outskirts of the crowd that surround Thy throne we lift up our feeble voices in earnest




for Thou wast [were] slain and hast [have] redeemed us to God by Thy [blood and hast [have] made us kings and priests unto God, and we shall reign with Thee, for though far off by space, we know that we are very near to Thy heart. [In Jesus name, Amen]


(Attachment: PRAYER 2)



ANECDOTE 159: Death the Christian Awakening.


Let us imitate Mr. John Wesley as calmly  anticipated his end [death].


A lady once asked Mr. Wesley, “Suppose that you knew you were to die at twelve o’clock to-morrow night, how would you spend the intervening time?”


“How, madam?” he replied, “why just as I intend to spend it now. I should preach this evening at Gloucester, and again at five tomorrow morning ; after that I should ride to Tewkesbury, preach in the afternoon, and meet the society in the evening. I should then repair [go] to friend Martin’s house, who expects to entertain me; converse and pray with the family as usual; retire to my room at ten o clock, commend myself to my heavenly Father, lie down to rest, and wake up in glory.” 




-Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.- Matthew 5:8

-Bienaventurados los de limpio corazon: porque ellos veran a Dios.- Mateo 5:8


Purity, even purity of heart, is the main thing to be aimed at. We need to be made clean within, through the [Holy] Spirit and the Word, and then we shall be clean without [on the outside] by consecration [internal devotion] and obedience.


There is a close connection between the affections and the understanding: if we love evil, we cannot understand that which is good. If the heart is foul [unclean], the eye will be dim. How can those men see a holy God who [those men] love unholy things?


What a privilege it is to see God here! A glimpse of Him is Heaven below! In Christ Jesus the pure-in-heart behold the Father. We see Him, His truth, His love, His purpose, His sovereignty, His covenant [divine] character, yea, [Yes] we see Himself [God the Father] in Christ.


But this is Only apprehended [learned and understood] as [long as] sin is kept out of the heart. Only those who aim at godliness can cry,


-Mine eyes are ever towards the Lord.- The desire of Moses,


-I beseech [earnestly plead] thee, show me thy glory,- can only be fulfilled in us as we purify ourselves from all iniquity.


We shall  -see him as he is- ;


and -every one that hath this hope in him [Jesus Christ] purifieth [purifies] himself.-


The enjoyment of present fellowship and the hope of the beatific [blissful] vision are urgent motives for purity of heart and life.


Lord, make us pure in heart, that we may see Thee!


Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus The Living Stones Quartet

Words and tune by Helen Howarth Lemmel 1922


Prayer: Keep our hearts pure O Lord so that we always see Jesus, Emannuel, GOD WITH US. Amen.



MORNING January 8 "The iniquity of the holy things."— Exodus 28:38

- El pecado de las cosas santas— Exodo 28:38


WHAT a veil is lifted up [such revelation comes] by these words, and what a disclosure is made! It will be humbling and profitable for us to pause awhile and see this sad sight.


The iniquities of our public worship, its hypocrisy, formality, and luke-warmness, [neither hot nor cold which nauseates God] its irreverence; what a full measure we have of wandering of heart [day-dreaming] and forgetfulness of God.


What a mass of defilement [filthiness] is our work for the Lord, its emulation, selfishness, carelessness, slackness, and unbelief.


What a mountain of dead earth is our private devotions, their laxity, coldness, neglect, sleepiness, and vanity.

If we looked more carefully, we should find this iniquity to be far greater than appears at first sight.


Dr. Payson, writing to his brother, says, “My parish [church members], as well as my heart, very much resembles the garden of the sluggard [lazy one] ; and what is worse, I find that very many of my desires for the melioration [forging together] of both proceed either from pride [self-indulgence and overly concerned about what others think] or vanity [placing myself above all others] or indolence [laziness, and apathy]. I look at the weeds which overspread my garden, and breathe out an earnest wish that they were eradicated. But why? What prompts the wish? It may be that I may walk out and say to myself,

'In what fine order is my garden kept!'

This is pride.

Or, it may be that my neighbors may look over the wall and say 'How finely your garden flourishes!'

This is vanity.

Or I may wish for the destruction of the weeds, because I am weary of pulling them up.

This is indolence." [laziness]


Even our desires after holiness may be polluted by the wrong  motives. Under the greenest sod [lawns] worms hide themselves; we need not look long to discover them. How cheering is the thought, that when our High Priest [The Lord Jesus]  bore the iniquity of the holy things he wore upon his brow the words,


"holiness to the Lord," and even so while Jesus bears [dies on the cross for] our sin, He presents before His Father's face not our unholiness, but His own holiness.


O for grace to view our great High Priest [The Lord Jesus] by the eye of faith! [Spanish: El Sumo Sacerdote] 

Note: (This was a favorite expression of beloved son Jon Edward  1971-2021) Who’s limited Spanish was often used by him to express love.



EVENING, January 8 


"Thy love is better than wine. "—Song of Solomon 1:2

- Mejores son tus amores que el vino—Cantares 1:2


NOTHING gives the believer so much joy as fellowship with Christ. He has enjoyment as others have in the common mercies of life, he can be glad both in God's gifts and God's works; but in all these separately, yea, and in all of them added together, he does not find such substantial delight as in the matchless person of his Lord Jesus.


He has wine that no vineyard on earth ever yielded; he has bread that all the cornfields of Egypt could never bring forth [produce]. Where can such sweetness as we have tasted in communion with our Beloved [Lord Jesus] be found?


In our esteem, [estimation] the joys of earth are little better than husks for swine compared with Jesus, the heavenly manna [miraculous bread of life].


We would rather have one mouthful of Christ's love, and a sip of his fellowship, than a whole world full of carnal delights [fleshly pleasures].


What is the chaff to the wheat? What is the sparkling paste [a counterfit fake] to the true diamond? What is a dream to the glorious reality? What is time's mirth [laughter], in its best trim, [at its best] compared to our Lord Jesus in His most despised estate?

If you know anything of the inner life, you will confess that our highest, purest, and most enduring joys must be the fruit of the tree of life that is in the midst of the Paradise of God.


No spring yields such sweet water as that well of God that was digged [dug] with the soldier's spear. All earthly bliss is of the earth, earthy,


but the comforts of Christ's presence are like Himself, heavenly.


We can review our communion [fellowship] with Jesus, and find no regrets of emptiness therein; there are no dregs [sediment] in this wine, no dead flies in this ointment. The joy of the Lord is solid and enduring.

Vanity has not looked on it, but discretion and prudence testify that it abides the test of years, and is in time and in eternity worthy to be called


“the only true delight.”


For nourishment, consolation, exhilaration, and refreshment, no wine can rival the love of Jesus.


Let us drink all of it whenever communion is taken   [The Lord’s Supper]. 





This Documentary presents the historical evidence to explain the publication of over 100 compromised English revisionsof the Bible. These continual but unsuccessfulattempts to replace the King James Version KJV Bible will never prevail because GOD Himself will always preserve and protect His Holy Scripture from all heresy, blasphemy and confusion.  













The John Mark Publishing Company   P.O.  Box 21, San Juan Capistrano, CA  92693 


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       … and pray for the saving of souls and strengthening  of believers. 

The Lord … is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9


Pray also that believers will be taught by the Holy Spirit to rightly divide God’s eternal Word preserved and protected by God, Himself.

      For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten [supernaturally fathered] Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


John 3:16  

The Textus Receptus TR [Received Text] is the faithfully rendered Greek text with an overwhelming agreement in and among the majority of the 5,321 extant New Testament, Greek manuscripts  known as the  MT. [Majority Text]. The Old Testament Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts were meticulously copied by hand [manuscript] by the Masoretic scribes. These are the manuscripts  from which  the Original King James version  was translated onto English.

In order for Westcott & Hort and Nestle & Aland to create the Modern Greek to create  the many variant reaings brought through highly nuanced readings from the Critical Text theory.  Only Fifty-five 55 manuscripts from the 5,321 Majority Text MT were hand-picked and they were not from the foundational text from which the Textus Receptus was rendered but were selected from  the inferior Sinaiticus and Vaticanus codices. These fifty-five manuscripts  brought  variant readings and were created, ostensibly, to justify the creation of an alternative Greek text to the Textus Receptus which had been under relentless attack by Westcott & Hort and Nestle & Aland for many years.

The Codices known as Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are inferior because they often are in disagreement with the Textus Receptus and incredibly, with one another. They give rise to variant readings and embrace secular doctrine bias not supported by scripture translated from the Majority Text or Textus Receptus.  They have been infused by  invented Greek text where an absence of Greek text from the Fifty-five hand-picked manuscripts was found.

They invented but did not disclose themselves as the source  of the new Greek translation.  They supplied this new Greek translation to all Committee members with the aim to revise the King James Bible. However, They insisted on a code of silence as to the authorship of the Greek Text from which all the Revisions were to be based. All members of the committee were required to agree to this code.

Modern textual criticism is based on the assumption that older manuscripts are, de-facto, more accurate. Actually, the continuous and unsettled changes from their  variant readings reflect error, doctrinal ambiguities and biases not supported by the Majority Text.

Scripture based on The Greek text of Westcott &  Hort and Nestle & Aland of a secular or denominational tradition allow modern textual criticism  to  rob God of His Sovereignty, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Immutability, Inerrancy and  Infallibility and to diminish Glory from His infinite and everlasting “I AM” that deserves and demands ALL GLORY!

For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in Heaven. Psalm 119:89

God is not the author of confusion. 1 Corinthians 4:33­­

God, Himself, providentially protects and preserves all of His inspired WORD.  HIS God-breathed, self-authenticating, immutable [unchanging and unchangeable], eternal, everlasting inerrant, infallible, infinite and all-powerful [omnipotent] Word.


For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in Heaven. Psalm 119:89

God is not the author of confusion. 1 Corinthians 4:33




Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21

Call on the name of the Lord Jesus and be saved … pray like this, won’t you?

“Lord Jesus, I’m a lost sinner and without You I am lost. I can’t save myself. Without your death on the cross to pay my sin debt I would be condemned to spend eternity in Hell. My nature and behavior has been sinful from birth. Please forgive me.

I realize that doing my best, being as good as possible, or being better than other people can never save me. . I’m sorry for each and every sin I have ever done and look to You to forgive them all.

I look to You, alone Lord Jesus to save me.

I call on You, Lord Jesus, right now to save me. You died on the cross for me, as God’s sacrifice for my sin.

Right now, just as I am, I call on You, Lord Jesus to save me, I trust You to be my Savior and Lord.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You have forgiven me of all my sins. I want to follow You from now on.

You paid the price for all of my sins by dying on the cross.

Thank you, Lord Jesus that You loved me and died for me before I was born and that You love me still

Thank you, Heavenly Father, that You called me away from sin and death into the Life everlasting in Your only begotten son, the Lord Jesus.

Thank You, Heavenly Father that you raised Jesus from the dead. He is alive and in Him we are victorious over sin, death and the grave.

Thank You for saving me heavenly Father and Holy Spirit for Your comfort and guidance in all things.

With all my heart, thank you Lord Jesus for saving me. In your name, I pray, Amen.


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SPECIAL SPURGEON SERMON: “Why Men Cannot Believe in Christ”

[Christ Jesus]




Note: This Sermon was referenced in the Men’s Bible Study on Wednesday, August 14th 2024 at South Shores Church and is featured here as an unabridged Audio recording of Sermon # 1245 that was preached originally by Charles Spurgeon in 1875 from his home church, The Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, U.K.





Can You trust this website?

Is it of God?

Is it trustworthy?

1 John  Chapter 4

Beloved ones, don’t be believing every spirit [everything you hear] but [continually] be testing the spirit whether it is of God: because many false prophets have come out in the world. Here’s how you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit [voice] that confesseth [confesses, says] that Jesus Christ is come [is here] in the flesh, having come out of God, is of God: and every spirit [voice] that confesseth not [doesn't confess] that Jesus Christ is come [is here] in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

Hence, I confess [declare and affirm] "Jesus Christ is come [is here] in the flesh."


He has always existed from eternity past [FOREVER] as the WORD of God.    John 1:1-2

And He was born of a virgin 2,024 years ago in Bethlehem, the WORD made flesh,

is alive today, and is coming soon for His *bride, the Church

[*All redeemed believers].

"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:

God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit,

believed on in the world, received up into glory."

1 Timothy 3:16


Let me invite you to trust in  the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord and to publicly confess [declare] Him as such before men [publicly]. He will therefore be able to acknowledge and confess you before His Father in Heaven. He is The God of Abraham. Isaac and Jacob. Following your public confession, You also invited to follow Him in believer’s baptism by immersion. 


Jesus came from Galilee t o Jordan to be baptized by John the Baptist. But, John forbad [refused] Him and said, “I have need to be baptized of You and [yet] you are coming to me?” [for baptism] And Jesus answering him said, “Suffer it to be so [Allow this]: for thus it becometh [is fitting and right for] us to fulfil all righteousness.” 

 Matthew 3:15


Baptism is not required for salvation. Remember, what Jesus said to the thief on the cross, who acknowledged Jesus’ innocence and said to him:


“Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”


And then, Jesus said to him:


“Verily [Truly] I say to you, Today you shall be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43

Baptism pictures the Lord’s death, burial  and resurrection and the believer’s new birth.


It bears witness with John the Baptist who preached that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and exhorted Repentance from sin and the Baptism of atonement. Therefore, the act of baptism is not required for salvation but it is an act of obedience to fulfil all righteousness.

Matthew 3:15

Romans 6:3-5:

3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?

4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection.



This website is not intended, were it possible, to take the place of in-person, physical gatherings of believers for Gospel Preaching, congregational praise and worship and Christian fellowship of  local Church bodies of believers.

“Study to show yourself approved unto God, a worker that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing [accurately proclaiming] the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15


Following the Lord Jesus Christ in His purpose for us is our aim. We trust Him for our salvation, guidance, strength and our eternal destiny. We desire to and will, with His help, follow Him in soul winning by use or any instrumentality He may choose. We invite and encourage non-believers to turn away from sin, look to Him and be saved.

We trust that all believers (old and new) will benefit in knowing that He will sustain, guide and build us up.  We are being conformed to the image of Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.

 includes daily devotions by Charles Spurgeon of:


A Prayer,

An Anecdote,

Faith’s Checkbook [God’s Promises]

Morning and Evening [Devotions]


Sermons by Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892 and Sermons by Peter Masters preached at The Metropolitan Tabernacle during Worship services that always include sacred congregational singing to be an encouragement to believers to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.




INTERVIEW with Former Pastor of  Saddleback Church,  Rick Warren. “Receiving  God’s eternal love for  you!”




Behold, therefore: Jesus Christ is come [is here] in the flesh.   1ohn 4:1-3

He was born of a virgin 2,021 years ago, is alive today,

and is coming soon for His bride; the Church (All believers).


"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:

God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit,

believed on in the world, received up into glory."

1 Timothy 3:16


SACRED  HYMNS:  (Sing along, won’t you?)

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God  Words and Music by Martin Luther (1529)Translated by Frederick H. Hedge (1852)   Christian Sermons and Audio Books
Marvelous Grace   by the Pilgrim Mennonite Mission Choir
Grace, Greater than Our Sin  by The Gaithers



You are invited to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord,  then to worship Him in Spirit and in truth; through prayer, reading, meditating on and obeying His Word, the Holy Bible  brought in Gospel preaching, and the singing of psalms, sacred hymns and spiritual songs.


Worship God in spirit and in truth.
• Pray with our heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; 1 Thessalonians 5:17
• Hear and obey the eternal, inspired, immutable, inerrant, infallible, revealed and protected Word of God, revealed through Jesus Christ, the living Word; 1 Peter 1:23
• Be [Be being] filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Ephesians 5:18-19
• Forsake not Gathering in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.  - Jesus Christ 
Matthew 18:20  


DailySpurgeon is a Website to inspire and support believers in the worship of God; the God of Abraham, Isaak and Jacob. Daily content is offered that include Audio, Video and Print selections. Video content consist of sermons from Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle (London, U.K.) and of praises including Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Devotional selections are by Charles Haddon Spurgeon and consist of: prayers. anecdotes, “Faith’s Check Book” and “Morning and Evening” devotional messages.


The  joy of every believer, is full when we  Love and worship Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and that we do so in Spirit and in truth. He blesses us  as we study, meditate and act upon His Word.  We will not forsake the gathering together to worship, hear God’s Word, and sing Psalms, sacred hymns and spiritual songs in person.

To this end, Heavenly Father, we pray You will bless all who visit .  We ask that You bring nonbelievers to faith in Christ Jesus and that You will inspire fervent devotion, and active discipleship in each believer to Your glory.  We ask this in Jesus name and for His sake, Amen.

The website is  not intended to replace the gathering with other believers to worship, and to hear face-to-face Gospel preaching, enjoy fellowship, and join together in prayer, and the study of God’s Word in the  presence of the Lord Jesus and with fellowship of other believers.


Rather, it is a resource that may be useful in developing a more active personal discipleship and a more fervent personal devotion to the Lord.


“Study to show yourself approved unto God, a worker that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing [analyzing  and sharing] the word of truth.” 

   2 Timothy 2:15 


We thank thee Lord for providing  to expand  the e-mail ministry that was begun with  Jon Edward Riley 1971-2021 and his Dad, John Michael.

We honor Jon’s memory here, giving honor to those whom honor is due;  those who honor the Lord Jesus.      Romans 13:7


Jon loved to tell his testimony:  “I’m a blood bought, born-again child of God.”

… his testimony as a forgiven, redeemed sinner, now and forevermore a child of God and forever accepted in the Beloved Son of God, and in the Glory of His presence now, and forever.     


I Will Sing Of The Mercies Of The Lord Forever     by Cedarmont Kids                      

He Hideth My Soul  by Gaither Music Video

He Arose    by  Isbaptist Toronto 

He Lives  by First Baptist Atlanta,  






 TRIBUTE TO FREEDOM  A “Native Thang” from North Dakota (click/tap for video)

The heart of Freedom from a Native Son, Thanking the Lord and Honoring the Military Service of Native American Scouts and  all Armed Service Veterans of the United States of America. …the land of the free and the home of the Brave.

Remembering Jon Edward Riley (1971-2021) who would sometimes just bust-out singing the following songs; sometimes, on the way to church sometimes just singing along with the Elvis Gospel CD that was always kept in the truck’s CD player or, even better, a song the Lord would spontaneously put in his joyful and loving heart.


 I LOVE You Lord      by Jared Reynolds

How Great Thou Art    with Elvis

Lead Me & Rock-a My Soul   by Elvis and friends


…Jon always said “Later”; [see-ya-later] instead of “good bye”. It was his standard greeting to bid farewell … He would never  say “good-bye”. Now, as we remember the sound of him saying “Later”, it rings very true as to its new and deeper meaning and it brings a joyfulness and comfort to the hearts of those he loved so well; those who love him still and will forever more.

… we are  reminded of the promise of the Hymn:  

 ’Till We Meet Again. Amen.




From The Metropolitan Tabernacle    (C.H. Spurgeon 1834-1892) Live-streamed worship services from London.  

 (Brief History)  



Life’s Greatest Mental Block   John 7:6   with Dr. Peter Masters

The scribes of Christ's day were accomplished men, but a strange fog clouded their reaction to Him. Though amazed at Him and His teaching, they refused to listen. Here is why, and how the same mental block shuts off many from God today.


Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?



Elvis in Spirit and Ever Lasting Life

If That Isn’t Love    Gaither Premiere



Love Without End   George Strait performing George W Bush’s favorite  

Note: It has become my heart-felt song to all of my children  too.



Statler Brothers Concert:

Do You Remember These   [jM1]  (The Good Old Days)




BIOGRAPHICAL VIDEO of Charles Haddon Spurgeon  1834-1892: 


C.H. Spurgeon The Peoples Preacher  ( 70 min.)  Historically accurate Feature Film of the one called The Prince of Preachers  


2,018,939 views May 14, 2020       ―This video of the life and ministry of Charles Haddon


Spurgeon, who was known in his teens as the “people’s preacher” and later became known as “The Prince of Preachers”.


This Documentary follows Charles Spurgeon’s life accurately portraying him faithfully preaching Jesus Christ, “ The Lamb of God which taketh [takes] away the sin of the world.”


It presents an intimate account of one of the greatest preachers in the history of the Christian faith. He is followed from his youth where, as a young preacher he was called Charlie, Boy preacher of the Finns and soon become the minister to London’s largest Baptist congregation. He captured the love and respect of Great Britan to become one of its most influential and enduring figures.


The video was produced by the award-winning Christian Television Association and filmed on location in England, Scotland, France and Germany, vividly capturing the spirit, purpose and legacy of a man whose life and Christian ministry continues to be extremely relevant and instructive to the present day. 



 These additional  videos, by John Piper and Steve Lawson provide more background context to  the life and ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon.  1834 -1892


The Life and Ministry of Charles Spurgeon   by John Piper (58 min)


The preaching of Charles Haddon Spurgeon continues through his many published writings to bless and benefit thousands, worldwide,  through their publication on the Internet and in print  of his sermons. Additionally, His Commentaries, Personal Devotions  and Lectures to My Students; constitute an  unparalleled legacy of  and inspired Biblical sermons, prepared,  delivered and always saturated in  the God-breathed inerrant and infallible WORD of GOD.


Who is Charles Haddon Spurgeon?  by Steven Lawson  (38 min)

…an introduction by Steven Lawson, formerly Pastor of Trinity Bible Church, Dallas, Texas.



The Preserved, Immutable, Infallible and Inerrant WORD OF GOD saturated the preaching of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. His sermons continue to bless and benefit thousands through the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, a publication of his printed sermons;, prepared and delivered from the God-breathed, inerrant and infallible WORD of GOD. The Holy Bible. 





Jesus Christ [Messiah- Anointed King]  has always existed, from eternity past [FOREVER] as the WORD of God.    John 1:1-2

And He was born of a virgin 2,024 years ago in Bethlehem, the WORD made flesh,

is alive today, and is coming soon for His *bride, the Church

[*All redeemed believers].

"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:

God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit,

believed on in the world, received up into glory."

1 Timothy 3:16


You’re invited to receive the Lord Jesus Christ [The Messiah] as your Savior and Lord and to publicly confess your trust in Him so He  will then be able to acknowledge you before His Father, The God of Abraham. Isaac and Jacob. Jesus answered him and  said, “Suffer it to be so [to let this happen]: for thus it becometh [is in accord with] us to fulfil all righteousness.” 

 Matthew 3:15


Baptism is not required for salvation. Remember, Jesus said to the thief on the cross, who acknowledged Jesus’ innocence and said to him.


“Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”


And Jesus said to him,


“Verily [Truly] I say to you, Today you shall be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43

The act of Baptism pictures the Lord’s death, burial  and resurrection and the believer’s death to self, burial, and resurrection to walk in newness of life.

It bears witness to the preaching of John the Baptist who preached that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and exhorted Repentance from sin and the Baptism of atonement. Therefore, the act of baptism is not required for salvation but as John preached it is is to be followed to fulfil all righteousness

This website is not intended, were it possible, to take the place of the personal and physical gathering of believers fellowship or congregational worship in  local bodies of believers.

“Study to show yourself approved unto God, a worker that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing [accurately comprehending and sharing] the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15


Following the Lord Jesus Christ in His purpose for us is our desire. We trust Him for our salvation, guidance, strength and our eternal destiny. We desire to and will, with His help, follow Him in soul winning by use of DailySpurgeon or any instrumentality He may bestow. We invite and encourage non-believers to turn away from sin, look to Him and be saved.

We trust that believers (old and new) will benefit in knowing that He will sustain, guide and build us up as we are being conformed to the image of Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. website consists  of devotional writings, prayers, sacred music  and sermons by Charles Haddon Spurgeon and the current Pastor ofThe Metropolitan Tabernacle Peter Masters, who  rightly proclaim God’s Word. Sermons and sacred congregational music seek to save lost souls and to encourage believers to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


The Preserved, Immutable, Infallible and Inerrant WORD OF GOD saturated  the preaching of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. His sermons continue to bless and benefit thousands through the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, the publication of his printed sermons; sermons, prepared and delivered from the God-breathed, inerrant and infallible WORD of GOD. The Holy Bible.



John-Michael Riley, web director of   and South Shores choir member sang in the 2024 Christmas concert. Lick below and Enjoy.

Christmas at the Shores 2024

Directed by Ray Medina, Minister of Music

South Shores Church 
Dana Point, California. 92675



                               Devotional Contents:

·       A Prayer by Charles Spurgeon

·       A Spurgeon Anecdote

·       A promise from Faith’s Checkbook by Charles Spurgeon

·       AM and PM   Selections from  Morning & Evening by Charles Spurgeon






Rejoice In The LORD Always  tap to sing along, won’t you?  Philippians 4:4


Thank You LORD for  a website that  proclaims Jesus, the Christ [Messiah and Anointed King] to all the world .


This website ministry grew from a beginning of sending e-mails from  Charles Spurgeon’s  Faith’s Checkbook a book of daily promises from Scripture  to John Michael’s son, Jon Edward Riley (1971- 2021). When Jon shared them with others, they asked to be added to this mailing list. This mailing list grew to over 400 and  continues to be used in the  distribution of  the website content  Our prayer is that it will continue to encourage followers of Jesus Christ in vigorous  personal devotions of  Love, obedience and oneness with Jesus Christ through the study of and obedience to GOD’S WORD empowered by the Holy Ghost.


Devotional contents  by Charles Spurgeon are brought together daily at

These devotional contents were written and calendared by Charles Spurgeon over 200 years ago yet  continue to have a significant relevance today.


We pray that many lost souls will be born-again and then be built-up in the Faith of Jesus Christ. May God sustain, guide and protect this ministry begun with John Michael’s  beloved son, Jon Edward Riley (1971-2021)  honored here as one to whom honor is due.


Jon Edward loved to say, 

“I’m a blood-bought, born-again child of God.”

…then, he would tell them about JESUS and his love. John 3:16

A ministry was begun in London in the 1600’s and continues to this day from Charles Spurgeon’s home church, The  Metropolitan Tabernacle 

Is   trustworthy?

Is it true?     Is it of God? 

We should apply the following Scripture to everything we hear/read to discern whether what we are  hearing or reading is of God and therefore whether or not it should be believed.

1 John 4:1-3  Beloved ones, don’t be believing every spirit [word] you hear but be testing the spirits [words] whether they are of God: because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Here’s how you know if it is the Spirit [voice]  of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come [is here] in the flesh, having come from God, is of God:  and every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come [is here] in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 

Therefore beloved, we must test every voice [written or spoken]  to discern whether it is from God or not. By applying these scripture verses we can determine with certainty if the scriptural standard that protects believers from believing false prophets has been met.   We can thereby identify false witnesses and determine not to believe or follow them.  The voice [spirit] being tested should not be believed unless it confesses [states]  that… 

“Jesus Christ is here, in the flesh having come from God .”


Two Greek manuscripts that were cobbled together by Westcott & Hort and Nestle & Aland do not make this confession nor do they follow the Textus Receptus  rendered from 5,321 extant Greek manuscripts,  which  agree overwhelmingly with each other  known as as the Majority Text. The 5,321  Majority Text is the source from which the trusted Textus Receptus was rendered.


Instead, these two purveyors of Greek texts used their own Greek  translations that they invented by hand picking only 55 of the 5,321extant Greek manuscripts. When these 55 Manuscripts did not contain the text being translated, they inserted their own invented and unfounded Greek text. 


Their invented Greek translation  presented variant  readings different than the Textus Receptus [Received Text] in many places. One example  from 1 John, Chapter 4 where  all English translations other than the King James version overlook the original Greek verb “ictin” [To be] [is] (third person singular) that is translated in substantially all Majority Texts MT and  subsequently in the Textus Receptus [Received Text] and therefore have failed to correctly translate  the Greek verb  as, “Is come” [Is here].  (correctly Translated from the Textus Receptus [Received Text (TR)]  in the King James Version) 

This  error occurs  because the  modern critical Greek text, created by Westcott & Hort and Nestles & Alland DO NOT follow the  MT [Majority Texts] of 5,321 Greek manuscripts that  affirm substantial agreement with one another.   The TR  [Textus Receptus] is rendered from an overwhelming agreement found among the Majority Text of 5,321 primary Greek manuscript sources.

Both Westcott & Hort and Nestles & Alland ignore the verb “is”, from their invented  Greek text and place “has come” instead.

This error may be legally described as res ipsa loquitur a latin phrase that means “the thing speaks for itself”.

 Therefore, the Greek  inventions generated by these two sources are not actually translations, even though they are introduced as translations, but actually  represent their own  Greek language inventions unsupported by the reliability of the Majority Texts and the Textus Receptus.

How do we know? 

We know because both  non-believers and false prophets assert that Jesus Christ 
“has come” in the flesh. Practically anyone  can make this confession as the  birth of Jesus Christ is considered by historians to be the most well documented fact in all of human history. 


That He has come is generally acknowledged by nonbelievers and believers alike.   However, here’s the point. There is a huge difference in meaning between “Has come” and “Is Here”. “Has come” is woefully short of the essential and clear meaning of the confession “Is Here”.


Just because something “has come” it can not be assumed, inferred or deduced that it also “is here”.

The “has come” assertion is generally held.  It is not, per se, a false statement. Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. However, this  falls short of  presenting a logical rubric to discern whether the sprit [voice] being tested [tried] is from God or from false prophets in the spirit of antichrist. 


Again, the expression “has come” rather than  “is come” [is here]  is not, per se a false statement.

However, it fails to deliver a valid hypothesis, by which spiritual understanding can be discerned. The failure here  to establish a logical and rhetorically sound rubric to judge  the question of whether spirits [words] are from God or from false prophets and the spirit of antichrist is absent if “has come” is  the favored reading.


Actually, “has come” is such a wide-spread belief held to be historically true by all, yet, it does not provide a sound standard to discern whether a spirit [spoken or written words]  are from God or the spirit of Antichrist.


Almost anyone [or any spirit] can declare that Jesus Christ “has come” in the flesh. But as you see, this does not resolve the issue of whether something should or should not be believed as true or followed. Why?  Once again,  because almost anyone can and often does confess that Jesus Christ “has come” in the flesh. But, his is an insufficient standard. The standard must be whether the confession that Jesus is here  alone, gives an efficacious standard to discern truth from error.

Again, while it is  true that Jesus Christ “has come” in the flesh, this alone is inadequate to discern truth from error. “Has come” does not mean the same thing as “is come [is here],  from God, in the flesh” and therefore fails to be efficacious for true spiritual discernment.


Further, as we  compare  Scripture with  scripture in 1 John 4:1-3 and  Ephesians 5:30-32 

we comprehend God’s message regarding  the body of Jesus Christ  being in the Flesh vis-à-vis The Body of Christ, The Corporate Church.

Compare Scripture with Scripture:  1 John 4:1-3   with Ephesians 5:30-32 

1 John 4:1-3  Authorized (King James) Version

4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3 and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 

Ephesians 5:30-32 
Authorized (King James) Version

30 for we are members of his [Jesus Christ’s]  body,  of his flesh, and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning  Christ and the church. 

 [So, we are flesh and bone members of His body, We are] one flesh with Him,  The Body of Christ is (In the flesh); and is the incarnate Body of believers.


He was born of a virgin 2025 years ago and He’s alive today.                       

He’s coming again  soon,  for His bride; the Church [Blood-bought, Born-again members of His body].


When a believer considers the fact that they are members of the body of Christ [The Church] , they will see and acknowledge that…


“Jesus Christ is here, from God,  in the flesh,” because  We are the Body of Christ; The Church, in the flesh! 




Why KING JAMES is Best  by Steven Houck

Even though [it is said that the] King James Version has its weaknesses, it is an excellent translation and by far the best version available today. We must not be taken in by the modern versions and their claims. Our 400 years old Bible is to be preferred above all others because it is better than them all.

1) It was translated by men who are unsurpassed in their knowledge of Biblical studies.

2) The translators were pious men of God who believed in the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures.

3) It is the mature fruit of generations of English translations as well as the careful work of its translators.
4) The King James Version is based upon the Received Text rather than the critical Greek text of modern versions. [vis. Sinaiticus and Vaticanus.]
5) It is a word-for-word translation which faithfully and accurately reflects the originals [of the Majority Texts, MT].

6) The language is one of reverence and respect which gives honor [and greater glory] to the majesty of its Author.

7) Of all the English versions of today, it alone is the Bible of the Reformation.

8) Our spiritual forefathers thought so highly of it that they were willing to suffer and even die for it.

9) It is the version which has been recognized for generations and generations as the Bible God has given to His English-speaking Church.


[A 10th reason why it is best is added here by]


10) The KJV is the work of 54 translators selected and organized into seven companies. (2), from Westminster (2), from Cambridge, (2), from Oxford and (1)  from London. The work was done openly allowing each company to receive inquiries or comments during the course of the work.  When an issue of disagreement arose, it was addressed in Prayer and discussion was continued until the difference was resolved unanimously and without objection.


What Bible is The Best?  by David Hocking Reviews the HISTORY and Original Source of the Bible


David’s Summary  (8 minutes) The problem is not English, but what  Greek text was used to render the English translation.


Commitment to the Word of God

Long before the Conservative Resurgence, Dr. R.G. Lee was the Southern Baptist champion of biblical infallibility and inerrancy. In his sermon, “The Word of God – Not Broken and Not Bound,” first published in 1930, Dr. Lee proclaimed, “All who wrote are immortalized by their writing of this great Book [The Holy Bible],


… “supernatural in origin, divine in authorship, human in penmanship, infallible in authority, infinite in scope, universal in interest, personal in application, regenerative in power, inspired [God breathed] in totality.”


Dr Robert G. Lee preached a sermon (click here)  Payday Someday   over 1,000 times and was the Senior Pastor of one of the first Megachurches, Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee,



Christ [Messiah, the anointed King] Jesus, The LORD GOD, was born of a virgin 2024 years ago, is here in the flesh today and will live forevermore, time without end  and
He’s returning soon,


Rejoice In The LORD Always  tap to sing along, won’t you?  Philippians 4:4


Thank You LORD for  a website that  proclaims Jesus, the Christ [Messiah and Anointed King] to all the world .


This website ministry grew from a beginning of sending e-mails of promises from  Charles Spurgeon’s  Faith’s Checkbook a book of daily promises from Scripture  to John Michael’s son, Jon Edward Riley (1971- 2021). When Jon shared them with others, they asked to be added to this mailing list. This mailing list grew to over 400 and  continues to be used in the  distribution of  the website contents.  Our prayer is that it will continue to encourage followers of Jesus Christ in a more vigorous  personal devotion to  Love, obedience and oneness with Jesus Christ through the study of and obedience to GOD’S WORD empowered by the Holy Ghost.


We pray that many will be born-again and built-up in the Faith of Jesus Christ. May God sustain, guide and protect this ministry begun with John Michael’s  beloved son, Jon Edward Riley (1971-2021)  honored here as one to whom honor is due.


Jon Edward loved to say, 

“I’m a blood-bought, born-again child of God.”


…then, he would tell them about JESUS and his love. John 3:16


Hymns of comfort:


When We All Get to Heaven  Terry Blackwood and Gaither Congregation

Band  (Sing along, won’t you?) 

 I Love You Lord   by Jared Reynolds
In loving memory of  Jon Edward Riley  (1971-2021) who would sometimes just bust-out singing this beautiful praise;  often, on the way to church.

  ’Till We Meet Again

 Does Jesus Care? Gaither Music TV  (A Guaranteed SURE CURE for "PITY PARTIES"!)



A thriving  ministry continues  from Charles Spurgeon’s home church, The  Metropolitan Tabernacle begun in London in 1650.   (Brief History)  The present  church building was constructed in 1861 to accommodate a vibrant congregation of Gospel hungry members fully devoted followers of the Lord Jesus Christ [The Messiah].


By Blogger, Notorius Meddler

We Sing Sacred Music that  is loved and has survived through the ages and we also, embrace new Sacred Praise and Worship Music that magnifies and glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ with doctrinally sound, rightly divided and boldly proclaimed scriptural lyrics.
Why Have Traditional Gospel Hymns Endured for so many years?   URL:

… be being filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody [music] in your heart to the Lord; Ephesians 5:18-19


Handle’s Messiah  A Complete Performance of World’s most Beloved Christmas Oratory by American BACH Soloists at the Grace Cathedral. [Libretto is exclusively from Old Testament book of Isaiah]. 


Jesus Loves Me This I Know  by Gaither Vocal Band



Praise Him, Praise Him All Ye Little Children   Hillsong Kids

What a Wonderful World  by Luis Armstrong

Noah’s Arky Arky     by the Cedarmont Kids
Away in a Manger by The Gaither Studio
Away in a Manger by Gaither Vocal Band

Away in a Manger by Phil Wickham… 
Away In a Manger, Traditional Version   by Casting Crowns
O Be Careful Little Eyes What You See by the Cedarmont Kids

Jesus Loves Me   All three verses

Children’s Medley  with Rosemary Siemens with children singing

This Little Light Of Mine  Cedarmont Kids

A Mighty Fortress written by Martin Luther with Steve Green

Amazing Grace by Wintley Phipps at Carnegie Hall

Amazing Grace by Guy Penrod, Gaither Voice Band

Beneath the Cross of Jesus Congregational Singing Metropolitan Tabernacle March 13, 2022

Blessed Assurance by the Isaacs

Blessed Assurance by Sounds like Reign
Blessed Assurance  by Gaithers with Larry Ford and Lillie Knauls

Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary   by Gaithers  

Chosen Generation  Medley:  We Are Able, Power in The Blood, Are You Washed, Victory In Jesus, Houston Covenant Church.

Christ Receiveth Sinful Men Traditional with Lyrics 

Grace, Grace God’s Grace by Gaither Choir

I Love You Lord by the Gaither choir
I Will Sing of My Redeemer by Gaither Music TV 

If That Isn’t Love Love Can Turn The World Gaither Premiere

Jesus Saves by The salvation Army Choir

Jesus Saves Temple Baptist Church Powell, Tennessee

Johnny Cash sings I Shall Not Be Moved

Just A Little Talk With Jesus by Gaither Choir

Let Others See Jesus in You (Me) by  BB McKinney
I Shall Not Be Moved  Elvis and The Million Dollar Quartet

More About Jesus    by The Blackwood Brothers

Oh, The Blood of Jesus, Nothing But The Blood, Near The Cross  Medley by Gaithers

Onward Christian Soldiers Salvation Army Band

Praise Him, Praise Him  by Ernie Haase
Praise Him, Praise Him  Bombay Christian Fellowship from 1869 of Hymn by Fanny J. Crosby 
Ring the Bells of Heaven    by Fountainview Academy Orchestra & Singers.
When They Ring Those Golden Bells by Gaither Homecoming Choir 

Praise Him, Praise Him   by Loma Linda University Church

Rescue The Perishing 1869 by Fanny Crosby with Altar of Praise Chorale S E Simonte
Mary Did You Know?  Gaither Music TV by Mark Lowery
O Little Town of Bethlehem  Gaither Vocal Band
It Is No Secret  by ELVIS
There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood   by The Hymn Club 

Ring the Bells of Heaven    by Fountainview Academy Orchestra & Singers.
When They Ring Those Golden Bells by Gaither Homecoming Choir 
Redeemed  by Guy Penrod Bill and Gloria Gaither

Rock of Ages   Antrim Mennonite Choir

Beneath the Cross of Jesus Congregational Singing at Metropolitan Tabernacle March 13, 2022

Standing on the Promises of God by Gaither Voice Band

Surely Our God Is Able by Gaither Congregation 

Sweet Hour of Prayer “An Old Farmer praying” by Jimmy Dean (from a wheel chair)

The Love of God   by Gaithers with Gardner, Penrod and Phelps
The Love Of God   by the Gaither congregation

The Love of God by Gaither Vocal Band 

There’s Within My Heart a Melody by Gaither Congregation with Jake Hess 

Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus     by Casting Crowns

Trust and Obey  Vagle Brothers written1887 by Daniel Towner music John Sammis. 
Come Thy Fount (lyrics & chords) Chris Rice

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus  withThe Living Stones Quartet   by Helen Howarth Lemmel 1922
Angles We Have heard On High  by Christendom College & Schola Gregoriana
When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder  Gaither Congregation
Worthy is the Lamb. Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir                         

Because He Lives Gaither Choir

Bless the Lord, O My Soul by Bill an Gloria Gaither Congregation

Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary by Gaithers 

Camp Meeting Tonight (…On The Old Camp Ground)  by Mississippi John Hunt (Library of Congress)

Everything Is Beautiful  (Jesus Loves the Little Children) by Ray Stevens   

Grace That Is Greater Than All Our Sin   by Sovereign Grace Music

Hallelujah, What a Savior A Cappella by the Nelons

He Has Made Me Glad Sing with music only, voices or both (choose R/L or both ear buds)

He Touched Me by Elvis Presley

Holy Spirit Breathe on Me with Anne Jernigan 

How Great Thou Art    by the Statler Brothers

I Love You Lord by the Gaither choir
I See the Lord  by Gaither Vocal Band

I See The Lord by Chris Falson

I Shall Not Be Moved (Rockabilly) By the Million Dollar Quartet

I Shall Not Be Moved The Statler Brothers

I Shall Not Be Moved by Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash

I Shall Not Be Moved Statler Brother’s Quartet

I Then Shall Live by Bill Gaither 

I Will Rejoice for He Has Made Me Glad by St. John’s North Congregation 

I Will Rejoice for He Has Made Me Glad by St. John’s North Congregation 

I Will Rejoice for He Has Made Me Glad by St. John’s North Congregation 

I’ll Fly Away    by Gaither Congregation 

I’ve Just Seen Jesus       Larnelle Harris & Sandi Patti (Gaither) 

If That Isn’t Love Love   Gaither Premiere

It Is Well With My Soul by Guy Penrod and David Phelps

Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know by Alvin Slaughter

Jesus Loves Me This I Know by Gaither Vocal Band 

Jesus Messiah by The Gaither Vocal Band

Lead Me, Guide Me by Elvis

Majesty   By The Gaither Congregation  

Majesty Gaither Voice Band

Near To The Heart of God by the Mennonite Choir 

Nothing But The Blood by Buddy Greene, (Harmonica) Gaither

O The Blood of Jesus by Glory Kim

Oh Happy Day The Edwin Hawkins Singers

Oh The Blood of Jesus by Gaither Congregation

Open the Eyes of My Heart by Paul Baloche 

Praise Him, Praise Him   by Loma Linda University Church

Praise Him, Praise Him  by Ernie Haase
Praise Him, Praise Him  Bombay Christian Fellowship A hymn from 1869  by Fanny J. Crosby 

Praise Him, Praise Him   by Loma Linda University Church

Praise Him, Praise Him written by Fanny Crosby

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord written by Fanny Crosby

Redeemed, Redeemed by Gaither soloists

Ring the Bells of Heaven    by Fountainview Academy Orchestra & Singers.

Standing on the Promises of God by Praise Praise

Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place - The Woodlands Methodist Church

Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place - Woodlands TX Methodist Church

Sweet Hour of Prayer by Guy Penrod

The Love of God by Gaither Vocal Band

The Love of God by Gaither Vocal Band 

The Love of God by Gaither, Penrod, Phelps, Gardner

The Name of the Lord    Gaithers

The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference by Guy Penrod, Gaither Singers

The Old Rugged Cross by Johnny and June Carter Cash

The Wings of a Snow White Dove with Loretta Lynn & Chrystal Gayle 

This Train Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis

Thy Word Is a Lamp unto My Feet Gaither Music with Amy Grant

To God Be The Glory Congregation (with lyrics

Vaya Con Dios Bilingual English & Spanish by Julio Iglesias  James 4:8

We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

We Shall Behold Him   by Sandi Patti Sing-along, won’t you?

We Shall Behold Him   by Sandi Patti Sing-along, won’t you?

We’re Marching To Zion Gaither Congregational Singing

We”re Marching to Zion   by Issac Watts  Sing with The Hymn Club  Sing-along won’t you? 

When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder (…I’ll be there) the Gaithers

When They Ring Those Golden Bells by Gaither Homecoming Choir 

Where We'll Never Grow Old   by Jim Reeves

Worthy Is The Lamb  with Gaither vocal Band

Ye Must Be Born Again Lyrics and Melody from Baptist Hymnal 

Ye Must Be Born Again Lyrics and Melody from Baptist Hymnal 

You Are My All In All Gaither Voice Band

You Never  Let Go      by Guy Penrod

DEVOTION  for January 8th  *A.D. 2025 Written and calendared for this exact date by Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892.

*A.D. Does NOT mean after death as is commonly believed. It is a Latin abbreviation
for anno Domani (It means “Year of our Lord”.

BC/AD versus BCE/CE Is there a  difference?​

Yes. Stand for the Truth, Won’t you? 


Jesus Christ [Messiah] (Anointed King)] the LORD GOD was born of a virgin 2025 years ago,    was crucified, then rose from the dead, victorious over sin, death and the grave and is here in the flesh from GOD as His Church, The Body of Christ and will live forever, time without end and   He, Himself, is coming again.



ANECDOTE 159: Death the Christian Awakening.


“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8

MORNING: "The iniquity of the holy things."— Exodus 28:38

EVENING "Thy love is better than wine. "—Song of Solomon 1:2





O LORD God, help us now really to worship Thee. We would [choose to] thank Thee for this occasion. We bless Thy name for setting apart this hallowed season.


Lord, wilt [will] Thou shut the door upon the world for us? Help us to forget our cares. Enable us to rise clean out of this world. May we get rid of all its down-dragging tendencies. May the attractions of these grossest things be gone, and do Thou [Lord]  catch [grab us secretly] away to Thyself .

We do not ask to be entranced [put in a trance] nor to see an angel in shining apparel, but we do ask that by faith we may see Jesus, and may His presence be so evidently realized among us that we may rejoice as well as if our [natural] eyes beheld Him, and love Him and trust Him and worship Him as earnestly as we should [would] do if we could now put our fingers into the print of the nails.

O, Thou precious Lord Jesus Christ, we [I] do adore Thee with all our hearts [my heart]. Thou art Lord of all. We bless Thee for becoming man that Thou mightest [might] be our next of kin, and being next of kin we bless Thee for taking us into marriage union with Thyself and for redeeming us and our inheritance from the captivity into which we were sold.


Thou hast [have] paid Thy life for Thy people; Thou hast ransomed [have paid the ransom for] Thy folk with Thy heart’s blood.


Be Thou, [May You] therefore, forever beloved and adored. And now, Thou art [are] not here, for Thou art [are] risen. Our souls would [choose to] track the shining way by which Thou hast [have] ascended through the gate of pearl up to Thy Father’s throne.


We seem to see Thee sitting there,  man, yet God, reigning over all things for Thy people, and our ears almost catch the accents [beat] of the everlasting song which rolls up at Thy  feet:


Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir) to receive honor, and power, and glory, and dominion, and might for ever and ever.”


Lord, we say,




From the outskirts of the crowd that surround Thy throne we lift up our feeble voices in earnest




for Thou wast [were] slain and hast [have] redeemed us to God by Thy [blood and hast [have] made us kings and priests unto God, and we shall reign with Thee, for though far off by space, we know that we are very near to Thy heart. [In Jesus name, Amen]


(Attachment: PRAYER 2)



ANECDOTE 159: Death the Christian Awakening.


Let us imitate Mr. John Wesley as calmly  anticipated his end [death].


A lady once asked Mr. Wesley, “Suppose that you knew you were to die at twelve o’clock to-morrow night, how would you spend the intervening time?”


“How, madam?” he replied, “why just as I intend to spend it now. I should preach this evening at Gloucester, and again at five tomorrow morning ; after that I should ride to Tewkesbury, preach in the afternoon, and meet the society in the evening. I should then repair [go] to friend Martin’s house, who expects to entertain me; converse and pray with the family as usual; retire to my room at ten o clock, commend myself to my heavenly Father, lie down to rest, and wake up in glory.” 




-Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.- Matthew 5:8

-Bienaventurados los de limpio corazon: porque ellos veran a Dios.- Mateo 5:8


Purity, even purity of heart, is the main thing to be aimed at. We need to be made clean within, through the [Holy] Spirit and the Word, and then we shall be clean without [on the outside] by consecration [internal devotion] and obedience.


There is a close connection between the affections and the understanding: if we love evil, we cannot understand that which is good. If the heart is foul [unclean], the eye will be dim. How can those men see a holy God who [those men] love unholy things?


What a privilege it is to see God here! A glimpse of Him is Heaven below! In Christ Jesus the pure-in-heart behold the Father. We see Him, His truth, His love, His purpose, His sovereignty, His covenant [divine] character, yea, [Yes] we see Himself [God the Father] in Christ.


But this is Only apprehended [learned and understood] as [long as] sin is kept out of the heart. Only those who aim at godliness can cry,


-Mine eyes are ever towards the Lord.- The desire of Moses,


-I beseech [earnestly plead] thee, show me thy glory,- can only be fulfilled in us as we purify ourselves from all iniquity.


We shall  -see him as he is- ;


and -every one that hath this hope in him [Jesus Christ] purifieth [purifies] himself.-


The enjoyment of present fellowship and the hope of the beatific [blissful] vision are urgent motives for purity of heart and life.


Lord, make us pure in heart, that we may see Thee!


Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus The Living Stones Quartet

Words and tune by Helen Howarth Lemmel 1922


Prayer: Keep our hearts pure O Lord so that we always see Jesus, Emannuel, GOD WITH US. Amen.



MORNING January 8 "The iniquity of the holy things."— Exodus 28:38

- El pecado de las cosas santas— Exodo 28:38


WHAT a veil is lifted up [such revelation comes] by these words, and what a disclosure is made! It will be humbling and profitable for us to pause awhile and see this sad sight.


The iniquities of our public worship, its hypocrisy, formality, and luke-warmness, [neither hot nor cold which nauseates God] its irreverence; what a full measure we have of wandering of heart [day-dreaming] and forgetfulness of God.


What a mass of defilement [filthiness] is our work for the Lord, its emulation, selfishness, carelessness, slackness, and unbelief.


What a mountain of dead earth is our private devotions, their laxity, coldness, neglect, sleepiness, and vanity.

If we looked more carefully, we should find this iniquity to be far greater than appears at first sight.


Dr. Payson, writing to his brother, says, “My parish [church members], as well as my heart, very much resembles the garden of the sluggard [lazy one] ; and what is worse, I find that very many of my desires for the melioration [forging together] of both proceed either from pride [self-indulgence and overly concerned about what others think] or vanity [placing myself above all others] or indolence [laziness, and apathy]. I look at the weeds which overspread my garden, and breathe out an earnest wish that they were eradicated. But why? What prompts the wish? It may be that I may walk out and say to myself,

'In what fine order is my garden kept!'

This is pride.

Or, it may be that my neighbors may look over the wall and say 'How finely your garden flourishes!'

This is vanity.

Or I may wish for the destruction of the weeds, because I am weary of pulling them up.

This is indolence." [laziness]


Even our desires after holiness may be polluted by the wrong  motives. Under the greenest sod [lawns] worms hide themselves; we need not look long to discover them. How cheering is the thought, that when our High Priest [The Lord Jesus]  bore the iniquity of the holy things he wore upon his brow the words,


"holiness to the Lord," and even so while Jesus bears [dies on the cross for] our sin, He presents before His Father's face not our unholiness, but His own holiness.


O for grace to view our great High Priest [The Lord Jesus] by the eye of faith! [Spanish: El Sumo Sacerdote] 

Note: (This was a favorite expression of beloved son Jon Edward  1971-2021) Who’s limited Spanish was often used by him to express love.



EVENING, January 8 


"Thy love is better than wine. "—Song of Solomon 1:2

- Mejores son tus amores que el vino—Cantares 1:2


NOTHING gives the believer so much joy as fellowship with Christ. He has enjoyment as others have in the common mercies of life, he can be glad both in God's gifts and God's works; but in all these separately, yea, and in all of them added together, he does not find such substantial delight as in the matchless person of his Lord Jesus.


He has wine that no vineyard on earth ever yielded; he has bread that all the cornfields of Egypt could never bring forth [produce]. Where can such sweetness as we have tasted in communion with our Beloved [Lord Jesus] be found?


In our esteem, [estimation] the joys of earth are little better than husks for swine compared with Jesus, the heavenly manna [miraculous bread of life].


We would rather have one mouthful of Christ's love, and a sip of his fellowship, than a whole world full of carnal delights [fleshly pleasures].


What is the chaff to the wheat? What is the sparkling paste [a counterfit fake] to the true diamond? What is a dream to the glorious reality? What is time's mirth [laughter], in its best trim, [at its best] compared to our Lord Jesus in His most despised estate?

If you know anything of the inner life, you will confess that our highest, purest, and most enduring joys must be the fruit of the tree of life that is in the midst of the Paradise of God.


No spring yields such sweet water as that well of God that was digged [dug] with the soldier's spear. All earthly bliss is of the earth, earthy,


but the comforts of Christ's presence are like Himself, heavenly.


We can review our communion [fellowship] with Jesus, and find no regrets of emptiness therein; there are no dregs [sediment] in this wine, no dead flies in this ointment. The joy of the Lord is solid and enduring.

Vanity has not looked on it, but discretion and prudence testify that it abides the test of years, and is in time and in eternity worthy to be called


“the only true delight.”


For nourishment, consolation, exhilaration, and refreshment, no wine can rival the love of Jesus.


Let us drink all of it whenever communion is taken   [The Lord’s Supper]. 





This Documentary presents the historical evidence to explain the publication of over 100 compromised English revisionsof the Bible. These continual but unsuccessfulattempts to replace the King James Version KJV Bible will never prevail because GOD Himself will always preserve and protect His Holy Scripture from all heresy, blasphemy and confusion.  









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